Chapter 4

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Scarlet took a deep breath an carried taylor to the couch she sat him facing her on her lap she lifted his adorable face an looked him in the eyes baby boy i need to ask you something is that okay taylor just looked at scarlet in the eyes an tilted his head with a questioning look scarlet picked up on what he was thinking its okay baby nothing bad baby i just need to know the answer can you do that for me handsome taylor let out a small esss she rubbed his back okay thank you cutie so remember today when you become a little escape artist an ran in to my class room an you called me mommy taylor blushed an nodded his head at scarlet well little man i need to know do you want me to be your mommy i know you have gone through a lot with ruby but i am not her little man i have kept you safe an not hurt you have i baby boy taylor nodded he swallowed hard with a shaky breath he spoke ess i would like you to be my mommy scar scar ouu mean the world to me ouu always there an when you said later gator when ouuu dropped me off at class i knew in that moment that i wanted ouuu as my mommmyyyy he quickly blushed an hid his face in to scarlets chest scarlet rubbed his back an swallowed hard trying to hold back tears of joy she spoke well then it is settled cutie pie you are my little an i will keep you safe an sound an i will never let anyone hurt you munchkin.

Taylor cuddled in to his now mommy extremely tight he whispered in to her chest i wove ouuu mommyyy ouuu the best mommyyy ever i would be wost withouts ouuuu scarlet let a tear escape her eye an whispered back i love you too baby boy its just you an me against the world nothing will ever hurt you as long as mommy is around okay baby boy everything is going to be okay again i promise you baby bear cub, taylor squealed at his new nickname from scarlet he tugged on her shirt scarlet looked down an smiled what is it you want baby bear ? He babbled mama milkies scarlet smiled but felt bad mama dont have any milkies at the moment but i can get that sorted if that is what my cub wants would you like that baby? Taylor nodded ess mama i would like that she scopped him up an spun him around well how about we go get you a nice luke warm baba hmm would that do till you can get mama milkies taylor nodded they set off to the kitchen to get him his bottle scarlet sat him on the counter top an placed his bottle in the microwave to warm up.

Just as the timer went off there was a knock at the front door then it opened in come aunt gabby aunt ally an the others they all come in making fun of one an other taylor started to squeal seeing his mommy walk towards him with his baba all the girls cooed at him an his adorableness scarlet laughed well hello to you girls too taylor pouted an screamed everyone's attention was on him scarlet tilted her head at him raising an eyebrow he giggled an pointed to himself were my hewwooo mommyyyy scarlet chuckled an kissed his little pout right there silly boy he squealed an clapped his hands together he looked towards his aunties an poked his tongue out around his baba signalling he got a kiss an they didn't the girls rolled there eyes at his cute little antics they all sat at the island in the kitchen with taylor in the middle.

All the girls started to talk about there day why keeping an eye on the little escape artist taylor soon grew fussy his bottle was now empty an he was getting bored an hungry just as his mommy looked away he launched the bottle in to the sink causing a crash the girls all laughed at his antics taylor gave a sheepish cheeky smile to his mommy scarlet on the other hand wanted to smile at his antics but she knew if she did he would think that is okay she sighed an poked taylor baby boy we do not throw things in this house now do we taylor hung his head an smiled nuuu uhhhh me sowwiiieee mommyyyy the girls was shocked that taylor had called scarlet mommy again then it clicked to scarlet ohhh yeah im now officially his mommy the girls all screamed an squealed taylor smiled an clapped his hands kicking his tiny little legs enjoying the excitement in the room.

Taylor was laughing so much that he managed to wet his diaper completely his excitement subsided an he started to cry scarlet rushed to him baby boy whats wrong my little cub can you tell mommyyy as she swayed him side to side wet wet mommyyy wet off off now scarlet sighed thinking that he had really hurt himself she smiled okay bear cub stay here with aunties i be right back scarlet headed to his diaper bag an got his micky mouse club house diapers out with wet wipes an powder she come back an picked up taylor placing him on his changing mat on the kitchen floor okay little man time to get you all clean he nodded he felt his trousers being taken off he heared the snaps to his baby grow being undone then his diaper normally he would care about someone elese seeing his man hood other then scarlet but he was more interested with his toes playing with them the girls cooed at how adorble he is being scarlet made quick work at getting him all cleaned up there you go munchkin all done scarlet just left him in his baby grow an diaper with his fuzzy socks on as they are in doors today.  

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