Chapter 32.

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The next Morning.. 

Scarlet woke up to the sound of birds chippering outside the bedroom window looking over at the clock on the night stand reading 08:15AM she began to wipe the sleep from her eyes she sat up taking a moment to herself to let her eyes adjust to the new found brightness of the room mentally scolding herself for not shutting the blind last night before getting in to bed between birds chippering an taylor still snoring away she finally felt a little relaxed, looking down at the sleeping boy next to her she placed a soft kiss to his temple covering him over with the quilt before picking up her phone off the night stand she made her way down the stairs to head in to the kitchen scarlet was in need of a shower an breakfast before taylor wakes up for the day, making her way to the kitchen she could hear soft humming coming from there scarlet entered the kitchen to see ally sitting at the breakfast bar cup off coffee in hands looking out the kitchen window scarlet grabbed herself a cup of coffee an took a seat next to ally taking in the smell of the freshly brewed coffee an having her first mug of the morning scarlet joined ally in looking out the window watching the morning sun make an appearance.

*morning scar you sleep ok* morning ally yeah i slept alright taylor only woke up once last night after i got in to bed with him an that was only because he lost his blanket ally shook her head why dosent that surprise me so what are you doing today? well i got work tonight so i was hoping you would watch taylor for me i would ask lauren but she looked after him a few days ago an judging by the state of them both when i got home i would rather you bath him an get him settled for bed if that is ok with you if you dont have anything planned for tonight? Ally couldnt help but smile your asking me if i will look after my nephew for you did you really have to ask scarlet of course i will an you know full well with me there will not be an indoor ocean in the bathroom like there is when lauren looks after him, apart from work what else do you have planned well to be honest with you i have no idea i mean we need to go an get grocery's so i think that will be a job for us all to go an do you know what its like if only one of us goes we always forget something or get something that one of us dosent like ally nodded in agreement i totally agree so we will all go get a cart each an divide up the lists between us all then meet in the middle go through what we got before heading to the checkouts exactly that ally right im going to grab a shower an get changed before taylor wakes up with that being said ally gave her hand a light squeeze as she headed off to get sorted for the day. 

Scarlet grabbed her outfit for the day placing it on her vanity ready to get in to after her shower tip toeing past taylor she made her way in to the bathroom ready to jump in the shower 10 minuets later taylor woke up in headspace not seeing scarlet in the room he felt tears in his eyes  confused on were he was he could hear someone on the landing he got out of bed with his blanket an teddy bear rubbing his eyes he made his way out the door bumping in to someone on his way out he fell down to his bum looking up he could see it was lauren crouching down to his level she rubbed his back *good morning cutie pie* taylor waved his hand an continued to rub his eyes lauren picked him up an sat him on her hip, how about we go an get you something to eat an drink hmm does that sound good taylor laid his head on her shoulder letting out a quiet uh hu hungwy lolo, lauren opened the baby gate an made her way down to the kitchen seeing ally there walking in lauren said good morning to ally before going over to the units trying to find a sippy cup for taylor scratching her head not knowing what one they are in ally cleared her throat second unit to your right, bottom shelf err thanks ally i totally knew that taylor lifted his head up off laurens shoulder he looked over an gave a small wave good morning to his auntie ally lauren grabbed his sippy cup an looked at taylor you want to go to auntie ally why lolo gets you an her a drink hm? taylor reached out for ally lauren handed him over placing a soft kiss to his head she got to work at filling up his cup with juice an making a mug of coffee for herself.

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