Chapter 33.

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The group made there way to the supermarket taylor was watching the world go by not really listening to what was being said around him he knew his aunt ally was speaking about the trip to get grocery's an what the plan was for when they got inside but he didint really care he just wanted out of the car, alright so when we get inside we all get our own carts an get what we all want an need makes it easier this way then doing one cart this way we all get what we need an not forget anything, taylor will be with scarlet i will go my own way an get what i need now the question is ally turned her attention directly an completely to lauren an gabby smirking can i trust you two children to act like the adults you are meant to be do your own shopping or will i have to put you two with myself an scarlet, the duo rolled there eyes i am sure we can handle it ally alright well i am trusting you two to not run up an down the isles like last time when you both thought it would be a good idea to re an act the titanic with rose an jack on the front of the ship, Jeez ally one time that happened come on you even laughed at that so i dont see what the problem is sighing in defeat ally told them to just behave both the girls saluted ally yes ma'am no ma'am. 

Scarlet rolled her eyes looking in to the review mirror at taylor she couldnt help but smile seeing him so peaceful truth to be told she thought he was asleep from how quiet he was focusing on the road again scarlet pulled up an in to supermarkets carpark alright girls we are here parking the car scarlet got out an opened taylors door taking him out his car seat she lifted him on to her hip alright baby you ready to go shopping hmm taylor looked at his mama an smiled aylor gets oy mama, hm if you be a good boy an listen to mama an do everything mama says then yes taylor will get a toy, happy with his mamas response taylor become a happy excited little boy yayay aylor gets new oy, kissing his cheek the group made there way to get shopping carts an headed in to the store alright you guys you know the drill meet back here in 45mins scarlet sat taylor down in the cart handing him his binky an her phone to keep him entertained with cartoons playing she made her way down the first set of isles alright monkey we need fruit an some vegetables, to help you grow big an strong taylor made an icky face at the word  vegetables, icky mama they icky nooo ike dem nooo for me nooo ank ouu aylor nooo want dem shaking her head at the little ones comment she continued to do the shop.

meanwhile lauren an gabby decided to stick together an do there shopping with each other like the adults they are what could possibly go wrong both girls went to the first isle filling there carts with junk food making there way up an down isles they decided they needed to actually put proper food in there carts after all they cant survive on junk food as much as they would like to but as much as they didnt want to admit it ally had a point they need to behave an at least act there age, both sighing in defeat they went about the isle putting actual food in to the carts after a while the girls had decided they had everything they needed now it was time to go an find scarlet an taylor after going down a few more isle they couldnt find them lauren an gabby both looked at one an other an smiled alright time to do it this way both girls shouted out MARCO knowing all to well this would at least get taylors attention something they always do when they can not find on an other. 

Taylor heard someone shout out Marco an so did scarlet taylor clicked straight away that indeed it was his lolo giggling to himself he shouted out as best he could POLO scarlet ruffled his hair an stood still waiting for the duo to find them lauren an gabby heard taylors reply making there way to were they heard polo once more they shouted out MARCO taylor squealed he could hear them closer then before scarlet an taylor looked at one an other an both shouted out POLO looking around they found the duo coming down the isle they was at lauren waved at taylor smiling at him i found you monkey bum taylor couldnt help but give a cheeky smile uhh huu ouu found me i hear with mama duh indeed you are cutie turning her attention to scarlet she asked her if they was done scarlet looked over the cart indeed we are but i promised a certain little one a new toy for being such a good boy, alright well what are we waiting for then lets go find ally an get him a new toy then we can go home taylor looked at scarlet an whimpered nooo wan find ally wan oy mama aylor been good leaning his head in to his mamas chest best he could from the cart scarlet run her hand threw his hair i know little bear you have been doing so good and mama is so proud of you how about mama texts ally an tells her we are going to the toy isle an then check out huh does that sound good taylor nodded his head lauren smiled at the duo already texted ally so lets go find a toy for taylor. 

Ally looked at her phone seeing the message from lauren giving a simple reply back letting her know she is on her way to meet them there now, pocketing her phone ally made her way down the toy isle were taylor was happily crouched down in front of scarlet looking at all the different toys making her way to the group she said hello taylor looked up an smiled an continued to look at all the toys *what can you see baby can you see anything you would like* taylor looked up at scarlet an smiled pointing towards an elmo plushie along with a fire truck he looked at scarlet an then back to the toys he made his way over to them both taking them both of the shelf he toddled his way over to scarlet mama me haves both pwease, scarlet couldnt help but cooe over him alright bubs because you been such a good boy yes you can how about we put them in the cart an make our way to the check outs hmm an get you home *ank ouuu mama esss eck out aylor wan home* ruffling his hair she picked him up an sat him back in the cart alright sweet boy we will be home soon think someone is getting tired huh taylor shook his head why letting out a little yawn almost dropping his binky the group made there way to the check outs to pay an then home... 

Hey all sorry it took so long life has been hectic anyway enjoy i hope you are all staying safe an warm another chapter will be out shortly... 

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