593 19 4

TW Death, blood, suicidal thoughts

Sapnap POV (third person)

He walked with Punz close behind him, watching every face laying on the ground and constantly reminding himself that none of them would ever take another breath, take another step nor feel love. Yet their pain was over, they didn't feel any worry, they had no responsibility, they had fought their last battle. The only thing that could have made his mind more distant than it already was would be if cold rain poured down over the grubbling boy. He was already afraid of the knives stabbing him with memories of loneliness. Also feeling cold drops of water burning his skin like fire would make him go crazy.

The sight of two of his friends made the non existent knives slowly pull out to leave him bleeding, though he was left with people who would easily heal his wounds. On Dreams face the mask was missing, in a way he felt it was time, it felt natural. George's face full of joy mixed with fear and concern was easy to read, he thought it all was over, George. Though the chocolate brown haired boy was aware of everything never really being fine, all of them had been through enough to leave them scared and scarred. They all were aware of how this world worked, they all knew that you could never be let to be happy. Death would always tear everything apart and nobody was able to stop it from happening.

"Have, have you seen any of the others?" He felt his voice slowly make out words, he tasted the way every syllable sounded as they made their way out of his mouth. He didn't want to meet Dream nor George's eyes, his mind made thoughts grab a tight grip around his brain causing it not being able to act properly. "No." A simple answer, yet it made his body shiver, yet it made his body feel as if it was raining. "Let's go find them."

Dream POV (First person)

Do you ever feel like you are trapped in a maze created by your own brain? For every corner you turn it feels like another emotion comes rushing through your veins. After walking for a while, after taking a few wrong turns you feel trapped. You feel shocked, like if you are denying being trapped in the first place. After being forced to continue through the maze you later find yourself feeling pain, everything just hurts. As you feel more and more pain you feel guilty, it's your fault everything is your fault and you should have done more, done better.

As you blindly move through the maze you start to feel angry, like if your body is boiling, like if fire licks your body before it starts to dance. You get tired of being hopeless, you want to fight back. Then you fall, deeper and deeper for every moment. A feeling that had became more and more usual for me, this feeling, this state of mind had slowly become my normal. Depression.

After this is where you are supposed to see the light, the upturn of the maze, feeling that the end is near. Slowly walking you are supposed to feel reconstruction and be able to work through the previous feelings and take the last steps out towards the light. And lastly when you're out, you're supposed to feel hope and acceptance of the maze. You made it and that you could make it again.

Though this time there was no upward turn, there was no light. I was trapped in an endless maze and there was no way out. Yet I smiled, I watched her cold face laying on my lap, I watched as her pale body was empty of blood. I looked at the puddle of the deep red liquid underneath us, I looked at the blood and sweat drained clothes. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, I knew that I had lost. Yet I sat there and smiled, remembering all the memories. I held her cold body close, as if her being in my arms would bring her back as I swayed back and forth with my thoughts and only my thoughts.

"Y/n, I don't care if you can hear me or not, though there is so much I still need you to hear. There is so much I still need to say." I felt myself running through the maze while holding her in my arms. "It wasn't the way you dared to talk to me and made me feel seen, it wasn't about the way you dared to always let me back into your heart after I constantly tried to push you away." I felt myself sob into her blood soaked hair, desperately trying to feel her scent one last time. "It was always about the way you cared while doing it, that's why I fell in love with you. Because I really did, I fell, I am in love with you. And my heart will always belong with you."

He didn't care about the way his words didn't form sentences, he couldn't care less about the way his words sloppily came out in between heavy sobs. All he, all his heart cared about was what was in his arms, who. "This may be the end of your story, though it will never be the end of our story. I never got to kiss you, I never got to hold you while telling you how precious you are. I never got to tell you just how much I love you. Though here I am staying until you come back. I will never leave your side. I killed you tonight, if I only got to see you one last time."

Sapnap POV (First person)

I was so scared of being alone, I was so fucking scared of being left to die alone. Yet I was the one who wasn't left to that fate. Their bodies were close to each other, I could see them both from where I was standing. I was glued to the ground as I watched Dream rush up to my sister, my poor sister. I couldn't let myself listen to his heavy cries anymore, I couldn't stand hearing his sobs, I couldn't stand hearing her name.

On wobbly legs I moved, standing next to him. I looked at a face which only wore a bright and unselfish smile that still was framed by cute brown hair. I wanted to smile at our memories, I wanted to smile and honour his actions. I wanted to thank him again for saving my life, yet I couldn't.

I relived that moment, I could almost touch the memory. Us laying on the yellow ground watching the empty sky. "I never want this to end." I could hear his voice. I remember so clearly what I answered. "What do you not want to end?" I remember how I melted at his calm voice. "If you stick around Sapnap, please let me lay like this when I die. Never let me go." I remember my arms holding him tighter again. "I will never let you die, I'll be here for you, ok?"

I broke my promise, I failed him. All that I could do was to fulfill his last wish. I layed down on the ground and dragged his heavy body up so that his head rested on my chest. That moment was when I broke. Just like dream heavy, uncontrollable sobs escaped out of me, I felt embarrassed, I felt like a victim. Maybe I was, maybe this was the end, what was worth fighting for? Was this what they thought about while they died alone on the battlefield?

"Now you can meet Alex, the one who you fought for, he will be so proud of you, just like I am."

Unknown POV (Third person)

Pain was something they couldn't stand, the way all of them were bathing in their grief made them want to disappear again, get out of there. Something hit their mind as they watched all the death and destruction from afar. "You don't have the right to talk about them. You know who killed them, that enderman wannabe. I walked in to see him hold Phil's corpse, he loved Tubbo, I was so sure they were friends! But in this world, you can't trust anyone. That same day Tommy asked me if it would be easier if he was far away. And then I told him that I only wanted him to be safe. When I came back home he was dead. I failed them Clay and you know it." They already knew it was their fault, maybe it was finally time to give back. This was what Tubbo would have wanted, this is what they wanted.

They wanted their pain to go away, they only wanted to embrace the sweet kiss of death, they were ready, It was time to finally give back to the earth. Would they meet Tubbo when all of this was over? The state of not knowing would be over, the voices would quiet down, the demanding of blood would stop, they would be free. It all sounded tempting, it was time.


Another chapter, another session of listening to sad music. I haven't been at my best lately but that surely won't stop me from uploading another chapter for you all! 

(even though it was a little late...)

Hopefully you all enjoyed and if you did all kinds of interactions is highly appreciated! I really enjoy reading all comments (Even criticism, it doesn't scare me ;) well a little...haha)

Love all of you and once again have a wonderful day or night :D

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