Chapter 46.

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Part 1.

Lauren shifted uncomfortably in her seat her eyes  glued anywhere but her sisters direct eye line she could feel scarlets eyes burning holes in to her head trying to dig information out of how there time was scarlet of course knew something was up taylor was sweaty he never sweats this much unless something has happened an judging by the way taylor has a death grip on scarlet something of course happend she knows a mother always knows, So laur how was your day with taylor this caught lauren off guard she was calm an collected there was a hint of a different tone in her voice the table fell silent all eyes now on lauren err it was good we got him two new car seats one for mine an one for tasha's car as we have the same car seats he has out grown the ones we have had a trip to the lego store first then got an ice blast each taylor was fine happy with his new lego sets he got brain freeze you know the usual with cold foods an drinks with him made our way to get the car seats he enjoyed picking them out all on his own headed to check out an thats when err *lauren rubs the back of her neck nervously* well hhh he was walking in front of me as he couldnt hold my hand as my hands was full he got there before i did an when i got to him like a split 30 seconds after he was not ok he err had an anxiety attack just a small one i dont know what happend scar im really sorry i was only 30 seconds away but we resolved it an calmed him down pretty quickly i swear he was fine up until that moment an after he was ok once we got in the car we went for lunch at leonas he didnt eat much he fell asleep in leonas arms so we brought home his lunch an your apple pie lauren was still not looking at scarlet she was waiting for the how she screwed up with taylor speech. 

Scarlet processed everything lauren had just said a mile a minuet no breaths taken just full on vent about what happened, she was not mad or disappointed in fact she was proud that her sister calmed an brought him home still in mindset un hurt an in one piece lauren look at me please your not in trouble i am not mad nor disappointed im so proud of you ok, you brought taylor home he is safe i knew he would be safe there was no doubt in my mind As you have said you dont know what triggered the attack it happens i cant count the amount of attacks he has had with me an im his mommy its ok laur breath an relax you are in the clear by this point taylor slowly started to whine a clear sign he was waking up from his nap fussing in his mommies arms his gripped tightened scarlet began to pat his padded bum placing feather light kisses to his head taylor slowly opened his eyes realizing the familiar scent of his mamas perfume his grip softened, looking down at her sleepy son she smiled hi sleepy head there's mama's boy taylor smiled around his binky up at his mama awe you smiling for mommy hmm did you have nice nap baby, taylor giggled an placed his free hand on his mamas face scarlet leaned in to his touch it was stolen moments like this that they both enjoyed as taylor become less sleepy scarlet re adjusted taylor so he could see everyone an what was around him choosing to have the conversation of what triggered his attack till he was out of mindset the group followed scarlet lead pushing it aside for another time. 

Taylor laid his head on scarlets shoulder visibly relaxing now he was home safe in her arms taylors eyes landed on everyone giving them a small wave *hh hiii aylor home now* that you are cutie pie was you a good boy for lauren?? taylor looked over at lauren an smiled *aylor ood boy uhh huu aylor have Icey blast an new egos an an see nana*  oh i see sounds like you had a really good morning with lolo taylor nodded his head turning his attention back to scarlet he patted her shoulder gently *mm mommy* hi baby what do you need? *mmm aylor uice ease mommy* hmm now that i can do an you need a change baby your all wet, *mmm noo ange noo ange* chuckling at her little boys antics she shook her head yes change mr how about this we get your juice an then mommy will change you why you drink your juice how does that sound hm, *mmm aylor ink oway mommy* thats my boy with that scarlet carried taylor inside grabbing a fresh sippy cup out the fridge handing it to taylor they made there way up to his nursery placing taylor down on the changing table she got to work at getting his sweaty clothes off him stripping him down to just his diaper much to taylors dislike with the cold hitting his skin like ice due to the AC an his body temperature re adjusting from the events that happened earlier scarlet noticed this getting to work quickly taylor was now clean picking him back up scarlet carried him back down to the girls, as soon as taylor was back in the sun he relaxed liking the warm sun hitting his skin letting out a content sigh around his sippy cup teat.

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