Chapter 2: Where You Been?

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"Please settle down." Commander- I mean Tim said into the microphone while the rest of my colleagues sat down. Today was currently the last day of Tim's duty as leader and he wanted to properly introduce the new Federation's head, me. The stadium was packed with Gromflomites and only one stood on the stage.

"Alright, now I know you have probably heard news of my retirement-" Tim was cut off by the sad mopy groans of the crowed to which he chuckled at, "And you might also have knowledge of my replacement in the position even though you might not know who it is." He smiled and glanced at me before continuing.

"I know that what I'm going to say next might be a tad cheesy, but, for all the years I've lead this federation I've never felt so at home whenever I was off duty and now that I'm finally having a family I want you guys to know that whether I'm at work or at my home, I will always consider you guys my family. I appreciate your cooperation, support and hard work, you guys will always have a place in my heart." The crowd boomed at Tim's speech, he bowed and thank them.

" Moving on, I would like you to meet your new Commander, a very respected friend of mine, and your colleague. Salute to your Commander, Commander Y/N!" Tim introduced, gesturing a hand for me to walk on the stage.

The crowd cheered as I timidly walk from the back stage and towards Tim who handed me his mic, gave me a tight and comforting hug before walking off to a seat in the front row.

"Right...umm Thank you Tim for that introduction as well as the cheesy speech." I wink at him playfully that made the stadium burst into giggles and soon quieted down.

"I-" I was about to start again when one of the older recuits abruptly stood up and jabbed a finger towards me.

"How are you Commander? I am clearly better and attractive than you!" Betty...ugh why..I cleared my throat and look towards Tim for approval who only nodded with a smile.

"Before I continue please pardon my first impression of being the next Commander just to set things clear for Betty, here." I walk towards the edge and sat down crossed legs and staring at her with much intimidation as I could muster. "Now listening Betty, I try not dwell on the ehem...past but I do remember your appointment at the doctors to which you only needed. I say this as polite as possible when I say that, attractiveness doesn't accompany hard work which you clearly do not have, why? Oh maybe because you slept with your Chief for another promotion, yes I'm talking about the married man behind you." I nodded my head to the man behind him who clearly sat there shock written on his face while Betty's was fuming with anger.

"Also you aren't that pretty hun." I stood up and walk back to the center of the stage, I heard fluttering from way behind me and gestured to a guard from the side of the stage, he quickly tackled Betty who was a mere feet from me. Groans and protests from Betty sounded in the stadium before it became silent again.

I clear my throat and spun back to face the crowd. "Sorry about that, now with what I was saying, I hope to become a great leader to all of you so in the means of any mistakes I do please don't be hesitant to address me about it. I would also appreciate your cooperation and concerns to any subject, thank you again Tim for letting me have this opportunity." I smile to the crowd and back to Tim who returns it with one of his.

"Now that all the formalities are due what about a song to lighten the mood? Just like the old times?" I grin warmly as the crowd repeated the last sentence and a few 'yeah''s or 'woo''s following.

"I had a dream
We were sipping whiskey neat
Highest floor, The Bowery
Nowhere's high enough
Somewhere along the lines
We stopped seeing eye to eye
You were staying out all night
And I had enough"

"No , I don't wanna know
Where you been or where you're goin'
But I know I won't be home
And you'll be on your own"

"Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?
Who's gonna rock you when the sun won't let you sleep?
Who's waking up to drive you home when you're drunk and all alone?
Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?"

"It ain't me (The Bowery, whiskey neat, grateful, I'm so grateful)
It ain't me (The Bowery, whiskey neat, grateful, I'm so grateful)
It ain't me (The Bowery, whiskey neat, grateful, I'm so grateful)
It ain't me (The Bowery, whiskey neat, grateful, I'm so grateful)
It ain't me."

Suddenly I heard whispering voices, me being a curious cat I turned my head to the side of the stage I came from. I was met with electrifying blue eyes, that went wide. The pair frantically pushed buttons from a belt and poof'ed out of sight.

"I had a dream
We were back to seventeen
Summer nights and The Libertines
Never growing up
I'll take with me
The Polaroids and the memories
But you know I'm gonna leave
Behind the worst of us"

I face the crowd again and listen intently. I hear advancing footsteps as I let my eyes make adjustments to see a thin outline of the both entities.

"Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?

10 steps

"Who's gonna rock you when the sun won't let you sleep?"

5 steps

"Who's waking up to drive you home when you're drunk and all alone?"


"Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?"

1, liquid swished in a plastic container sounded behind me, turning around I see an outline of a needle. Well ain't he risky.

"It ain't me, no, no"

I instinctively wrapped my tail onto the tube and threw it away. Clanking noises was not heard over the blasting music.

"It ain't me, no, no"

A fist came at me and I dodge effortlessly.

"It ain't me, no, no"

The other came to grab at my foot but I circle around and hit the taller in the gut with my elbow. It didn't show that I was struggling to the audience, it looked as if I was dancing slightly.

"Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?"

While the taller doubled over I brought my hand and down forcefully to knock him out.

"It ain't me (The Bowery, whiskey neat, grateful, I'm so grateful)
It ain't me (The Bowery)
It ain't me (grateful, I'm so grateful)
Ah, ooh (The Bowery, whiskey neat)
Ah, ooh (grateful, I'm so grateful)"

Grateful that the younger of the pair was coward he dragged his unconscious partner out of stage and disappeared into a portal.

"It ain't me (The Bowery, whiskey neat)
Ah, ooh (grateful, I'm so grateful)
It ain't me (The Bowery, whiskey neat, grateful, I'm so grateful)
It ain't me
Na, na, na, na, na, Bowery
Na, na, na, na, na, whiskey neat
(Grateful, I'm so grateful)
It ain't me"

Clapping sounded in the stadium as I breath heavily away from the mic and bowed exiting the stage.

After the little show Tim sent me back to my quarters to rest for the day.

I miss them.. their little show a while ago isn't helping me cope either it just made me wanna go home.

Why were those two even here?

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