Chapter 14.

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Taylor woke up from a bad nightmare dripping in sweat his eyes filled with tears he looked to his mama she was sleeping peacefully taylor did not want to wake her up he wanted her to sleep she had not been sleeping grate the past couple of nights putting his head down he could see his aunt lolo's light on he got out of bed carefully he grabbed his blanket an popped his binky back in his mouth he made his way to aunt lolos room an he looked in aunt lolo was no wear to be seen sniffling to himself he made his way to the stairs he knew his mama always kept a sippy cup in the fridge ready for him he carefully held on to the hand rail an made his way down the stairs he noticed the lounge lamp was on he made his way to the lounge an looked in still rubbing his eyes sniffling to himself, Lauren noticed taylor she titled her head a little looking at taylor concern written all over her face *hey little one what you doing awake hm?* taylor snapped his head up he looked at lauren an started to whimper *mee meee has bad dweam an mummy sleeping nooo wann ake up mama* lauren opened up her arms to taylor *come hear little one* taylor fell in to her arms lauren rocked him side to side its ok sweetheart you are safe it was just a dream its all going to be ok i got you* taylor just curled up in to lauren he held on to her like his life depended on it. 

Alright munchkin i need you to breath for me can you do that hmm can you breath for lolo taylor nodded he copied laurens breathing trying to match hers thats it good boy just like that you are doing really good little one im so proud of you rubbing his back softly rocking him side to side she felt taylor relax a little bit his grip not so tight on her like it was before lauren could feel how sweaty taylor was she wrapped his legs around her waist an carried him to the kitchen to grab him a sippy cup of juice taylor whimpered when he felt lauren move hey its ok sweet boy lolo just getting you a drink its ok im not going anywhere your staying right here with me i got you its ok lauren got his sippy cup out the fridge shutting the door behind her she sat back down on the couch with him putting his back towards the arm of the couch on her lap she held his sippy cup up to his mouth replacing his binky with his sippy cup taylor accepted it an started to drink from it slowly his eyes locked on to his aunt lolo's she could see in his eyes how tired an scared he was taylor dosent like to wake up scarlet if she is sleeping or anyone for that matter he normally dills with it on his own unless he knows someone is awake then he comes to us softly humming to him an reassuring him he is safe an ok taylor finally calmed enough not to make himself sick lauren looked at the clock on the wall reading 5:45 AM taylor looked at lauren an tilted his head why lolo uppies lauren smiled down at him lolo was going to go for a morning run but it was raining so lolo couldnt go for a run sweet boy taylor nodded at lauren he was thankful that lolo was awake. 

scarlet rolled over an went to pull taylor closer to her not feeling little man in the bed panic set in she knew taylor was little when he went to bed so he would be little when he woke up, she checked the bathroom an he was not there she checked laurens room an see her bed was empty scarlet could hear lauren talking downstairs she followed the voices standing in the door way of the lounge she could see lauren an taylor cuddled up relief washed over her letting out a breath that she did not know she was holding for so long till she see her little one with her little sister both safe an sound making her way in to the light for lauren to notice her lauren looked up an smiled at her scarlet walked in a little closer she could see his tear stained cheeks scarlets heart broke seeing her little boy with tears in his eyes an tear marks down his face she knew something was wrong crouching down to his eye level she rubbed his tummy *hey sweet boy why you awake baby hm? she spoke softly an gently not to startle or overwhelm her little one* taylor looked at his mama an started to cry again *hey baby shh its okay calm down sweetie mamas hear* lauren passed over taylor to scarlet she sat down next to lauren cradling taylor come on sweet boy calm down its ok your ok mama is not mad your not in trouble just breath baby its ok rocking him slowly she could feel her little one calm down slightly scarlet kissed his head an looked at lauren *laur what happened why is taylor awake*lauren sighed from what he has told me he had a bad dream an didnt want to wake you up i dont know what the dream was about but he was sweaty crying an shaking like a leaf* scarlet nodded at lauren well thank you for trying to calm him laur lauren smiled its my job im his auntie an dont worry i was already awake i was going to go for a morning run but weather is against us this morning an taylor found me down here scarlet nodded lauren smiled im gonna make some coffee you want some scarlet yawned an nodded yeah please laur lauren smiled an nodded placing a soft kiss on taylors head she made her way to start the coffee pot. 

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