Chapter 51.

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Scarlett laid down in there bed pulling taylors pillow closer to her chest the sweet smell of baby shampoo mixed with taylor's aftershave helped scarlett fall asleep quickly Lauren set an alarm on her phone to wake up her sister knowing full well that scarlett probably did not set one on her phone before falling asleep, the girls had a few online classes to do today that would last around 3hrs each, Taylor an alex made there way through the hallways of the school to there first class Alex stopped in front of the door turning to his best friend im right here taylor you can sit next to me you ready to go in or do you need a moment?? Huh oh we are here ok right erm yeah lets go in thanks Alex the boys entered in the classroom door sitting at an empty table to there left both boys unpacked there bags sat waiting for there teacher to enter the class room.

Alex was busy watching taylors body movmenets to see how he was really doing now being in the classroom taylor was busy playing with his rings on his fingers trying to distract his mind from wondering, both boys was pulled out of there heads by there teacher walking in *Good morning class settle down* Taylor looked up at the voice why playing with his rings still the rest of the class said good morning back to Mrs Mills huh so thats her name taylor thought to himself, I see we have a new student with us today her eyes landing on taylor she gave him a kind reassuring smile, the class follwed her eye line all giving him a nice warm welcoming smile that helped taylor feel a little more at ease but hated being the centre of attention first thing in the morning, Alex just chuckled to himself knowing how taylor felt he too knew that feeling all to well when he first started.

The first class of the day went by smoothly an quiet quickly before they knew it the beeps sounded signalling it was time for there next class both boys re paked up there bags before waiting for everyone else to make there way out of the class knowing taylor dosent do well with crowds iver just as both the boys was about to leave Mrs mills asked them to hang back for a moment or two Taylor looked at her not knowing what he could be expceting alex stood with taylor shoulder to shoulder in hopes to settle anything that taylor is thinking about, I just wanted to say welcome to the school Taylor if you need anything or you cant find alex please come an find me my door is always open, Thank you ma'am i will be sure to remember that, such a polite young man you are maybe you could teach alex a thing or two she joked hoping to settle any nerves he may have, the slight joke that was made by Mrs mills causing both boys to chuckle i will give it my best shot ma'am with that both boys made there way to there next class.

Every class they went to the same thing happened helping taylor feel more an more at ease with his first day sure he owed it all to Alex who has been by his side all morning, The last class of the day was Gym class Taylor an Alex made there way to the locker room both being greeted by there Gym teacher Mr Mills who gave Taylor a locker next to alex's locker Huh taylor thought to himself Alex smirked yeah that is mrs mills husband oh i thought so Taylor chuckled are they yano like us or not?? Nah they are both caregivers without a little one but i hear they foster little ones until they find there forever home, Awe thats nice of them cant be easy but if thats what they want to do then thats good Alright lads lets get ready today we are doing Track some boys moaned an groaned alex an taylor on the other hand was fine with it they run all the time.

The class got changed in to there Gym clothes Taylor looked at his phone before placing it in his locker He sent scarlett a quick text letting her know he was ok an that he misses her, Taylor shut his locker door locking it in place putting his key in his zip up pocket they made there way outside to the track Most of the lads was stretching off talking or stretching and looking at the girls cheer team as they practiced taylor rolled his eyes at some of the lads choosing to ignore them both the boys stretched off why mr mills went threw each step of the class today, Taylor placed his water bottle down next to alex's bottle before mr mills sent them off to do laps today he would be marking them on there speed an athletic ability hoping to pick out the best for the next track meet. Taylor paced himself as did alex unlike any of the other boys probably showing off in front of the girls he thought to himself taylor wasnt interested his mind was on scarlett all he could think about was going home to her at the end of the school day cuddling up with her under there blanket enjoying each others pressence after a long day taylor did not hear alex calling him he was too lost in his train of thought about scarlett.

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