Chapter 47.

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Part 2.

Taylor was finally relaxed he had everything he needed right now in this moment he was safe he loved being held he knew that the safest place he could possibly be in was scarlets embrace everything seemed to not matter he knew nothing or no one could hurt him the big bad world could not get to him why because mommy is a super hero well thats how taylor sees scarlet she always keeps him safe nothing else matters its just him an her against the world, Scarlet could feel taylor growing heavy in her arms looking at the time scarlet sat debating if she should let him nap or not she wanted him to sleep tonight plus she dosent know how long he was asleep for before he come home going against her better judgment she let him nap for a while she continued to sway taylor why placing soft little pats to his diapered bottom, Hey scar when is taylor going to his new school? Err tomorrow im still unsure of the idea but its what he wants i guess i just have to support his choice Liams little one went to the bear legacy academy so im assuming its a good school? That sounds more like a question scar who you trying to reassure us or yourself err i guess you could say both.

He will be fine scar you gotta let him fly the nest at some point if you had it your way he would never leave your side HEY! im not that bad am i ? Oh please the moment he is not in your eye line you go all mama bear on all of us until he is back in your eye line again, Ok ok i get it im protective over him i just want what is best for him the idea of losing him scares me scar you not gonna lose him he will be at school for 6hrs then he will be home its not like he is moving across the country chill mama's he will be just fine an tasha's bar is a two blocks away any troubles he will go there you know this we are closer to this one then the old one.

Alright i get it can we change the subject now an just enjoy the last day with him until then, all the girls nodded in agreement tasha gave scarlets shoulder a light squeeze of reassurance looking at the time scarlet stood up im gonna go an put him down in his crib with that scarlet made her way up to his nursey lowering the rail she placed him in gently covering him with his blanket tucking his bear under his arms taylor instantly snuggled closely to it placing a soft kiss to his head she put the rail back up turning on the baby monitor she closed the door too sweet dreams my little prince mommy loves you. 

Lauren had just finished her classes closing her laptop she made her way to the others bumping in to scarlet in the hallway she noticed scarlet looked a little lost hey you ok? Err oh hi laur yeah i'm ok ? you sure you look a little lost ? yeah i'm ok just not ready for tomorrow you know with taylor starting his new school i get that i do you know liam will be with you tomorrow to take him i know just going to be quiet around here without him shaking off the thoughts the girls made there way back to the others. So what are we all doing tonight?? Well the carnival is in town have you had anymore thoughts on that or is it still a no? scarlet rubbed her temples i know taylor wants to go but its your call scar if you want to take him or not personally i think it will do us all some good an him.

We can bring liam an ben im sure tasha will bring dan right tasha? i mean yeah i can bring dan that way three people taylor trusts to keep us all safe will be there im sure it will make you feel more secure too scar its one night if it gets too much we can leave? You know what after what gabby said earlier im saying yes but its down to taylor after earlier im not sure how he will react if he says yes then we will go if he says no then you can all go without us i want this to be his choice  under no circumstance do i want him to be pressured or feel like its not his choice. 

That is more then fine with us scar when he wakes up we will ask him but let him wake up more first otherwise he will just agree due to his sleepy state *chuckling* plus we will need to speak to ben an liam an tasha needs to call dan but i dont see that being a problem, liam an ben will be hear soon so might as well make a start on dinner an go from there unless you all want to eat out later after we gone? you know to bring taylor down from the sugar high he will probably be on from the carnival as mama bear said she wants him to sleep tonight yes gabby an lauren we are all looking at you both no sneaking extra sugary sweet treats to him ok.

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