Laying his head on allys shoulder an he looked up at her were mummy ally looked down at him she was in the shower sweetheart she was getting ready for the day for when you woke up she will be down soon is that ok? taylor gave a small shy nod mm kay lauren gave taylor his sippy cup reminding him that he needs to drink it slowly she dosent want him to choke taa ank ouu lolo your welcome little man ruffling his already messy bed hair lauren an ally made small talk about the events of the day leaving out the fact that scarlet would be going to work tonight, not wanting to upset taylor first thing in the morning the girls wanted to leave it down to scarlet to tell taylor later in her own time, ally looked down at taylor noticing how quiet he was all of a sudden there he was rubbing his eyes letting out a small but yet cute yawn scarlet appeared in the kitchen ally sat taylor up facing scarlet *who that little one is that your mama hmm* taylor looked up an around not sure what was going on he was still half asleep scarlet couldnt help but cooe *were mamas snuggly bug* this grabbed his attention looking directly at her he threw himself forward to her something ally was not ready for scarlet picked him up an placed him on her hip good morning baby boy taylor just laid his head on her chest he gave her a small wave not really ready to use anymore words then he already has used so far. 

Ally looked at the time noticing it was 09:45am sighing she looked up at the others alright what one of us is going to go an wake up gabby as we have no food in the house apart from left over Chinese from last night so we gonna need to go out for breakfast, lauren looked at scarlet an could see she already needed to get taylor sorted out so she would not be doing it lauren looked at ally well ally as much as i love winding her up i really dont fancy getting something thrown at me an taylor an you are the only ones she dosent launch stuff at scar needs to get this little one ready an well your like the mother hen of the group so you? ally rolled her eyes alright well pour a mug of coffee an i will take it up to her but tomorrow its your turn laur, lauren looked at ally an winked alright deal i want food soon so she better be up an get ready with in the next half an hour as poor taylor must be starving so im guessing leonas like normal? ally looked at lauren did you really just ask that question we basically live not that far away from there now so of course plus leona knows our order so it makes it easier, with that being said ally picked up the mug of coffee an made her way up the stairs, bracing herself for what was about to unfold *gabby its time to wake up* gabby rolled over opening one eye what time is it *almost 10am sweet *alright why am i being woken up* well we have no food in the house so we going leonas an i got you coffee so unless you want to miss the breakfast i suggest you get up we leaving in half an hour so move it or lose it *alright ally im getting up is taylor an everyone up* yeah they all up we just waiting on you an scar is getting taylor ready with that being said ally placed the coffee on the night stand an made her way out the door not before opening the blinds i mean it gabs get up we will leave without you gabby saluted ally even though she was already out the room. 

Meanwhile lauren just finished cleaning up the kitchen making her way up to her room to get ready for the day passing scarlet an taylor on the landing heading to there own room scarlet laid taylor on the bed placing a soft kiss to his forehead she gave him his teddy bear to keep him entertained with happy he was occupied scarlet went to pick out an outfit for him for the day along with a diaper, alright baby lets get you all dressed an ready for the day hmm taylor just laid there gurgling away scarlet couldnt help but smile are you talking to mummy is that what your doing monkey arrrrr ahhhh arrrrr ahhhh mmm mama oh is that so that alright you tell mummy all about it bug, taylor was happily talking away to her why she made quick work at getting him ready for the day, lauren stood in the door way watching the duo happily taylor spotted lauren an squealed clapping his hands together his little legs happily kicking away why scarlet was sorting his shoes out scarlet looked up an smiled at her sister taylors shoes finally on scarlet picked him up an placing him on her hip alright mister man teeth then we can go an get some food for that tummy of yours carrying him in to the bathroom ready to get his teeth cleaned taylor decided he did not want that every time scarlet was about to brush his teeth he would turn his head lauren chuckled shaking her head holding her hand out for the tooth brush scarlet passed it over scarlet held his head gently to her chest why lauren manged to brush his teeth doing it as quickly as possible not wanting to have an upset taylor just yet the duo finally managed to get his teeth cleaned something they have learnt takes two of them when he is really young like he is right now a quick wipe over on his face with a warm wash cloth and a quick brush of his hair taylor was ready for the day. 

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