Chapter 3: Nothing Has Happened

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It's been a month of my duty and nothing too troubling happened.
Surely there's something bound to happen, right?

Gahd, I never knew part of being a Commander is soooo boring, you have mostly noth-

"Commander, we have a situation!" I jump up from my seat and slam my hands of the desk. " Finally! What is it?" Oh thank the lord, I won't have to be bored out of my mind!

"It's Rick Sanchez." With that I walk over to him. "Why didn't you say anything sooner! Our government would've just been wiped out of existence if it were the case." I argue and walk to my desk finding my trusty Glock and knife. Yes, knife I came to realize knives where indeed wonderful.

"Our intercoms have been disabled right as the attack happened we couldn't reach you!" The guy who bursted through my office explains as I walk out with him.

"Alright then, were is the atta-" I direct my head as a blue creature chases one of my colleagues. "-ckers? Is this some type of joke Sanchez?! Really?! Meeseeks despite all things to attack with Meeseeks was your best choice?!" I grumble to the air as I tilt my head up and pinch the bridge of my nose. I hear a quick thud from beside me and decided to inspect it, before I could turn my head a knife was held to my neck.

"Well i-it's tha-that or *eruphh* an army of robots. Either, either way your fed agents'll fend them off."

Damn, I miss that. Not the knife to your throat thing but the constant belching and slight stuttering of his voice. I sigh and throw my knife away, holding both my hands up in defeat.

"Alright, if you're gonna kill me can I at least leave with a gift and note for the next Commander?" I grumble and tuck my tail in between my legs letting my ear fall flat on my head.

"Kitty got scared?" He teases, I roll my eyes and slightly elbow his stomach. "Don't flatter yourself Richard, I'm just bored out of my mind lately. I'll take any last source of escape." I mumble and point towards my office with Rick's knife still up my throat.

"W-when did you ha*eruph*have knowledge of t-that?" He asks and walks me toward my door, well more like shove. "The Richard thing?...Eh." I reply nonchalantly, and take a box, pen and paper.

"Morty go ahead my take the gun from my hip and unload it will you?" I urge that child who had been silent most of the time. He was about to reach for it when Rick smacks his hand off. "You're not really taking orders from our captive, are you dumbass?" Rick retorts, crossing his arms.

"Richard let the kid be obedient for christ's sake!" I interject and gesture for Morty to do as I said, Rick muttered a few curses and complaints while Morty did so, he cocked the gun and took out the magazine.

"Kid you're doing it wrong." I chuckle and walk over to him, standing behind him I held his hands in mine and cock the gun again. "See that? That's another bullet. take the magazine out first then cock it, unless you wanna accidentally kill a person just do what you did." I smile at him and continue on with my note.

Nothing much was in it, just some knowledge of the Glock being passed down by generations of commanders and that the next would be Tim's eldest son, Ted. A few reminders and warning and that's all. I wrapped up the gun in the box and stick the note on top of the "gift".

"Alright, do what you have to do." I stand still and wait for Rick to do something. What happened shocked and confused me a bit, well mostly shock. Rick walk towards me pulling out his portal gun and shot behind me, as he passes me he grabs my tail, harshly causing a sudden moan out of me and pulled me to the portal. When the portal closes Rick began laughing. Standing there I give him a confused look, though my cheeks was burning with embarrassment.

"What?" I whine and hold onto my tail like a child would to their teddy bear and pout. He continues to laugh and roll on the floor. Huffing I walk over to their kitchen. Nothing has changed, it's the same as ever. When Rick finally realizes I was gone he bolted after me who was comfortably sipping at Beth's wine.

"You done?" I ask as I take another sip finishing it off and placing it in the sink. "Umm try to fe*urph*feel at home." He retorts in a unfazed manner. I shrug and walk towards the living room next, seeing Beth lounging on the couch watching tv, I subconsciously sit next to her and greet her with a cheek kiss on either side which she uncomfortably returned.

"Nice to see you again Mrs. Smith." I smile and sit properly beside her. While Rick sits on the single chair and swigs at his flask, Beth gives me a confused look and went to ask something but I cut her off.

"You're Rick's daughter of course I'll know you. I'm former Federation Commander Y\N, pleasure to meet you." I didn't bother reaching my hand out since I've already greeted her, she looks shock for a minute then looks at her father, then to me and back at Rick.

"We kidnapped her, she's co*eruph* cool with it though." Rick says, standing up and gestured for me to follow, I obliged.

"I'll see you later Beth. Have a nice one." I smile and gave her a little wave before disappearing around the corner. Morty who now I just remembered, passed us and went to his room. "That kid is still weird as hell." I mumble and chuckle quietly, Rick caught this and scoffs.

"Sure is." He replies plainly. I gave Morty a once over from behind him and continue to walk towards the garage, with Rick still in lead. "He did grew taller, a bit toned now and some of his freckles are showing more. If it weren't for his weirdness, anxiety, stuttering and awkwardness, girls would be throwing themselves at him." I laugh teasingly and sit at a stool Rick pointed at.

"Don't tell him t-that, it'll *eruph* get into his head." Rick retorts with yet another scoff, scavenging through his drawers, I subconsciously look around his lab, just like the kitchen it didn't change much. There were more weapons and gadgets but that's all there is to it.

I examine the shelves from my stool to see a picture frame, it's the Smiths family and Rick in a parlor, ice cream parlor to be precise, all holding ice cream cones of different flavors and heights, but obviously Jerry's was on the ground melting. Their smiles wanted to make me tear up wishing I could be in that moment. I sigh and look over at Rick who continued to dig around in his drawers. Sneakily, I point my watch to the frame and duplicate it, the duplicate immediately hid itself in the holographic shelves in my watch.

Innocently I turn my stool back to the desk and wait for Rick to finish with his treasure hunt. A victorious 'aha' sounded and soon Rick was towering over me holding yet another photo.

He stretches the photo out to me, straight up to my face. I back up a bit and a photo from five years ago met my eyes, trying to unravel my emotions yet again. It was my birthday, the one I celebrated with them. When was this even taken? It's a polaroid too, I wouldn't have been able to destroy that if I it weren't brought to my knowledge.

"That's you right? How did we know you or better yet when?"


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