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Dream POV (Third person)

"...I'd kill to see the cocky smile I know you're wearing right now, Dream." He froze at those words. That smirk that he got called out for got erased from his face. Dream felt his heart beat faster and faster each second. He felt his warm blood and how it ran inside his body. He felt the sweat that started to appear in his forehead, on his back and on his hands.

He didn't know if he was flustered, anxious or both. No one had seen his face in so long. He barely remembered himself. "I-" He knew he had to say something. Dream licked his lips searching for the right words, he almost tasted each word carefully picking the ones he thought would be the best ones to use.

"You have to do a little more than that to see my face. It's a privilege you know." He used the natural teasing and cockiness that Dream so often used to get out of a situation. This time in some way he didn't want to just let the subject go. In one way he just wanted to rip off that stupid mask and let her know how right she was with his "cocky smile". He wanted real eye contact, he wanted to see her reaction when he would show her all the feelings that he could never explain.

Y/n POV (Third person)

She got caught off guard with his comment. She had to do a little more than that, he said. She tried so hard to get that one word out of her mind. In one way it felt like he could read her mind, for that particular reason she tried to shut that thought out. Away from his knowledge.


She took a deep breath, keeping her mind clear. "So there is something I can do to see that face of yours?" She decided to tease him back, letting him know or more like believe that she wasn't affected by his words. And at the same time showing him some kind of interest in the way he looked. Why did she want to see his face so badly? She craved the sound from a mask hitting the ground, revealing a face. She needed to see those eyes that lead her way through the portal.

Dream walked closer to her. His tall body towered over hers. The mask drawn eyes looked deeply into her y/e/c ones. He lowered his head until she felt the cold and smooth material from the mask on her cheek. "Maybe." His whisper made her shiver. Y/n had lost, her whole face was heated up, covered in that deep red color. Dream had too much power over her. She was too deep in now. And she knew it.

Dream stepped away and walked over to the horse. "Oh come on now. You can't stand there forever." If it was possible she got even more flustered than before, she felt weak. "I'm on my way." She walked over to him and the brown majestic horse with heavy knees. This would be a long way home.

Sapnap POV (Third person)

"I have to get you out of here."

Confusion, happiness and so many more feelings that he couldn't explain. He had wanted to get out for so long, get back home. But now he was scared. Karl would get in trouble, if anyone would find out would he most likely be killed. If Karl got killed because of him... Sapnap wouldn't be able to live with himself. "How? I... I don't know if it's a good idea." Karls blue eyes searched for his brown ones. When they met both men gave each other painful smiles. "We have no choice. I will get you out somehow. You won't die like he did. I am doing this for both of you. So please, please let me help you out." More heavy tears fell down Karls face. "I'm in, just tell me what to do. I think I know somewhere that we can go." He smiled towards Karls mess of a face full of tears and red from the exhaustion that he had been through, yet Sapnap still found it to look peaceful in a way. It looked real. "We can go home. I want you to meet her." 

Y/n POV (Third person)

She couldn't imagine that when they rode to the portal like this, her wrapping her arms around his chest. She didn't want it, that she just wanted to be there with someone else. Now that was all she wanted. Feeling the heat from his body on hers was her new favourite feeling. The cold wind that was whirling around them didn't make her cold when he was there in her arms.

When she had to let go it almost hurt. She wanted to be warm like that forever. Then it stuck her, he could still leave and let her go. She could never really be sure. She was too far in to let those thoughts affect her. All it did to her was quiet whispers in the back of her head screaming to leave. But she didn't want to, Y/n was exactly where she wanted to be.

Dream POV (Third person)

He looked at the hidden entrance that would lead him home. This journey had affected him so much. Was he finally ready? Back then in the tower he had thought that he would only hurt her even more. That he had to let her go. What he was scared would happen was now his reality. Dream had let his feelings explode.

He knew that he would end up hurting her. But the feeling of letting go hurts too much. Dream had to stay, he had to let her in. Goosebumps spread over his arms like a cold wind in the sky. They were home now. They would soon go to the end to kill the dragon she thought was behind all her problems. Dream knew exactly who would wait for them on the other side. He had been waiting for Dreams blood. And now he would get the opportunity to not only get that but the blood from the one Dream started to love.


Poggers chapter 25 done.

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Have a great day or night and remember to be you <3

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