43: Um. Actually...

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Unsurprisingly, the Jackalopes are quite boisterous as they depart from the bus in Jupiter long hours after the Trollwake game. They're boisterous as they leave Jupiter High's parking lot to go home. They're boisterous all Saturday, and even into Sunday.

On Sunday, Wendy, yes Wendy now, it feels good to admit to herself finally, meets up with Artie along Jupiter's main street. Christmas shoppers rush to and fro, while a faint snow flurry begins to fall. Neither of the two friends are in a rush, though, so they simply find themselves wandering from shop to shop, aimless in their mutual happiness. The beginning of the season, when the Jackalopes all wondered if they were ever going to be able to win even one game, seems like a distant dream.

Eventually, once they get too cold trudging, or rolling in Artie's case, about on the sidewalks outside, Artie and Wendy decide to go to the local coffee shop. As soon as they open the shop's door, they are greeted by a wave of warmth and the intense wafting scent of a fresh roast. They order their hot cocoa and seat themselves in a dark and out of the way corner of the room. No one can even hear them here.

At first, the two old friends sip their warm beverages in silence, watching various people coming and going, bundled up in hats and coats and scarves. The scene is pleasant yet at the same time slightly frantic as well.

Christmas time in America.

Wendy shakes her head, smiling to herself.

"What are you grinning about?" Artie asks.

"Oh nothing." Wendy says.

"You really have seemed a lot happier these last few weeks. I guess winning is a good look on you, bro." Artie says. The words are casual but Wendy can tell her friend is gently probing again.

When is the right time to tell him?

Artie is her best friend. She trusts him above all others, no doubt. She wants him to know. But now? Here?

Wendy shrugs and takes the leap.

No time like the present, she figures, especially during this gift-giving season.

"Um. Actually... Can you- Could you- Would you start calling me sis instead? I think- No. I know. I'm a girl."

Holy crap.

Holy crap.


She said the words out loud and now they're real. Wendy knows it was all real before, but now it's out in the open where her best friend can see it, like one of her wild and untamed humors.

Who knows what sorts of damage it could do.

A silence falls between them at the table.

To Wendy, the silence lasts for what feels like an age. In reality, though, it probably only lasts a few seconds. Artie slowly puts his cup of hot cocoa down and pulls his wheelchair away from the table.

They've known each other for a long time. They know the other's every tic, every gesture, almost every word. Despite all this, though, a fluttering sputter of panic still sparks in Wendy's chest as Artie starts to move.

Is he leaving?

Should she have told him?

This was a bad idea!

Why did she decide to do this in public!?

She just got swept up in all the emotions, as usual, and...

She shouldn't have told him she shouldn't have told him she shouldn't have-

She shouldn't have told him she shouldn't have told him she shouldn't have-

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Artie rolls closer to his oldest friend. Leans forward in his wheelchair. Wraps his arms around her shoulders in the gentlest hug he can manage. At first, she flinches back, but soon she leans in. They stay like this for a while.

Artie Amphigore worries about everything. He worries about his sister. He worries about school. He worries about the team. He worries about his precious tubs.

But on this?

On this he doesn't hesitate.

He pulls away. But only after he's made sure she knows he's not going anywhere.

"Hi." He laughs.

"Hi." She laughs.

Artie truly sees her now. For perhaps the first time in all the years they've known each other.

"I'm glad you told me." Artie says.

His friend nods, shrugging her slim shoulders.

"So I guess you don't wanna be called Peter anymore?"

"Nah." She shakes her tawny head.

"Then what shall I call you?"


"It's an honor to meet you, Wendy."

Wendy rolls her eyes. "You've already met me, Artie. I'm still the same me. I'm still your same old weird ass friend. Just- I've realized something about myself, is all. A truth I was hiding from. But I don't want to hide anymore."

Artie nods, his hair bobbing up and down. "That makes sense."

Wendy's grin is radiant. "Thanks for understanding. I've been scared to say it out loud. Feels more real now. I'm not hiding anymore but that doesn't mean I wanna start wearing a big ass glowing neon sign around the whole school either. You know how people can be sometimes. I was ready to tell you, but I'm not quite ready to tell the rest of the team yet, alright?"

"Alright. I just want you to know, I'll always be in your corner, br- sis." Artie rolls back over to finish his hot cocoa.

A tear trickles down Wendy's face. She sniffs and sits up in her seat.

Artie pretends not to notice.

They lapse back into silence.

Only this time, the only thing hanging between them is warmth.


Photo courtesy of Kris Atomic on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@krisatomic. Edited.


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