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Longest chapter yet! Get ready for some anxt, and oh warning, you might cry ;)

TW, Blood, death, war, derealization, violence

(Text that look like this: RTYUI. Is flashbacks and will occur at times in this chapter)

Y/n POV (Third person)

She felt like she wasn't really there, watching those two powerful once brotherlike masked men fight with words. In a way using their words was even more powerful than using their swords and axes. She wasn't ready for what to happen, when did he plan all of this? People that she had never seen before were standing behind Techno and his crew with anger in their eyes. She felt just like back when she was alone, having a purpose, determination dripping like saliva from a bloodthirsty dog, she felt unstoppable. She wished that she could see the situation happen from one of the tall pillars, seeing everything from above and watch the victorious winner.

"Dream, do you really think that I'd come this unprepared?" Just like moments before green pearls flew in the dark sky before landing on the ground. People, allies to the group lead by Technoblade, were ready to fight. They are still less than the people Dream collected, yet those people really evened out the numbers.

In a way the adrenaline boiling in her body didn't stop the strong emotions of despite when Techno huffed over his shoulder. "Lucky me then. Don't you remember? Technoblade neva dies." She and the others followed Dream's lead, taking a few steps forward. Dream and Techno are now almost touching close to each other. "So why don't you kill me?" Dreams' voice was lower than ever, almost raspy, his mask was touching techno's. "You know you're not my target Dweamy." And there it all broke out into chaos. Body parts falling onto the floor, steel against steel and dying screams falling into the void.

Sapnap POV (First person)

I didn't know what to do when the real fight broke out, this time there was everyone for themselves. As my sword moved into blocks and slashed towards the enemies around me all my mind really wanted was to get back to my previous defending position with Karl. I wanted to know if anything happened. Yet I know that it would be impossible to find someone among the clouds of people moving over the yellow stones.

I really felt bad for myself, I should feel horrible for what I'm doing. I felt my blade push through human skin, how it crushes bones and then gets ripped out of the lifeless bodies. I wished that I'd feel like a monster, yet I didn't, I felt good. The situation scared me, not for myself nor the people I kill but for those I care about that might get hurt or worse, die. Those are the people I fight for. 

Dream POV (Third person)

It was like a mess of people around him, yet all action, all motion around him disappeared from his vision. All that his eyes laid upon was Techno. His body moved fast from side to side, ducking, jumping, blocking and charging. He tried to focus on one second at a time, blocking everything else out of his mind. He knew that not being a hundred percent in the moment would cost him his life. The strong smell of blood, sweat and vomit was something he was used to ignoring. It was the smell of war. Just like the loud sounds of weapons clashing together, in the beginning of his fighting years it distracted him. Now it only made him concentrate harder.

Sometimes he tried to make a quick hit on some of the other people around him. For some reason there was like an unspoken rule that no one that the two of them was allowed to fight one another. They were each other's targets and nothing could change that fact. Though Dream felt like he was required to help those who helped him. So at those times the enemy lines came close, when his and their backs almost touched he pressed his sword through their back.

Revenge Dream X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang