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Kinda short chapter but what can I say. Better than nothing

Y/n POV (Third person)

She watched as he hid the face she had grown to love. It was like he was remembering the boy he was all of those years ago. Was he trying to hide his past and memories from himself? Maybe going back hurt more than he had thought. She grabbed his underarm, forcing him to meet her eyes. Yet she wouldn't be able to know if those green eyes would really see hers. "Are you ok.. it's fine not to be."

She felt the dryness from her tired eyes flower out to become a wild animal, she hadn't been that tried before. Now she felt stuck, hit by a train of sleep or more like the lack of it. "I'll be ok. I just don't... know what we will be met by. What will be there." He slowly spoke, let the words slip out with carefulness. She noticed this trait, she understood that once again this wasn't her decision to make. "Do you think you are ready, that we are ready?" George's voice sounded just as careful, it was filled with some kind of love, some kind of care that rarely appeared. But when it did no one could ever miss it.

Dream's hands were shaking, he slowly grabbed her and George's hands in each of his ones. She felt a soft smile through the touch, she felt it through the air, she knew he wore it and that it would look beautiful.

"This will be more uncomfortable than going through the nether..." She grabbed his hand tighter, feeling every single feature of his face slide through her mind. "We will survive, won't we Gogy?" George shook his head slowly while looking down on his dirty shoes with a large toothy smile plastered on his face. She would even go so far to say his face tinted pink at the nickname. "Yeah, we are the survivors." Now his voice changed to a confident one with a tint of cockiness. She couldn't help but smile, she knew what to do.

Y/n POV (Second person)

One jump. The soft air hitting your skin. Feeling yourself closing your eyes harder and harder until letting your eyelids relax. The darkness around you, and the feeling of flesh, skin and bones slowly getting sucked away into nothing. Changing dimensions, letting your body travel through time and room. You searched for the eyes.

You somehow let your body feel some kind of warmth. You tighten your grip around Dreams hand feeling him do the same. Deep breaths, focusing on the human heat the hand gives you. In your mind you look into a set of eyes, they had those emerald green eyes with a deep green tint, oh you could see its beauty. You allow those eyes to be your direction, you let them lead the way for your body. It was like you were in a maze but could walk through the walls. Suddenly you felt some kind of dry air touch your skin, at the end of the maze a pair of arms embraces you. When you open your eyes you're not met by the eyes you know so well but a soft white mask that doesn't own a single crack.

You look around you to see a yellow stone floor that spread out far, so far that she can barely see the edges of what looks like a floating island. A black void to be under above and somewhat around them. People might call the nether hell, then this is worse, then his is drowning. This is the state of death. This is the end. 


Everyone I hate to say it but this might come to an end soon :(

I have a plan for the ending but everything can still come to change...

Anywayssss Its not over quite yet so keep reading bestie ;)

Also thank you all for the interactions and Birthday wishes, I have had a really great day so far and it will hopefully continue well. You are all so valid and loggers and valid!!

Have a wonderful day or night because I might actually not feel shit now so pls stay hydrated and happy and wonderful and most importantly keep being you!!

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