Chapter 9 ( I am not dead, am I ?? )

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" Big brother, is your head ok?? I am sorry, I hit it with all my strength. Mom and dad, you really aren't hit by a truck?? Tell me, WAS IT ALL A DREAM??? "

I hope so, everyone looks normal.

" Dear, what are you saying?? We are all fine. Maybe you had a nightmare?? " Dad asks.

" Maybe, because you fainted right after you fell down, you lose a lot of blood , too. " Mom explains.

" That is why , we need you to tell us, princess. How are you feeling right now??? "

Come to think of it, my head hurts , it is so painful as if something is squeezing it from above, like my brains are melting ... My shoulder and the back hurts too, I can tell there are many scratches behind .. but everyone is worried and I just wake up so maybe I could tell a white lie.

" Hehe, I am fine , big brother! Mom and dad, don't worry about me, I am all fine, rea.lly! " I try to sound calm and look fine just like big brother but.. my head is starting to hurt badly again.

" This is not a joke, Juliet. I know you are not okay just by looking at your face, miss not-too-good-at-pretending! Trying to sound calm like your favourite big brother?? Try again ~~ haha "

" Brett! Don't make fun of your little sister! "

" Nope mom, I am not making fun, I am just pointing out the truth , bruh!! " Big brother puts his tongue out and winks at me.

" Hehe , Big brother is cute. " I try to sound cool again.

" Nope! You are cuter, your highness!! Now tell me the truth , how exactly are you feeling, Juliet?? " Brett looks serious and tries to figure out how I truly feels.

Looks like I can't lie now.......

" My head hurts, also the back and shoulder are painful. " I pout , just to look funny.

Big brother pulls my cheeks , really hurt !

" Ahhh ! They are even more painful , big big brother!! " I hold his fingers which are squeezing my cheeks and try to put them down slowly to the other side.

" Then I will go call the doctor, hold on there! " mom runs to the door to open it and go out to call the doctor.

" Princess, do you want donuts? I bought your favourite ones and a juice you like. Wanna eat?? "

" Imm. "

" OK then here comes the donuts! Choose one! " Brett asks.

" Ahhh... there are so many of my favourites , I don't know what to choose.. Let's see! "

I start choosing which I like the most.

" Umm , that one! " I point at the one I like.

" This one?? " Big brother asks.

" Ah nope! The one on the left ! "

" You mean this?? "

" Oh yeah that one! "

" Okay then, here goes ! " Big brother takes the one which is covered with strawberry flavor.

" Big brother, wait! Not that one... maybe the chocolate one , please! "

" Hey! Miss picky ! Are you sure the chocolate is the real one you want?? "

" Yup! "

" Sure?? Don't change another one later , alright?? " 

" Alright! Hehee – "

" Right, here you are! "

I reach out my hand to grab the donut !

A Fated Autumn*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora