Chapter 21.

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Morning come quicker then expected scarlet was awake happily looking at taylor sprawled out across the bed chuckling to herself at the position he was in one arm above his head laying on his belly the other arm down by his side, holding on to his blanket scarlet placed a soft kiss to his head checking his diaper quickly happy he was not 100% wet an that it would last till he wakes placing the covers over him more she made her way out of the bedroom baby monitor in hand pulling the bedroom door too, scarlet made her way down to the kitchen shutting the baby gate behind her placing the baby monitor on the kitchen island scarlet got to work at starting the pot of coffee a peaceful morning she thought to herself all that could be heard was the birds chirping outside the kitchen window as the sun made its way up the coffee pot beeping pulled scarlet out of her thoughts making herself a cup of coffee she sat at the kitchen island staring out the window watching the sun making its way up, Mornings like this scarlet loves just peace an quiet till taylor wakes up she loves being taylors mama she really does but having this time to herself to gather her thoughts and wake up properly so she can be ready for when taylor wakes up, tasha was the next to wake up followed by ally, Scarlet noticed the two girls out the corner of her eye making there way in to the kitchen both of them pouring themselves a cup of coffee making there way to join scarlet at the island *Good morning girls* both the girls gave a simple morning back all sitting there just enjoying the early morning sun.

All three girls sat there making conversation between themselves the next one to wake up was gabby she made her way to the girls in the kitchen the smell of coffee filling her sense's she made her way to the coffee pot pouring herself a cup she took her place next to the girls at the island all three girls  said good morning gabby not being a morning person until she has had her cup of coffee gave the girls a simple nod movement could be heard upstairs scarlet checked the baby monitor it wasn't taylor that meant it was lauren ally made a cup of coffee for lauren placing it on the island for when she makes her way in to them, lauren made her way out of her room and across to scarlets an taylors room popping her head around the corner she could see a peaceful sleeping taylor smiling at the sight of her nephew still asleep she made her way down to the girls noticing a cup of coffee in her normal spot she sat down next to them *morning* all four girls said good morning back, scarlet glanced at the baby monitor seeing her little angel still asleep seeing taylor peaceful always makes scarlet smile looking at the time noticing it was nearing nine in the morning she knew she would have to wake the sleeping boy soon nap time was defiantly going to be later then normal scarlet finished the last few sips of her coffee placing her empty cup in the sink she looked at the girls an smiled lauren looked at scarlet an smiled off to go an wake up the little prince scarlet gave a simple nod *yeah its getting late* lauren returned the smile to her sister *good luck your gonna need it*

Scarlet made her way up the stairs to were a sleeping taylor lays scarlet pushed the door open gently she made her way to open the curtains to let some light in to the room scarlet gently eased herself on to the bed laying down next to taylor she began to rub his tummy gently coxing him out of his slumber *morning baby time to wake up sleepy head* taylor being taylor a very stubborn little boy not wanting to get up he wriggled on to scarlets chest something she has come accustomed too wrapping her arms around the half asleep boy *come on sweetie you going to open those eyes for mama hm* taylor just nuzzled further in to her chest letting out a little whimper *oh i know im such a meanie arent i baby huh* taylor nodded his head letting out a little giggle *ohh is that my baby boy i can hear giggling i think it is hmm well if my baby dosent want to get up i think the tickle monster will get him* this grabbed his attention he curled up on to her chest even more *nooo ickle monster nooo* this caused scarlet to chuckle well i know the tickle monster only attacks with tickles to little boys who dont wake up when there mamas try to wake them up* taylor sighed up up mama* ohh so now you wake up cutie pie taylor just nodded an laid on her chest looking up at her *good morning my little prince* taylor smiled up at scarlet giving her a little wave not ready to use anymore words just yet i think a certain little boy got attacked by the sog monster in his sleep this caused taylor to blush an shake his head at her scarlet chuckled down at her bundle of joy oh really well then you wont mind if mama checks then will you peanut taylor just hid in her chest scarlet rolled her eyes an checked already knowing the answer placing a simple soft loving kiss to his head she laid him down on the bed alright bubs mama will be quick as promised scarlet was quick at getting him changed knowing not to take too long first thing in the morning *alright baby all done come on then little peanut lets go find aunties* taylor looked at scarlet an smiled making grabby hands for her scarlet looking down him alright up we come bubs picking up his blanket an binky popping it in to his mouth they made there way down the stairs with a sleepy Taylor still not fully awake he curled up in to scarlet as she carried him down the stairs, In this moment all scarlet could feel was a sense of pride an pure love for her baby rubbing soothing circles on her little ones back trying to coaxes him awake a bit more all that could be heard was quiet conversations between the girls an soft rhythmic clicks of Taylor's binky bobbing in his mouth.

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