Chapter 13: Some Squanching Party This Is

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After the celebratory cheer from both my and the Flesh Curtains' fans, we ended up at one of Squachy's party back in his planet. Varieties of creatures attended it, from Glip glops, Gazorpazorps, Telepathic Spiders and humans partied everywhere! Even the roof was no exception, pool was crowded and bedrooms quaked all the time.

I cringe at the lack of sanitation of other aliens...and humans but that wasn't an important opinion to open up. It was their lives to live, if I can just be an ass whenever I want then same goes to their sexual rituals. Not that it connects to my statement but you get the gist.

With a drink in hand I slowly made my way through the crowd of sweaty, hormonal teenagers and pedophiles, reaching the balcony in success, finding it empty from any sex deranged creatures.

I stared out the to the open, where people party far and wide until sunrise. "I can't believe these party hoes can last this long." I chuckle to myself watching the wonderful sun arise from its depths in the mountains. Marbling the sky with pinks and purple of different shades.

Jumping to the sudden hands that wrapped around my waist I attempted to elbow the guy in the gut when he took my arm in his hand.

"Tsk tsk, you're one to talk when you're out here with a full cup."

I can't say I don't like the way Rick's hands imprisoned me but I can say, "Well that's because unlike you Rick, I take my alcohol responsibly."

Rick laugh at that, slowly he pulled his arms away and stood next to me gazing at the scenery before us with a content look in his eyes. In the rays of the morning sunlight his skin looked refreshed and glimmered but unlike his eyes, they were producing their own rays of light. It was as if those pools of blue were no body of water to be drown in, rather be burned in.

He noticed my intense staring at his eyes and chuckled holding a hand up to his mouth. "Am I really that attractive of an old man?"

I hesitated to answer first but immediately muttered out a short answer. "Yeah, you are." I didn't bother holding a nervous look, only feeling my cheeks warm up not because of the fresh heat of the sunrise but because I was lost in his eyes. Maybe that's why I didn't notice myself coming closer to him, I was only focused on those electrifying orbs he carried around in the galaxies.

"Don't." Before I could even close my own, nearly touching his lips, Rick pushed me back and looked away, holding an unreadable expression.

"Someone like you shouldn't get involved with someone like me." Rick rubbed his palm on his eyes, probably to get the drink off his expression. I stood there, fists clenched knowing very well where this is going but I still needed to know what he meant about that.

"What, what do you mean?" I tilt my head downward not wanting to see his face while he says what he wants to say.

Rick's POV

Dragging my hand across my face I turn to where the balcony entrance was, seeing people filing out slowly.

"God Y/N, I'm old! You shouldn't throw away your future for someone like me. I've seen how you look at me and I..I don't agree with it. I'm not letting you ruin your moments with my tragic life. You're still young and full of life you can find someone more your age, more energetic, handsome and, and will understand you better! Your feelings aren't meant for me, they'll just go to waste. So since you're still young, look for the one you really know will make you feel happy." I look at her, not really bothering to wait for an answer.

Turning around to leave I was only able to take a few steps when Y/N spoke. "I threw my life away when I left, I'm not doing it again. I've ruined my moments when I joined the fed and I don't plan on ruining it once more. My feelings for you might go to waste, but it didn't before. My moments might've not have been good with your disturbing eventful life. You might be old Rick but you're just like a teenager, so full of life, laughing about and doing pretty much any teenage asshole would do.," Y/N chuckled and I turned around trying to see how her emotions would look without that laugh. It was nowhere near what I thought of, her eyes were gloomy, face so blue and her eyebrows were curved upwards portraying a frown but her lips were flat, void of emotional that the rest of her face had.

"But it didn't stop me from loving you, not before and neither will it stop me now. I would do everything you put me through over and over again just so you could understand." Sobbing, the air was filled with her sobbing, and the floor that was wet from the spilled booze now had droplets of black tears, her cheeks had streams of it too. It worried me so I rush back to her and lifted her face trying to see if there were any problems with her, but this seemed normal. Why didn't it happen before is what confused me more.

"I'm still young yet I already found the person who made me happy, he just won't accept it." Just as Y/N finished her sentence she immediately went limp, her hand weakly gripping my coat. I carried her and resting her hands on her torso as I rush to find Squanchy, finding the masochistic cat on one of the pool tables laughing.

"SQUANCHY! GET YOU GODDAMN ASS DOWN HERE AND EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT WAS IN THAT BOOZE!" Furious I stomp away to somewhere private, while a confused Squanchy hopped down the table and followed me.

"Was there something wrong with her Rick? I swear there wasn't anything shady with the booze it's just normal punch." Squanchy was worried and when I let Y/N down on a couch he immediately went to see what was wrong with her.

Squanchy took a wobbly step back and look at me with fearful eyes. "You said she was with the feds before right?" Squanchy pulled on his ears when I nodded and mumbled incoherent words, clearly panicked. I held him down by his shoulders and stared at him with stern eyes. "What the fuck is happening Squanchy."

Squanchy taking a deep breath looked at Y/N one more time.

"They're coming, for her."


Hey y'all, I know it's a bit late and I hope you understand, I've been busy with work lately trying to earn a couple of cash before I head to our province. This chapter is shorter than the others but swear the next one will be longer it may take some time but I will update. Thank you for your patience and see you on the next one,


Universe At Its GreatestDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora