Chapter 28.

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Taylor an lauren was following the others in the cars an vans on there way to the new house taylor was rather quiet on the drive lauren expected this from taylor when he is little but big taylor it was worrying her a little bit, normally taylor will talk when out of headspace lauren is kinda hoping its nothing trying not to panic straight away she knew she would have to ask him to get an answer before letting scarlet know they had come to a set of traffic lights a perfect moment to ask taylor if he as ok or not, lauren looked over at taylor seeing him staring out the window not sure what was bothering him lauren knew she had to figure it out soon hoping he would at least open up to her or give he any kind of direction that he is infact ok no matter how much she did not want to worry she could indeed see that something was bothering him *hey taylor you ok bud?* pulling taylor out of his day dream he looked at lauren an gave her a weak smile *err yeah laur im good you ok?* 

lauren looked back at the road a head of her seeing the lights had changed they set off again *yeah im ok you sure your ok you are quiet you havent really said much since we left the old house* Taylor shrugged an continued to look out the window going back to his thoughts Truth to be told taylor was a little emotional about the move he understood why they had to move, but the house they just left is were it all started with him an scarlet it held good memories an bad memories its were he felt safe the most it was home to him what if the new house would never feel the same way like the old house did what if he would never feel settled in the new house yes we have everybody under one roof but it was just him scarlet an lauren in the old house it wasnt much but it was home taylor could feel a silent tear roll down his face, wiping it away hoping lauren did not see but lauren indeed did see it lauren knew not to press taylor when he gets like this so lauren did what she always does best to comfort him in anyway she can she held her hand out on the arm rest a silent gesture to taylor letting him know the option is there for comfort if he needs it. 

Taylor reached in to his pocket pulling out a packet of smokes he opened the window an sparked up noticing laurens hand he held her hand with his free hand lauren smiled at the touch of taylor holding her hand, giving it a little squeeze to reassure him that it will all be ok there was no need for words to be shared between them both, lauren knew that she would have to let scarlet know later on about taylors silent tears if he would not speak to lauren he would speak to scarlet 20 minuets had passed an they finally made it to the drive way of the new house everyone parked as best they could with vans on the drive way an cars, once they finally parked up everyone got out stretching taylor made his way to the edge of the drive way an shut the gate, everyone had there eyes on taylor as he made his way back up the drive way taylor could feel everyone looking at him it made him kinda uncomfotable standing in front of the girls he scratched the back of his neck why is everyone looking at me like there is something wrong, ally was the first to speak up *taylor your eyes are puffy you ok? do you want us to call scarlet?* taylor shifted uncomftable under the eyes looking at him *im good can we just get un loaded an packed please* tasha knowing taylor all to well could see something was wrong but did not want to be pushed anymore, cleared her throat an turned her attention the group *alrigth you heared him lets get this sorted*

Ally an gabby made there way to the cars unloading the boxes from there cars an in to the house lauren made her way with tasha to the vans unloading boxes an stacking them outside the van ready for taylor to transfer in to the house lauren watched taylor walk towards them he looked at the boxes knowing they was for his an scarlets room he carried them in to there room tasha looked at lauren questionally lauren turned around an looked at tasha what? *laur its just us now i know taylor an i know full well something is wrong did he say anything in the car?* lauren let out a sigh an shook her head *honestly no i asked an he said he was ok but we both know there is something he is not telling us* just as tasha was about to respond taylor made his way back to the van picking up the last bits from van number one the girls made it look like they was busy as not to give it away to taylor that they was just talking about him once he was far enough away from them lauren sighed once again *i will tell scarlet later when we see her hopefully he will open up to her but for now lets just get this place sorted* ally an gabby had taken there final boxes to there own rooms gabby looked at taylor outside alright so mine an allys beds are already here along with your crib for your nursey etc all that is left is laurens final boxes yours an scarlets bed an laurens the kitchen lounge etc are already in an being set up as a we speak so lets get this done as quick as possible before we go for lunch sound good taylor must of zoned out as he was nudged by gabby *did you hear me taylor* err yes two beds an then lunch got it, lauren rolled her eyes knowing all to well taylor just picked up two things he heared out of it all.

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