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Don't worry about anything guys, I have a plan ;)

Y/n POV (Third person)

She sat on the tree branch looking out over the dark oak trees. Y/n still thought of Nick everyday but at some brief moments she almost forgot. It had been three weeks since she last saw him. Dream had never gotten back to what he was like before, he was cold most of the time. She didn't really care though, her and George had been able to have fun together. During this time they had gotten really close. The group had collected all the diamonds they needed and Dream had gathered enderpearls during his nightly adventures. George was really good at making potions so he spent most of his woken hours bruing enough of them for the fight and the nether. They would get the blazerods tomorrow, the nether. Where she first met Dream. It felt like it was years ago.

She jumped down to the ground landing on the grass with a loud bump. Y/n walked into the cave she now considered her home. "Hi Y/n!" George said with a large smile. She giggled at his little wave as she walked up to him. "What are you doing?" "Nothing really, how was outside?" She stretched out her back craving that loud, satisfying crack. "It was relaxing, I don't know why but I am a bit nervous over tomorrow." George places a hand on her shoulder looking her deep in the eyes. "You will be fine, and you wont go alone after all." She smiled back at him, feeling a sight bit better reminded over that he would accompany her there. "You're right, you and Dream will be there too. We will get everything we need in no time. We will be able to fill up your potion supplies too." George broke the eye contact, moving his eyes slight to the left with a confused expression on his face. "I- I thought I told you that I wouldn't go?" His hand were no longer on her shoulder but instead nervously scratching his back. "What do you mean?" "It's just going to be you and Dream, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier I really am. But why is that so bad anyway?" She had never really told him about what she had felt that day. That she felt almost abandoned, that she was starting to feel something for the faceless, emotionless man. "It's ok George, i'll survive." She gave him a small smile, nervousness doubled from before the conversation. 

They felt like they would pass out again. Their feet would not keep them up for much longer, it was like if every part of their body weighed 400 pounds. In the beginning they thought about escaping, fleeing from the people that took them away. Now all their power went to not die from all the punches and kicks against their wounded and weak body. Would they be able to survive much longer as a captive? And why didn't they kill them already?

Y/n POV (Third person)

She woke up with more energy than usual. For some reason she felt powerful, almost invincible. She felt like that girl she was when she first met Dream, she felt like she wanted that revenge again. She had learned what revenge could do to someone. And that day she would need it, she would go on a journey in the flaming nether world with him.

Y/n turned towards the other beds, two of them were empty. George still seemed to be in deep sleep. She got up from her bed stretching her back to feel more awake and ready than she already was. Her feet were used to the cave now, they almost automatically led her to the "kitchen" made up by a few furnaces and a cauldron. She gave herself some bread and eggs with water to drink. Usually she had a hard time with eating early in the morning but this time she managed without any problems.

"Hi Y/n." His voice still gave her a slight shiver. She couldn't stop herself, it did something to her that she didn't like. "Hello." She gave him a polite smile trying not to come off too soft again, allowing him to do what he wants. "Are you ready to go in like 10 minutes?" "Umm, yeah I think so." He already seemed ready as he stood there with all his weapons hanging on his waist with a shield ready on the left arm. Also a green backpack hung on his shoulders matching his hoodie. She took off to get what she would need, though she always brought too much or not enough. It never seemed to be just right.

Dream POV (Third person)

He didn't know what to do when she went to get her stuff. Dream just stood there fiddling with the handle of his axe. It was in a dark, smooth oak with a carved wave on the side. Following the carvings with his fingers often calmed him. It reminded him of how it felt being young, not having any responsibilities. Not having any wrong decisions pulling you down.

"Do I need anything else?" Her voice broke his thoughts making him shift back into present time. His green eyes looked at the gear she was going to bring for their trip. She wasn't the one to use a sword, axe was her kind of weapon. A rough and strong attack, aggressive but still elegant style in some way. A small and light crossbow, he wasn't sure if she knew how to use it yet. A crossbow needs time to be used in the best way. A shield hung on her arm, it looked brand new. On her back she wore a y/f/c backpack. That color really fitted her, he thought. "I think you're good to go." He gave her a smile back, not realizing that she wouldn't even notice.

They walked out to the fresh air feeling its cold air against their faces. Dream led her through the thick forest until they got to the light brown horse that they had ridden on the first day they met. Dream helped her get on before he got up himself.

Y/n POV (First person)

I wrapped my arms around his torso awkwardly, I didn't know how tight I was supposed to hold on. I tried to ignore how my heart started to beat faster as I felt his body heat against me. The horse started to sprint faster, my heart almost followed the rhythm of the horses hooves beating the ground. "Hold on tight, we are going faster." I grabbed on for my life trying to ignore the slight awkwardness.

Dream POV (First person)

As she wrapped her arms around me I felt my cheeks heat up a bit. Thankful for the mask hiding my face I let the horse start sprinting between the trees. I had always enjoyed adrenaline rushing through my body, it made me forget about everything except right there at that very moment. i wanted to go faster, I wanted to feel a stronger feeling in my stomach. "Hold on tight we are going faster." She tightened her arms around me which made my face heat up even more. It wouldn't have mattered how fast we were going on the horse. That embrace made me feel so much more.


This was fun wasn't it? If you enjoyed feel free to vote or comment if you have anything to say. Its so fun to read haha

Hope you are doing good and that you day or night will continue being amazing!! :)

And if its not that great, here have some blue :D

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