Chapter 5: Worthy Prank

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"Granpa Rick! Who is this?! Why is she wearing my clothes and asleep on the couch?" There was a gasp after a few seconds of silence the person spoke again. "Did you?.." They step back.

"Don't be st-stupid Summer. I only k—*eruph*kidnapped her, she's that new commander in the fed. Well used to be."

"She was WHAT? Granpa Rick you really cro—" I groan lightly, trying to let them know I hear them and was waking up. Even though I've been awake since the start of the chapter.

Oh oops.

"You crossed the line granpa Rick, you told us you were gonna investigate not kidnap!" Summer whisper yelled, still arguing with Rick who seemed unfazed about the argument.

I stir around and sit up slowly, rubbing my eyes while the two stayed quiet. Once opening them I look around and feigned ignorance. Gasping I back away into the corner of the couch while two stared at me, Summer with a worried face.

"W-who are you?! Why am I here?!" I try to send Rick signals of.. umm how do I say this? Hints of what I understand as a prank. I clutch my self in a terrified ball a worried look on my face, obviously still pretending to be oblivious about this.

"Granpa Rick, you deal with this!" Summer points at me with a stern look while Rick simple shrugs and swigs at his flask.

All these years and Summer still hasn't change a bit, personality wise. She's grown into a wonderful woman, built to be independent and brave. As Rick was about to step towards me I instinctively backflipped off the couch and pulled out a toy gun. Feminine toy guy. Yeah those ones. And pointed it at Rick who smirk at me behind Summer.

"Calm down princess, I just kidnapped you for,.. questioning."

Good, Rick gets the gist of things. I pretend to cock the gun. Ha! Get it? And point it towards the both of them acting as if I were horrified and shook intentionally. Rick stepped closer and I shakily point the gun towards him.

"I won't hurt you p—*eruphh*princess, I won't." Rick stepped once more, he's a tall douche so he already just a few inches away from me and the "gun" was already on his chest while I shake uncontrollably.

"S-step away!" I shout and droop my head down and let faux tears slide down my cheeks dropping on the carpet.

Rick took quick action and confiscated my so called gun and pinned me against the wall where he stared at me intimidatingly but his eyes told  another story. Something that told me "what was the dildo gun for?" Or "You're a naughty girl." It can also translate to, "Ready for some fun?" Either way it was something seductively pointed towards me, and it's really turning me on.

"P-pleass just let m-me go." I whisper looking at his eyes fearfully with tears still streaming down my face. Rick chuckled darkly with a grin and shook his head no.

"No can do girly, you're gonna give me the information I need. So we'll chat later you when you wake up." I looked at him with intentional confusion and felt a sharp pain in my neck which immediately lead me to unconsciousness.

Rick's POV

Just as Y/N fell limp I carried her onto my shoulders and look at Summer with a smug look.

"I'll be in the garage, find me when you need me. I mean when you really need me." I started to walk to the garage blocking out Summer's protests and opened the hatch to the underground lab where I tightly roped Y/N in a chair just for entertainment.

I stood over her unconscious self and stared at her with confused thoughts running through my mind.

Why does she look so much like the girl in the photos? They look like the same person but at the same time not so much. Especially with those ears and tail of hers. There's gotta be something that connects the two of them together.

"GAHH!" I scream as a head splitting migraine hit me. Blurred memories made their entrance into my head as her voice echoed in ears. Differing from happy, mad, worried, shy and psychotic. Victorious shouts to heart aching cries.

I step back and hit my desk, leaning against it for support while the pain slowly decreases. Once I felt comfortable again, I hear the hatch opening and my two grandchildren came running down, looks of shock and worry plastered on their faces.

"Granpa Rick!"


"Granpa Rick what's going on?! Did the girl do something? We all felt the headache!" Summer claimed while looking at Y/N

"D-did Y/N b-bomb us with s-something like g-gas t-that cause m-migraines or s-something th—"

"Morty shut up! It's something b-but Y/N didn't cause it, well not that I know of. But right now I don't know if she did it intentionally." I rubbed my temple and took a swig at my flask walking towards Y/N and staring at her longingly.

I didn't realize what I was doing until Summer poked my shoulder. "Granpa Rick? Do we actually know her? Like, personally?" Summer asked staring at her with the same expression as me a while ago.

Do we?

"I don't k—*eruph*know Summer, but we're gonna find out soon."

Y/N started stirring around. Slowly she looked up with puffy eyes and a drunken look from the drug used on her.

Y/N it's time to know who you really are. This set up we did might me a prank but my intentions of questioning you are as true as the groin shield I have strapped on my belt.

Whoever you are, whatever you are is my business and I'm gonna make sure I make sure it stays my business. You're not leaving my side until I get what I need.

Prepare yourself Y/N L/N, cause I'm gonna make your life a true living hell.


Yay! I added the first Rick's POV for the second book! You guys happy? No? Yes? Well umm just enjoy the book and I won't disturb you guys anymore. Well not always but yeah, anyways


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