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Sapnap/Nick POV (Third person)

All four of them stood around the big vain of diamonds. The blue mineral lit up the gray and boring stone around it. Everyone took out their iron pickaxes and started mining. It was the biggest amount of diamonds that you could get, eight. This was very important since they needed so much of the strong material. "I found some diamonds too. Follow me" Nick led the way to his mine with the other three close behind him. Sapnap looked proud as he stood in front of what he found. He didn't care however Dream found one more diamond than him or not. The thing that mattered was that he helped them to get closer to their goal, to kill the enderdragon. "Good job" He was met by her soft smile, it made him feel even prouder. Nick had always thrived for his sister's appreciation. And her compliments had always mattered the most. "We can go back to mining for another hour or two befor getting a break if that's ok?" The rest of us looked at Dream and then back to each other. "Sure." He answered before everyone parted ways back into their own mines. Once again his pickaxe hit the wall with determination. Sweat ran down Nick's back as he worked, he gritted his teeth and hit the wall harder, 133 diamonds to go.

Y/n POV (Third person)

She sat at one of the benches next to Dream, on the other bench sat her brother and George. It had been a way longer mining section than they thought. In total they had found 28 diamonds and only needed 120 more. She had only found five but for her it didn't really matter, for as long they got all the diamonds they needed. Y/n woke up from her thoughts by a small fight between Nick and George. She looked up at Dream's "face". He was watching the fight and seemed to enjoy it. "They act like a married couple." He giggled. Y/n moved her eyes to the fight and couldn't do anything but agree. She giggled along with him. "Would you like to go out and get some food?" Dream whispered to her quiet enough so that George and Nick wouldn't hear. "Sure"

They walked out of the cave, the others were so into their bickering that they didn't even notice Y/n and Dream walk out together. "Do you have an axe with you?" She moved her hand towards the holder on her back. "Yeah, I do." "Good, come here" She followed him around the mountain until they got to an easier side. They climbed up the mountain easelly. "The view is almost as good it was from the tree." "Almost" She smiled at him, times as these were when she really wanted him to have a face, she just wanted to see his smile. She wanted to be able to see his emotions so that they could feel them together. But she had to understand his boundaries, even though it hurt her in some way. In the last few days she had started to like the company from this mysterious man. Maybe she should back off, had she come off to clingy?

Dream POV (First person)

I smiled back at her and looked right in her y/e/c eyes. From one second to another the smile on her face disappeared. She didn't look sad, just like she was deep in thought. "Hey... what's wrong?" My question almost came off as a whisper. "I- Its nothing." I tilted my head and tried to catch her eyes again. "Are you sure?" She just nodded as an answer. "Follow me" I kept my breath as I took her hand. I don't know why, but she made me nervous. Had I done anything wrong? Maybe she didn't want to be here, or just wanted to be alone.

Y/n POV (Third person)

She followed his lead through the tall grass. Y/n had to run the fastest she could too keep up. Dream was so much taller than her, and therefore also had longer legs. His 6.3 tall body created an even larger shadow behind them. After a while a tall tower towered up in the distance. "We are getting up on the tower." "Ok lets get there then." She chuckled before they started running again.

A ladder hung on the side of the tower so it wasn't that hard to get upp. The roof on the tower had more than enough space for both of them. A small wall was around the edge so that no one would fall off. "Are you sure that Nick and George wont be worried about us?" "No, but they probably trust us. They will be fine without us for dinner." She heard him smiling under the mask. And once again wondered about the face behind it. Who was he behind this fake name and mask, who was Dream?

Y/n POV (First person)

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. I used all of my courage and grabbed his hand. Mine felt so small in his, the warmth from his hand made my whole body shiver. How could one touch make such an impact over me? We looked out over the edge and took in the view. The sun was just setting and it was even prettier than that night in the tree. All of the red and orange was making the most beautiful patterns on the sky. "I really like this you know." I smiled, I just had to tell him how perfect this moment was. I just wanted to stay like that forever, I felt safe. I actually felt safe.

Dream POV (First person)

I felt how she took my hand. Maybe she wanted to be here with me after all. I grabbed it back and held it like I never wanted to let her go. "I really like this you know." Her voice filled my ears. A wide smile grew on my lips, I probably looked like a fool. Her words, those words somehow had a big impact on me. "I really like this too... I really needed this, to calm myself down a bit." "I get it, and I probably need this too."


I got nothing to say except


(And as always have a good day or night :))

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