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Short chapter, just had to put something out. More notes in the end c:

Dream POV (Third person)

He needed this to work, everything was at risk if this plan wouldn't succeed. George, Sapnap, Y/n and Karl all moved backward towards Dream's current position. All now gathered in the same spot, just like Karl and Sapnap earlier, their backs were all against each other. In the corner of his eye he saw it fly. He could see the green orb land right next to him.

Out from nothing he appeared, under shining netherite armour in purple shades his white hoodie was visible. The hood covered the blonde fluffy hair while creating a shadow that almost hid his blue and cold eyes. Golden chains hanging around his neck matching the golden handle on the netherite axe in his hands. "You may have more people, yet that doesn't matter. Wanna know why Techno?" He moved his head towards the newly arrived warrior. Catching his attention with a nod before continuing. "Because you have more enemies. I don't have more allies than you though people with the same enemies will in the end always be allies." Techno chuckled before moving his gaze towards the man next to Dream with bloodlust in his eyes. "Do you really think that Punz here will be a problem? Sure he has a lot of gear, and he is not terrible. But he doesn't even have a chance against me."

Dream smiled, if this would work everything would be fine. He wouldn't have to worry anymore. It all looked like a green rain, it was somewhat beautiful watching the greens and purples in the pitch black sky of a void. "You are right. I didn't believe that all of us would beat you. That's why I did some talking. I would look behind me if I were you." Behind the group a hoard of people all covered in diamond armour stood with weapons in hand. All people that had ever been in Techno's prison, all people that had ever had their families murdered by the human pig. All which Dream had found in places he'd promised himself never to visit again.


Dream walked around in circles, his mind busy with feeling like a traitor. He felt like everything he had done since she arrived had been a mistake. He felt like he was in the middle of nowhere, like if he was further from home than ever before. It felt like the world around him was dark, was it because of himself? Was that why he so often felt alone, because he was the problem in his own prison of a world? "I just want to go home..." He stated while looking out over the star filled sky with blurry vision. The cold grass tickled his ankles as if they were comforting him.

He didn't know what to do nor where to go. He sat down on a large stone, just high enough for his feet to not be able to touch the grass that swirled around in the wind. He looked down in the backpack placed in his lap. He had what they needed, five stacks of ender pearls, that was more than enough. Yet he felt like he wouldn't be welcomed home.

Holding the uncracked mask in his hands the tears were finally allowed to drip down from his chin down to the starving grass. A relieved smile appeared on his face as he finally cried, and was ok with it. A smile that starved for the salt water from green, emerald eyes. It was really ironic, wasn't it? Dream had done his everything, he had left, ran away like a coward. Just so that he wouldn't let go. So that he wouldn't open up to the people he cared about. And there he was crying with a smile on his face knowing that all he needed was them. Knowing that if he would continue running it would be too late.

He would lose his sanity, just like his best friend had done all those years ago. Just like D- Technoblade. He had become his name and lost all humanity. He wasn't a person anymore, he became the blade. Dream didn't want to become a nightmare, he had to get back.

Just as his feet touched the ground, ready to get back he realized something. He was not ready to give them the truth, all his friends had one common goal. To kill the dragon which according to some myth was some kind of brain behind all of this. They were all wrong. Though he knew from the time spent with George, Sapnap and Y/n that none of them would give up after hearing the real truth. Just in case he needed support, he needed help. If he was ever telling them the truth... when he would tell them the truth he would need all the help he could get. He wanted to go home but first he needed to go back to those places he had sworn never to visit again, he had to visit his home.

Flashback over


First of all I just quickly had to tell you all that it is the end of the semester (you probably knew that one) so therefor I have a lot of assignments, tests, exams and so on. It's a little complicated to explain (I don't live in the US or UK so not that many people would understand haha) Basically I haven't had that much time to write and I just did my best to make some kind of content. 

I'm done soon, not this Friday but the Friday after that school will be over for me and I will fully be able to finish this book. (And lets be honest probably start another one) I might be able to upload something before my graduation for the year, though I won't be able to write as much as I'd like to.

Also I really want to say happy pride month everyone!!! You are all so valid and great and I love all of you alright. As someone who's a part of the LGBTQIA+ community I just want you all to feel like this month can be a safe place for you to explore yourself and/or feel proud over who you love!!

And please have a wonderful and amazing day or night, and an even better month!!! :)

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