Chapter 53.

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Scarlett drove to work with a small smile on her face she was happy that taylor had a good first day but at the same time she did not want to be going to work tonight she knew it needed to be done, but the thought of leaving taylor after his first day didint settle well she knew he was safe an well looked after but the mommy in her disagreed with going to work, pushing the thoughts to the back of her mind scarlett turned in to her parking space switching off the engin ready to start her shift, scarlett walked throught the staff door being greeted by tony ahh you are here how are you my dear?? Hey tony, im ok. Thank you, how are you ?? im ok dear, are you sure you are ok?? *lifting her chin up gently towards him* im ok just it was tays first day today was hard leaving him behind tonight but he is ok, awe im sure he had a grate first day you will be home before he knows it.

Tony handed scarlett her note pad an pen scarlett started to make her rounds on the tables she would be looking after tonight why its busy once its slowed down scarlett will return to her office After waiting on tables scarlett noticed time was going by pretty quickly thankful that it was scarlett had time to sit down an catch up on some paper work, Meanwhile back at the house taylor's mood had changed from calm an happy to stroppy an annoyed at everything,
lauren knew exactly what was going on he wanted scarlett today had been too much for him very busy first day without scarlett an everyone by his side that he is use to, Taylor please calm down bubs mommy will be home before you know it she will be here when you wake up its time to settle down, Noo awlly wan mommyy wan mommyy now taylor was throwing his toys around dropping himself to the floor kicking an screaming for scarlett, Liam had just walked through the door the moment he heared crashing once in the door he looked around an sighed thankfully everyone was ok it was just taylor throwing a tanturm.

Lauren looked at Liam an shook her head Overstimulated overwhelemed Liam understood nodding his head he approuched taylor crouching down to his level he rubbed his back gently taylor looked up at liam an crashed in to his arms, Hey champ you doing ok?? Nuu uhh aylor noo tay aylor wan mommyyy
nooo airs Iam iam wan mommyyy I understand that buddy but you need to calm down an take a few deep breaths or you going to make yourself sick you are perfectly safe ok with everyone do you understand liam, aylor stand bbb but aylor wan mommyyy now by this point nothing was working taylor was too worked up for his own good, Liam scratched the back of his neck looking at the girls, I think its time we call scarlett i dont think he will calm down until he hears her voice or sees her, Ally sighed an agreed lauren was not sure if it was a good idea or not as it could make him worse but could also make it better for him.

Deciding they had no choice they made the call scarlett was sat in the office with an uneasy feeling something was not sitting right inside herself it was as if she knew what was about to come Scarletts phone buzzed across the desk showing up *Taylors phone Facetime* with a confused look on her face checking the time she knew taylor would be in bed or so she thought, Hello Hey scarlett sorry to call but taylor is not doing ok I can hear that can someone please tell me why my baby is screaming an crying his eyes out he was ok when i left what in the hell has happened??? Liam passed the phone to lauren an ally who explained everything why liam was doing his best at holding a squirming crying Taylor trying to prevent him from him from hitting his head on the floor, Right ok i see face me towards him an everyone calm down, Tay baby can you look at mommyy Taylor froze at the sound of her voice he looked at the phone an the flood gates opened even more, ahhh  mmmm mommyyyy wan ouuu wan mommyyy i understand that sweetheart but mommyy is at work you need to calm down can you do that for mommy, taylor tried his best to calm down but it wasnt working he was too far gone Liam passed taylor to lauren hoping he would calm a bit more then liam had managed to get him to.

Laur i need you to do the hold he is to overstimulated right now lauren placed taylor between her legs why on the floor wrapping her legs around his an her arms around his chest holding him in place she blew gently on the side of hace trying to get him to calm, scarlett was talking taylor throught it she could see he was coming back around but not 100% ok she thought this might of happened for around 20 minuets scarlett was talking to taylor reassuring him taylor slowly started to stop crying only soft sniffles an whimpers could be heared lauren lossend her grip on taylor running her hands through his hair both the girls looked at one an other an knew he would be ok soon, Liam went to the kitchen to get his bottle giving it to ally she crouched down to his level looking at scarlett on the phone she mouthed bed time?? Scarlett nodded and spoke to taylor. Alright, baby Aunt Ally is going to take you to bed, and Mommy will come with you and stay with you till you're asleep, ok? Mommyy pwomise i promise bubba.

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