Chapter 37.

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Ally and the others was close to Scarlets work place Taylor was happily kicking his legs back an forth looking out the window he knew all to well how close they was seeing the familiar surroundings letting out squeals of excitement ally couldn't help but chuckle we are almost there little one smiling at him in the review mirror, as promised they pulled up in to the car park once the car come to a stop Lauren got out an made her way to Taylor's door opening the door she unbuckled him an took him in to her arms alright pup you Remember the rules Taylor nodded his head quickly mmm mama mama icey cream that's right trouble we going to see mama an get you an ice cream, ally stood in front of them an chuckled alright alright calm down little one looking through the window ally couldn't see scarlet but she could see Tony they all walked in ready to surprise scarlet evening tony one booth please making there way to the free booth they all sat down staying quiet alright enjoy guys someone will be with you soon he winked at the little one seeing how quiet he was being but the excitement clearly written all over his face, making his way to scarlet an the other waiters an waitresses he had to keep the smirk off his face "scarlet booth in the corner needs orders taken please" scarlet looked at Tony with a confused expression err sure but why me Tony tried to keep a straight face best he could "we'll they asked for you" scarlet nodded alright no problem.

making her way over to the booth not really looking at who was sat around the booth scarlet just wanted to go home "hi my name is scarlet an I will be your waitress for the evening what can I get you" ally looked at Taylor an nodded mmmm me would wikes the ultimate chocolate Sundae surprise pwease an a side of cuddles trying to hold back his giggles he looked at scarlet waiting for her to look at him but this caught Scarlets attention looking up ridiculously quick almost giving herself whiplash she couldn't believe it a massive smile on her face looking at who was in the booth, Taylor giggled at his mama surprise mama we here aylor here aylor here climbing over his aunt ally he jumped in to Scarlets arms "hey baby boy hi your here" the girls couldn't help but laugh an smile at the duo scarlet kissed his head turning her attention to the girls with a confused expression why are you guys here? Ally cleared her throat well how about you get us the usual an Taylors order an sit down with us an we will let Taylor tell you why we are here, with that scarlet wrote down the order an took it to the counter taking Taylor with her happily on her hip, the other staff an Tony stood there with smiles on there faces knowing all to well what they have both been through an still going through the smile of having taylor on her hip was proof of at how happy she looked turning back to the table she sat down with Taylor in her lap turning him to face her.

Alright mr man you have some explaining to do Taylor giggled an held a proud smile on his face, me wanted Icey cream an an lolo say no Icey cream in the house an I missed ou an me knows ou haves Icey cream here an an I gave my best smiles an pwomised noo kick off after when ime goes home an now we here an an me cute, Taylor took a breath after telling his mama all about it he laid his head on her chest an smiled happily he was with his mummy, chuckling at his antics she wrapped her arms around him oh see well in that case hi baby boy, turning her attention to the others she smiled thank you girls honestly this is just what I needed tonight from the moment i left to come to work i just wanted to turn back an be home with him, The girls nodded in understanding that's alright scar ice cream an then home for movies till you are home how is work going anyway "not too bad thanks ally little slow but will pick up soon just happy to see this little one missed him even though it's only been a short amount of time away from him but i just feel guilty for leaving him but we need money to get by just got to get use to being away from him again lola one of the other waitresses brought over the order waving at taylor he gave his best smile an waved back hhh hii hiii lola, chuckling at her little boy she rubbed his back gently thanks lola, the waitress placed the order on the table an gave a little nod no problem scar nice to see the girls an this little one again enjoy guys. 

conversation flowed around the table taylor being careful not too get too messy an taking his time compared to how he normally does he just wanted to be with his mama so he did what taylor does best he was going to take his sweet time until it was all gone lauren looked at taylor a winked knowing all to well what he was doing this was going to be a long night, Scarlett looked down at her little boy happily seeing him munching away she leaned in to his ear an whispered i know you are taking your time sweet boy, taylor let out a little giggle he looked up at scarlet with innocent eyes *mmmm eee unoo wat ouu alking bout mummy* rolling her eyes playfully at her baby boy she kissed his head an continued to hold him just happy to have him in her arms.. so girls please explain to me how you are going to get this little one to be some what calm by the time i get off work tonight, I have no idea scar but we will think of a way right girls ally directed her attention to the rest of the group, the girls sat an nodded err yeah we will figure it out scar you did say he dosent have to go to sleep if he dosent want to without you so between the time we leave here an you get off work im sure we will have him tuckered out enough that he will fall asleep as soon as you get home.

Hmm is that so girls just please for the love of god dont let him get hurt you know what he is like when he has had too much sugar so after this no more sugar do i make myself clear all the girls rolled there eyes at scarlet except  for ally taylor let out a little giggle *ooo ouuu all in twouble* he mocked his aunties mouth full of ice cream scarlet had to hold in a chuckle looking down at him she raised her eyebrow at him *hmm bubs you know you wont be having anymore sugar after this* taylor looked up at his mama an pouted *bb but ouu pwomised mama ookies an lolo soda* scarlet mentally slapped herself of course he remembers  hmm well im sure we will figure something out but right now you eat up an just enjoy being here with that taylor tucked back in to his ice cream not having to tell him twice scarlet could only imagine what she would be walking into after work but if he was happy she was happy an that is all that matters to scarlet, ally looked over at the duo happy seeing them both content taking a quick photo of them both she sent it to  the group chat. i think you are all done mucky pup what you think scar i cant see anymore ice cream in that bowl can you she winked taylor looked down noticing it was all gone he knew what this meant but lucky auntie gabby come to the rescue why both adults was not looking she placed some of hers in to his bowl sending the little one a wink she knew he wasn't ready scarlet had caught this out the corner of her eye shaking her head taylor ate an ate till it was eventually all gone cleaning her little boy up she hugged him as much as she possibly could they group said there goodbyes tony an scarlet walked them to the car scarlet strapping her little one in giving him a million an one kisses before they set off for home scarlet watched them drive away before turning to face tony thank you tony for everything tony gave her a silent nod nothing else needed to be said they made there way back inside scarlet sat in her office thinking of what could possibly be waiting for her later on.

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