Chapter 31.

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Dinner went down pretty quickly small talk being made between them all around the table about the events of the day taylor was finding himself less an less interested in what was going on around him truth to be told taylor was exhausted all he wanted to do was sleep, resting his head on the back of the chair trying to focuses on one spot an not give in to his eyes closing but that was proving to be impossible right now from being up early with scarlet an running around all day with the move it was just not going to happen he knew he would fall asleep any moment but would do his best to stay awake, the girls had noticed taylor was not even listening anymore to what was being said ally nudged scarlet *hey scar taylor is well asleep i think unless he has his eyes closed* scarlet looked next to her smiling at taylor indeed he was falling asleep running her hand through his hair she decided to leave him till they all left the table then rather wake him up now she wanted to make sure he would sleep instead of being woken an forcing himself to stay awake bringing her tone down scarlet asked the girls if they want to watch a movie or go to bed? it had been a long day for them all. 

The group fell silent for a moment i mean we could all watch a movie its still only early unless any of you want to go to bed then i dont mind  The girls sat an thought about it for a while finally deciding on watching a movie together to finish then night well apart from tasha she was going to head back to the bar an then back to her own place, Its settled then we will watch a movie an have a bit of a girls night then judging by taylors state right now he will probably end up going to bed well im going to clear the table Lauren stood up stopping scarlet from doing it moving from her place at the table she began to clear the rest of table grabbing taylors an scarlets plates lauren looked at taylor smiling finally seeing him at peace directing her attention to scarlet would you like me to take him up when im done with clearing the table scar or you going to wake him up? 

Thanks laur but i think i will take him up an get ready for bed an meet you back down once i got him an myself settled an changed for the night but thank you anyway you can pick a movie with the girls if you want i dont really mind what we watch tonight with a simple nod lauren took that as a cue to continue clearing the table taking the plates out rinsing them off an finally loading them in to the dish washer lauren returned seeing scarlet lift taylor up an out of his seat of course the boy was cuddled in to her like a kola clear sign that there would be a 50/50 chance of taylor slipping in his sleep smiling at the duo lauren placed a simple kiss to his head goodnight little one *mmm noo baby lolol* sure kiddo what ever you say sweet dreams with that lauren made her way to set up the lounge for a girls night ally had left to get snacks an drinks ready for them all gabby had walked tasha to her car an seeing her off before locking up the house for the night knowing taylor is asleep 

Scarlet carried a sleeping taylor up to there new room was a easy task due to the fact he was not 100% asleep yet now carrying a sound asleep taylor to bed is something that proves to become a bit difficult when he is big something about carrying a little one to bed when they are 100% asleep is easy as they seem to be lighter compared to when they are big, After reaching the top of the stairs an pushing there bedroom door open she could see that taylor indeed tried to make it look like there old bedroom set up more for his sake an making the transition in to the new house a lot easy on him to get use to the fact that this would indeed be there new home as of today smiling down at him she kissed his head walking him over to there bed she placed him in the middle of the bed taking his jeans off an throwing them in the laundry hamper she made her way to the dresser picking out his semi non little PJ trousers that kept him warm she slipped them over his legs an up his thighs finally getting them on him she began lifting his legs up she placed them under the covers tucking him in she placed his blanket an teddy with him knowing he would not be able to sleep without it she kissed his head wishing him off to sleep  good night baby i love you Scarlet got into something comfy before heading down to the girls. 

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