Chapter 13.

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Ice cream what could possibly go wrong...

The girls an Taylor headed towards the ice cream parlour Taylor happily settled on scarlets hip his second favourite place laying his head on his mamas shoulder babbling away about getting ice cream *is that so little man you want all the flavours huh?* Taylor kept on babbling away to himself an to anyone who was listening to him.Taylor was excited he knew it was ice cream time he been waiting all day for this it's not often taylor gets ice cream he has to be a very good boy to be allowed ice cream Taylor was happily smiling away he could see the ice cream parlour getting closer this just added to his excitement causing his little legs to kick side to side on his mamas hip, *alright munchkin calm down we are almost there* taylor looked at lauren an let out a giggle hoping aunt lauren would help him get his own way *ohh no little man not gonna work* taylor gave her a look as much to say but i cute an cuddly, scarlet tickled taylors tummy alright munchkin here we are lets find a seat an then we can order, Taylor was sat next to wall in the booth why scarlet sat next to him lauren ally an gabby sat the other side along with rose, *alright my hyper boy what do you want* scarlet held the menu in front of him her free arm wrapped around his waist *mmmmm isss one mummy pweaseee* lauren cooed at how polite her nephew was being today *mm i think that is a grate choice little man thank you for using your manners sweetie pie* taylor smiled up proudly at his mama he liked seeing her smile an he loved getting the praise something he never really got with ruby A waitress come over to take there orders - 

waitress- Hi will be your server today how can i help you the girls ordered there ice creams the waitress happily writing it down an what about this little cutie pie what would you like little one me wants iss one pwease, point towards the menu showing her what one he wants waitress grate choice little one, the waitress took there orders an walked off to place there orders, scarlet looked at taylor an smiled you ok baby taylor looked at scar esss mummy i dus want my ice cream i super super excited *jumping in his seat* i see that little one it will be hear soon just as scarlet said that the waitress brought over there ice creams taylors eyes lit up squealing an clapping his hands the girls couldnt help but smile an coo over taylor alright alright munchkin you need your bib on before we let you anywhere near your ice cream *booping his nose*  lauren passed taylors bib to scarlet here you go one clean bib that wont be clean for long for our little man scarlet placed his bib around taylor alright munchkin dig in pushing his ice cream bowl closer to him, taylor did not have to be told twice he dived straight in to his bowl of ice cream getting more around his face an bib then anything else scarlet was happy that her little boy was happy. 

They all finished there ice creams tummys full of yummy goods taylor is clearly very hyper right now the girls knew they would have to keep an eye on him they all looked at one an other an new that they was all in for a long night, Lauren grabbed taylors hand along with scarlet grabbing his other hand *alright monkey lets head to the car so we can all go home* they made there way to the car with a happy giggling taylor lauren an scarlet happily swinging taylor in the air between them both something he loves to do when sandwiched between them both, they finally made it to the car after putting the bags in the trunk they knew this part was not gonna be easy at all getting taylor in his car seat Taylor see his car seat an felt his mama pick him up taylor did not want to sit down he wanted to run around and play taylor come up with a plan he was not going to go in his seat without a fight taylor made his body go stiff this caused scarlet to sigh *come on little man i promise it wont be for long as soon as we get home you can run around i promise please sit in the seat for mama* taylor shook his head *nuuu uhhhhh nooo seat nooooo* taylor was having non of it scarlet looked at the girls an sighed rose stepped in she knew this move from taylor all too well *hey scar breath an get ready i know this move all too well from this little munchkin* scarlet looked at her an nodded rose come in to taylors view he knew what was coming he looked up at rose *uhhh ohhhh* rose smirked at him she knew why he was saying uhh ohh *ohh yes uhhh ohhh indeed little man we can do this the easy way or the hard way your choice monkey* taylor looked at rose with a serious thinking face he then shook his head *nuuuu uhhhhhh noooo easwyy wayyy* rose smirked an shrugged her shoulders alright little man you asked for it* she started to tickle his tummy an sides one place he is really ticklish this caused taylors guard to go down his body going limp because of the tickle monster attack rose looked at scarlet an smiled *now scarlet quick get him in his seat why you can* scarlet finally got him strapped in his seat they all got in the car high fiveing on an other taylor calmed down after giggling soo much he looked down at himself *HEYYYY NOOO FAIRS ICKLE MONSTER*  they all laughed an set off for home with a pouting taylor.

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