Chapter 36.

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Scarlet unlatched taylor placing his binky in his mouth Taylor sat up an kolar cuddled into scarlet she wrapped her arms around him gently rocking him side to side reassuring him that she will return to him after work an that it will only be for a little while sensing that her little one was a little unsure on being left with his aunties at home in the new house at night past his bedtime she needed to put his fears to rest that she will indeed return to him he knew deep down he would be just fine but he wanted his mama home with him tonight he wanted her close, Tay baby mama knows tonight is going to be different and out of routine for us both but I promise you it will be ok an I will be home after work, nothing is going to happen sweetheart you know tony willl make sure I am safe an I have my bracelet on so you an aunties will know my location ok it's going to be alright sweetheart I promise you don't have to go to sleep in your bed ok you can stay with the girls an sleep ok if you are still awake when I get home that's ok as well we know it's a change tonight but please be good for mama an aunties ok I will call you on my brakes I promise. 

Taylor held tighter on to scarlet he nodded his head showing he understands not ready to use his words yet scarlet took that as a yes mommy I understand, alright baby mummy needs to get ready can you let me get ready now? Taylor looked at scarlet an gave her his best brave smile *ess mummy* good boy thank you sweetheart scarlet placed him on the bed facing her so she could see him giving his forehead a quick kiss an booping his nose scarlet got ready for work getting herself dressed an doing her hair turning around she looked at Taylor an smiled lifting his chin up gently with her fingers she gave him a kiss on his cheek how do I look baby does mommy look ok? Taylor smiled at her *mama pretty always my mama* scarlet lifted him up an placed him on her hip thank you handsome boy now let's go find your aunties hmm oh an here is mamas hoodie I was wearing yesterday see now I'm with you why I'm at work holding it close to himself he looked up at scarlet an smiled *aylors now ank ou mama* your welcome baby. 

The duo made there way down the stairs the lights in the kitchen and dining room was off so they made there way down to the lounge ally looked away from the tv to the front room door way smiling at scarlet an Taylor "well hello you two how was your bath an quiet time" scarlet rubbed Taylors back an turned her attention to ally it was grate thank you really relaxing an this little one was well behaved no waves or splashes in the bath all though his bath toys went on a big adventure to the bubble caves, didn't they little one Taylor looked at ally an nodded his head  well that sounds like a grate bath time wish I went to the bubble caves maybe you could tell us all about it later tonight I would love to hear all about the adventures you all got up to, Taylor looked at scarlet an smiled then looked at ally "weally ou want to hears all a bouts it" I sure do Taylor couldn't believe it he was so happy all though still a little sad that his mama was leaving for work but she promised she would be back tonight after.

Scarlet picked up her shoes from the shoe rack just outside the front room door way she made her way in to the lounge an sat down on the couch Taylor sat next to her why she got her shoes on an jacket once done Taylor crawled back in to her lap not quiet ready for her to leave just yet he was not going to surrender his cuddles until it was time "I'm right here baby I'm not going yet I have 10 minuets till I got to go ok" Taylor nodded his head once again losing his voice he could feel the tears creeping up on him he really doesn't want his mama to go so Taylor does what Taylor does best he buries his head in to his mamas neck clinging to her scarlet felt how tight he was holding on to her wrapping her arms around him tightly she took a deep breath an relaxed "hey it's going to be ok sweet boy remember our little talk upstairs before we come down hmm" Taylor nodded his head the girls turned there attention to the duo knowing full well they needed to listen to  what scarlet was about to say to Taylor.

I will be home after work little one I promise I have my bracelet on ok you an aunties can track my location on your phones ok I know tonight is tough but I will be ok you know how I know That because tony will make sure of it tony will meet me out front once I pull up an parked the car an tony will make sure that I text you when I get there an when I leave work ok remember you don't have to sleep in your bed ok you can sleep on the couch with aunties until I come home an then I will put you to bed if you are still awake that is ok as well because tonight is a new routine and its the weekend so we can sleep in tomorrow, I will call you on my brakes so you can see me an see that mama is ok an if your still being my little super star that you have been all day, then I'm sure I can bring you home s few of Tony's sweet treats how does that sound baby? Taylor looked up at scarlet with a little smile on his face "dounought with spwinkles pwease mama" yes little one your favourite I promise In fact I will get tony to put a few sweet treats aside for you as soon as I get to work ok. 

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