Chapter 6.

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Taylors 5 mins time out was over scarlet walked back in to the front room tyalor had calmed down all you can hear is soft little whimpers scarlet walked over to taylor an lifted his chin up with her index finger, *baby boy do you know why mama put you in a time out?* Taylor nodded his head *Can you tell mama why that was bear cub* taylor explaing in between soft sniffles an whimpers why he was in timeout an that he was sorry scarlet listend to the reason why an accepted his appoligy *thats my good boy now give mama cuddle an kiss* taylor leaped in to her arms all was forgiven peace was restored his aunties returned to the front room too happy to see there nephew smiling again Auntie gabby walks over to them both she crouches down to taylors eye level *hey sweet boy look what auntie gabby has* she hands him a cold sippy cup full of apple juice with some ice inside knowing he will need this after screaming an crying his little lungs out taylor took his sippy cup *taaa taaa gaa gabby* gabby ruffled his hair *no worries precious boy bet that feels nice on your throat hmm?* taylor nodded too busy drinking

his apple juice aunt ally spoke up so what do yall want for dinner leah an lauren both announced at the same time pizza an ice cream ally laughed i swear you both could live off pizza an ice cream you are almost as bad as taylor this caught taylors attention he turned his head at aunt ally an gave her the most cheeky smile Ally let out a chuckle *yes munchkin i was talking about you* scarlet rubbed his back an put his sippy back to his mouth knowing taylor was about to make a comment that would of been rude *drink up cub* gabby laughed knowing her nephew all too well, scarlet looked at gabby *you can be quiet too gabs* gabby flipped her off lauren was trying not to laugh lucky enough taylor did not see it thankfully scarlet looked at the girls i dont mind what we have i am in no mood to cook tonight i got taylors course work to get done as he is in no headspace to do it himself ally gave scarlet a soft smile *well why dont you do that an we will look after the little guy but first scarlet go take a nice long hot bath an relax we got this* scarlet smiled knowing full well the girls are only trying to help knowing she was a little stressed after the first interaction with ruby

since taylor came to her she just needed some mama time, she looked down at her bundle of joy she faced him towards her this caused taylor too look directly at her cleavge sacrlet chuckled *baby boy my eyes are up here not down there* this caused all the girls to laugh gabby annouced *what can i say my nephew is a boob person just like me* ally threw a pillow at gabby hush gabs taylor gave a cheeky smile to gabby an a little giggle then turned his head back to his mamas boobs scarlet lifted his chin up looking him softly in his eyes *mama is gonna have a bath baby boy you gonna stay down here with aunt gabby lauren leah an ally ok* taylors bottom lip wabbled not understanding *shh baby bear its ok mama will take the monitor so i can listen out for you ok?* taylor nodded an gave scarlet the biggest slobbery kiss ever *awww you kissing mama yes you are beautiful kiss baby slobber an everything thank you baby* she ruffled his hair an went upstairs to have a bath. 

Ally sat taylor in his pack an play turning on thomas scarlet could hear the theme tune relaxing in the bath knowing her boy was safe she hated leaving her little cubs side but she knew he was safe an not alone but part of her wanted him next to her all she wants is to protect him an keep him safe she has always wanted taylor as he little boy an now she has him she vowed she would keep him safe an protected like her life depended on it letting out a long sigh she realxed finally, All the girls was catching up on course work an glancing at taylor every now an then ally phoned for 2 large pizzas and a banana milkshake for the little one a treat he would get now an then taylor got bored an looked at his aunties seeing them ingrossed in there work hegot an idea he put his bear under his blanket making it look like it was him he climbed over the pack an play an crawled to the stair case he pulled himself up the stairs he got to the top of the stairs an sat on his bum he looked around for his mama an couldnt see her he could hear her but not see her meanwhile scarlet was humming in the bath leaving the bathroom door open taylor followed the sound of his mamas humming as the humminggot louder he got more excited he knew he was on the right track his binky clicking speeding up with excitment he crawled an crawled as quick as he can he spotted the bathroom light on in the master bedroom he could hear his mama he crawled in an sat by the tub clappin his hands together this caught scarlets attention 

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