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After a long time of walking they could finally see the purple light from the portal. "Be careful when you get out of the portal, ok?" "Sure?" She didn't know why she would be careful, did he warn her about mobs? They stepped into the portal, illness and nausea spread in her body. She closed her eyes and took a tight grip around her stomach. She fell out on a small wooden platform, it was maybe three meters wide and long. The man walked out a second after looking way less in pain than she was. He must have gone through the portal way more times than she had. He helped her up to her feet and pointed to the ground which was about a hundred meters away. They were really high up in the sky. "Have you ever mlgd before?" "No, what is that?" She had never heard of that before. A thousand thoughts went through her mind when he lifted her up on his back. She didn't have enough time to react when he suddenly jumped off the platform out in the sky. A heartbreaking scream left her lungs while her y/h/l , y/h/c blew in the wind. What was he doing, was she going to die just like the rest of her family? She bit her lip and closed her eyes just as they were going to hit the ground. She heard a splash of water as she opened her eyes again. They were standing safe on the ground. "How did you do that?" The guy giggled and let her down on the ground. "With a lot of practise." She could hear the smirk he wore under the mask. Y/n couldn't help but smile back at him.

A horse was tied to a wooden fence close to where they had landed after the fall. The guy jumped up on the horse and offered his hand to the girl in front of him. She took it and got dragged up on the brown horse with golden armour. His hand was stronger than she thought. The warmth of his hand stayed on hers a long time after he let go. "Hold on tight" He made the horse go faster the second after he told her to hold on. She almost fell off due to the fast sprint from the horse. Y/n quickly swept her arms around the man's torso, holding on for her life. As she closed her y/e/c eyes couldn't she help but feel relaxed for the first time in ages. The warmth of someone close, the feeling of not being alone. It all reminded her of her brother in some way, a tear slowly made its way over her cheek as the horse ran in the long grass.

Dream POV (first person)

I have no idea of why I am doing this. I promised myself that I would only ever have myself after what happened. I had to take them in, if it wouldn't have been for me back then, they would have died. But this time, she could have saved herself. She did just fine without me. I am only putting them in danger with this, and possibly her too. There was just something about her that made me take her with me. I couldn't resist the voices that told me to help her. The worst thing though is the feeling that I got when her arms swept around my chest. I couldn't help but smile when she put her head on my back.

Y/n POV (third person)

He stopped the horse and tapped her shoulder. Y/n woke up from her thoughts and jumped off the horse. He did the same. They stood in front of a mountain, it was surrounded by hundreds of dark oak trees. She followed him as they made their way closer to the mountain. He stepped onto a hidden preshureplate on the ground. The wall opened into a cave. They made their way into the cave, the second they got into the room the wall closed behind them. She saw a fireplace in the middle of the room and a few crafting tables and furnaces close to the walls. The floor was made of the dark oak from the trees outside of this secret base. She continued to follow him into the next room. In the middle of the room was once again a fireplace, in the left corner of the room was three beds placed down, with a small gap between all of the beds. The first bed was having dark blue sheets, the second had white and the last had green. The right wall was filled up with loads of chests and one of them was an enderchest. She had never seen a base like this before. "We have a few other rooms too but they aren't that important. It's like a potion room and a mine, not that much to see." "I like this place. It looks very cool." A smile appeared on his face, she couldn't see it but somehow she understood that he appreciated her compliment a lot. "My friends will be here before night, I think they would love to meet you." She nodded and followed him to make her own bed. The man put up a bed next to the green one. It was a gap between them two but it was a smaller gap than between the other ones. "Which color would you like to have on your sheets?" "y/f/c" She didn't even hesitate, Y/n knew what she wanted. A small laugh came out from his mouth, it sounded a bit weird coming from under a mask but somehow it made her heart melt. Something about his laugh made her happy.

Dream POV (first person)

I heard someone was at the door. Sapnap and George were probably back from wherever they had been. I was nervous and excited to see what they would feel about helping Y/n to kill the ender dragon. I knew that Sapnap had talked about it a lot, he would probably agree right off the bat. George would probably agree too. They both had gotten their families killed by the pillagers. It would be like revenge for them. As they stepped into the room where Y/n and I were, they both stopped. George had a confused face but when I looked at sapnap, I figured something wasn't right. Tears filled up his face and he was almost breaking down. I turned my face to Y/n who also seemed to be on the very edge to tears. "Ehm this is Y/n, she... she would like our help to kill the enderdragon." "Hi" George answered with a smile. It made me feel a bit less anxious.


So, this was the second chapter, PogChamp? 

I actually felt pretty proud over this. And as usual feel free to continue reading, vote, comment or add to you library. I don't really know what else to say except have a good day and remember to drink water and so on. :)

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