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George POV (Third person)

Mining was not one of George's favourite duties. Cleaning, enchanting, brewing, exploring or cooking was all way more enjoyable. This was just depressing, hitting a stone into another stone to make it break. He didn't see the point and quickly got distracted and bored. Back when it only was him and Dream, George never had to mine anything. He was "complaining too much." He looked behind his back seeing how short his mine was. He had barely gotten anywhere. Maybe he should start somewhere new, a new mine. Making the large labyrinth of mines larger and harder to navigate in. Starting over, was that healthy? Did he only run away from his mine leaving it behind just like he did with his problems? No he didn't run, Dream did. George argued with himself trying to make time go faster. Even though he knew that would only make him stay in the mines for longer.

Maybe he just needed a break. His stomach screamed with hungry noises, only giving George more of a reason to escape from the stone. Should he get Sapnap to get some food too? No, he eats when he feels like it, he thought. The longer Sapnap stayed the shorter George had to mine. Was it selfish? Yes, did he mind? No. All George could think was food, maybe Sapnap ate before him. Tired feet walked up the stairs up to the normal height, away from the stone and minerals.

Steak and potatoes laid there on his plate. George knew he was hungry, he wanted to eat. But something didn't feel right. Guilt filled his body instead of the tiredness and hunger that were there minutes ago. But why, why would he feel guilty about not getting Sapnap to eat with him. He could eat whenever he wanted, right?

Dream POV (Third person)

He wandered around in circles. The warm sand burning his naked feet, Dream couldn't even feel anything at this point. "I have lost my sanity. For every minute passing I can't help but think about them." Or more like her. "I brought them all in only to leave. I started to open up only to leave when it got scary." He took up his mask from the bag looking at it with disappointment and fear. "I am a coward. I don't deserve this." There were no tears left to cry, he didn't know what to do anymore. "They deserve to know, I have caused them so much pain and they still treat me better than my family ever have. I should be ashamed over myself, I just-" He threw the mask at a sandstone close to him with a tired scream only letting more tears out. The tall man ran up to the mask seeing the clean surface, still no crack. "Why did you do this to me. I- I trusted you. I really thought we were friends."

Y/n POV (Third person)

The bag started to get heavy, it was almost full of different foods. Pork chops, steak, chicken and mutton. She was quite far away from the cave. During the first day alone she felt pretty well about being by herself again. Feeling like maybe she wasn't where she should be. But now two days later she remembered how it really felt being alone. Feeling almost drowned in your own thoughts, having to rely on faith. Faith wasn't really something she had at the moment. At this point she just wanted to go home.

George POV (Third person)

He felt like throwing up, all food was in his stomach. It still comes and goes in waves, he is still affected by his past. Every action every choice makes him feel guilty, maybe if he just did something different was a thought constantly playing in George's head. It was a curse he was scared would haunt him for the rest of his life. A lot of the times he managed to push it away ignoring the thoughts, or at least letting them be just that, thoughts. Now it didn't work, he let his thoughts become an action.

He walked faster than usual down the stairs to the mines. Right, left, left and right. George started running almost tripping on every stone on the ground. Sweat ran down his back, the running got him really warm. After a while, shorter than usual it got hard to breath, it felt like he wasn't breathing oxygen, just... air. His face and body got all hot, and the anxious thought doubled with the heat. Only reminding George of the flames burning up his family, friends and home. His safe place, his childhood. But he kept running, he always and still keeps running.

After turning a corner George sees the bright almost glowing fluid slowly making its way towards his way. Still not thinking straight from all his thoughts he just runs back. Forgetting everything about his friend only keeping the image of burning flesh in his mind. And so he falls. Knees and hands harshly scraping the stone ground giving his body with only a numb almost paralyzing feeling.

(TW light blood and bruises)

He looked down on himself seeing dark thick blood slowly flowing down his legs, he pictured it like a small steam making its way through a forest. His hands were bruised but mostly covered in dust and dirt. George's blue hoodie was way darker than usual because of sweat and dirt. He felt disgusting.

(TW over)

He sat down against the wall slowly regaining control over his breathing. To feel a little bit better George took off his hoodie feeling a slight bit cooler. He got up starting to feel a bit more than himself realizing that he was completely lost. At the thought of being lost another thought stuck his mind. "Where is Sapnap." 


A bit of a filler chapter again, sowy

*Spoiler alert*

They will all (probably) get together soon ;)

Have a great day or night and slay because you are just amazing!!! Love ya all

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