Chapter 1: 5 Years and This?

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I slumped down on my couch back at my living quarters, with a sigh I clutch my pendant. Those darned memories still burned the back in the back of my mind alongside the guilt that went with leaving them. God how I'd miss every bit of them.

Knock knock

I stood up and dusted my self looking at my door debating on whether to open it or not, finally I walked to open it thinking it might be important. Upon opening I thought right seeing that the Commander was at my door.

"Commander, what brings you here all of a sudden?" I chuckled even though I seem utterly curious. I gestured for him to come in. "I can't come and visit my second in command? Also please just call me Tim, we are out of work Y/N though I did came here to talk about business." We both shared a chuckle.

"Alrighty then, Tim. Take a seat, could I offer you something to drink?" I asked already making my way to the kitchen. He hummed in thought. "Tea would be nice." He smiled through the flabs of flesh he had. Almost instantly I came to recognize their species when I arrived here.

As the tea was boiling I subconsciously grazed my pendent once again, feeling my feline ears droop. Yes to avoid suspicion I let them show, 24/7.

"Are you alright there Y/N?" Tim asked worriedly through the table. I cleared my throat and forced a smile. "Yeah, just missing my old folks." I lied partly, the Smiths were practically family to me. As soon as the kettle whistled through its spout, I turned the stove off and poured two cups, with creamer and sugar just in case on the tray and headed over the table.

Tim took his own cup and so did I, he took a sip before getting down to business.

"Y/N." He said sternly which made me perk my ears up, signaling him my full attention. "Y-yes?" I stuttered. This is actually getting me worried. Is he going to fire me? I've worked hard to get to this position, been working three years for this, I can't possibly be that bad at my job that he'd fire me, right?

"I'm retiring Y/N." No! Wait what?
"Y-you're what now?" Tim sighed then looked me again in the eyes.

"I'm retiring Y/N, this end of month I'm leaving the federation to live with my family." Tim repeated, I sighed a sigh of relief, "I thought I was being fired.. wait then you'd have to find someone to replace you, right?" I shivered, what if he accidentally hires a snobby man? That would've been a shitty begining from his end.

"I already have. " He smiled a sincere smile and sipped once again from his tea. "That's good, all I hope is that they'd be as good as a leader like you, one that we'll all be able to put our trust to and their's to us." I replied seemingly anxious, but that feeling quickly went away when Tim gave me an assuring smile.

"They will be Y/N, I assure you." He held a hand to my shoulder giving it a light squeeze of reassurance. I smiled at Tim, nodding, "That's... that's always good." I held my forehead in one hand, still feeling a tad bit anxious. "Maybe I could meet my soon to be new best friend and commander?" I chuckled nervously scratching the back of my neck.

I never liked this change I'd gone through while training in the fed, I'd became less like me and more of someone else. If we had to compare, I used to be like Rick and now I'm more of Morty, which is ironic since I'm actually a lot less like the two.

Tim frowned for a second and chuckled. "No one can replace me as your best friend Y/N," He chuckled sitting back down and continued, "And of course you can meet them now actually." I raised a brow at Tim surprised.

"Right now?"

Tim once again being the gentle and kind Gromflomite he is, smiled and took of his badge and slid it across to me, I raised my brow higher than it already was.

"Y/N, meet the new Commander." I stared at Tim for a while processing his words for the fifth time before I almost practically fell of the chair. Actually scratch that, I did.

"Oh shit, Y/N are you alright?!" Tim jumped from his seat and over to me. I waved a hand at him a smiled of assurance on my face. " I-I'm just startled is all. Um say...Tim? Are my ears hearing you correctly?." I chuckled and with the help of Tim stood up and retook my seat chugging the tea to stay calm.

"Uh I guess, if you heard me say you're the new Commander that is." He chuckled nervously and sat back down. I stared at Tim mouth agape, eyes wide and tail droopy in disbelief.

I definitely didn't see this coming, sure I thought I'd get special privileges by being the SIC and the commander's best friend but not this. No this was way too much to understand, I may once be the all knowing power hunger woman I was once but this was unexpected. I was only snapped out of my thoughts when my ears twitch to the fingers snapping in front of my face.

"Earth to Y/N?" Tim sighed once he saw I was back from my thoughts. "Well? Do you want to?" Tim asked, I blinked a few times, and jumping onto my feet hands slamming on the table while stars glimmered in my eyes.

"Would I!? Tim! You just made my wish come true! Man, you are my best friend!" I lunged myself onto Tim for a hug. "I-I can't believe it! Thank you! Thank you Tim!" I exclaimed tears already forming in my eyes, Tim rubbed my back and chuckled.

"It's no problem Y/N you are an excellent soldier, and I believe you'll be beyond that once you've become this organization's new leader, our people would be ecstatic to meet you soon as Commander." Tim said after we pulled apart, the same ol' smile on his face.

"Well I should get going then, I'll leave you to your rest. We'll see again tomorrow, rest well Y/N." He added walking towards the door before he could exit though I gave him one last hug from behind.

"Thank you again, Tim." Was all I said before he left me with a teary appreciating smile.

That night's sleep was deep and relaxing. Not only because I was becoming Commander of the Galactic Federation but I was gonna be able to bend a few unnoticed rules just for the sake of seeing them again. A smile was painted permanently on my lips as I slept.


I made you guys wait long enough so... HERE'S BOOK 2 OF ANOTHER UNIVERSE BITCHES!!! WOO! Alright I calm now. Anywho updates might become slower since Imma be busier but I'll try my fucking best for you guys. So for now


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