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Y/n POV (Third person)

She was amazed by the way his hair swirled around in the hot wind. The dirty blonde locks lit up the other dark surroundings. She told herself that it was only his hair that looked pretty. That no feelings whatsoever had a play in her faster pounding heart or the heat that exploded in her cheeks making them look pink. Her mind was a powerful place that made her believe and think about things that made her embarrassed.

Y/n saw herself move closer to Dream and felt her saliva move down in her dry throat. She raised her hand up to his mask and opened the metal lock. The sound from the mask hitting the ground was barely hearable. She looked up to his face expecting to see a pair of eyes. Instead she was met with those drawn dots on a white mask. The truth was that she probably never was meant to see his eyes, the face behind the mask.

Dream POV (Third person)

He knew that they were close, soon they had to go through the portal again. He was fine, he wouldn't be affected at all by the portal's turbulence. He was nervous about how she would react. Dream bit his lip trying to focus on something else with no success.

When he saw the purple lighting up the netherrack the anxiety doubled. Dream couldn't resist anymore. He grabbed her hand feeling all the stress tone down by the second. He almost felt her eyes drilling holes through his mask. Did he fuck up? "Are you ok?" He almost wanted to laugh at the irrony. He was worrying his ass off about her health and she asked if he was fine? He should be the one asking her about how she felt. "I'm fine."

Y/n POV (Third person)

"I'm fine." She despised those words. They were never true. Those words are implying "I'm not ok but I don't want to talk about it or, i'm too scared to talk about it". Last time he said those words she chose to ignore it. She chose to just let it be. What happened after that time? She got hurt. This time she wouldn't be afraid. "That's not true. You are not fine, what's bothering you?" She tried to smile, she tried so hard to make him comfortable. To make Dream trust her this one time.

"You will be fine this time right?" She giggled and looked at the ground. Was that really it? "Yeah, I've got you here so it doesn't really matter anyways." Bold Y/n she told herself. That wasn't something she usually would have balls enough to say. His little chuckle made her face become all red and hot. The nether wouldn't hide that one. "Someone's bluchinggg" Y/n hid her face in her hands all embarrassed and red. "stop." He just started laughing at her lowercase stop. The laughter escalated from his tiredness and grew into some kind of unhuman wheeze. But even when Dream was making the loudest wheezes that she had ever heard he didn't let go of her hand. He never let go. Maybe she was something more than just a weapon, a resource. Maybe even more than... a friend?

Sapnap POV (Third person)

It felt like he was bathing in heat and comfort. Was this what heaven felt like? Sapnap tried to open his eyes to locate where he was. He found himself staring into those blue eyes. None of them even binked, the eye contact felt so comforting. Sapnap barely noticed Karl hugging him on the dirty floor or the emerging pain in his head. "I am so, so sorry." Sapnap tried to find the right way to respond, why was he even sorry? "What's happening?" Karl let Sapnap out from his arms standing up in the room. It looked pretty much the same as the last one. Stone brick floor, some yellow kind of stone walls and a purple ceiling. "I was supposed to go and talk to you as usual, but then I found out about something and wasn't able to come. So then Schlatt decided to go here himself and he doesn't have the best ways of handling prisoners. I am so, so sorry Sapnap."

Sapnap knew that it wasn't his fault. He was there with him and that was what really mattered. "What did you find out?" Karl grew silent, he looked like he was almost going to cry. "You don't have to tell me if you aren't comfortable." Karl looked up from the ground meeting his eyes again. "No, no, no it's fine. My best friend Alex, he was sent out to the troops a few weeks ago and now they can't find him." I can't really find my friends either, he wanted to say. But it felt selfish, this wasn't about Sapnap. "I am so sorry for you Karl. If it's ok to ask, what was he supposed to do?"

Silence, Karl had just looked at him. Probably wondering whether he should tell Sapnap about it or not. It was a question of trust not about loyalty or friendliness. "He was just like most of the troops supposed to find this traitor. His name is Clay and he has been missing for years. Our boss says that he needs him for something, but no one really knows for what. He is the guy with the mask that they have been asking you so much about." Sapnap got more questions than answers from his question, he himself had been lying about his name. Nick was his actual name, but why had Dream done the same? Who was he back then when everyone knew him as Clay, and why was he a traitor?


I want to write anxt, cuteness and lore for my story at the same time. I tried my best to get a mix of them all and this is my best outcome haha.

Also I have such a hard time deciding when to upload because I was to please everyone, but hopefully this works :)

If you have any suggestions about uploading times or if you have an opinon about what you like the most between the anxt, cuteness and lore writing kind that I have been doing in this story please share your opinions. Obviously I will still do all of them but I want to focus on what you guys likes for as long as I find it fun too of course. As an example won't I write about smut and so on.

Holy cow this was a long au haha

Anyways have a good day or night :)

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