
717 15 5

Charli's POV

I yawned, turning my head to see a sleeping Angela beside me. I quietly crawled out of bed, leaving a note of thanks on her dresser before heading out. All the rowdy Thanksgiving guests should've cleared out from Buck's by now, so I decided to head there.

I smiled as I kicked a rock up the pavement to Buck's.

"She's here, Dal." I looked up, seeing Buck standing outside with a bunch of boxes. "Hey, kiddo." I furrowed my brow.

"What's going on-" 

"Where have you been?" I looked up at Dal, who was almost yelling at me.

"What do you mean?"

"Where were you last night I-" He caught himself, calming himself down before speaking again. "I went to the Curtis' but Pony said you left there, I came back here and you weren't here, I spent most the night looking for you. Why were you?" I looked at the obvious upset on his face.

"I was at the Shepard's place. Stayed the night with Angela." He took a deep breath before Buck spoke up.

"Kid, there's some bad news." I stepped away from Dally, looking at Buck. "The bar's getting sold. We have to be out by midnight." My eyes widened.

"What the fuck?" Dallas and Buck both looked at me, shocked. "This can't be serious?" Buck nodded, a solemn look on his face.

"Sorry, kiddo."

"But Bucky, this is your baby! This bar is the only thing you've ever loved!" He nodded once more.

"Sometimes, babies grow up and it's time to move on." I frowned.

"Where are you gonna go?"

"Dally and me are gonna get a place just outside Tulsa. Over Turley way." I frowned.

"And what about-"

"You'll have to move back in with your Dad, at least for a bit until something gets worked out. Dally's already spoken to him." I frowned once more before nodding.

"I'm really sorry this had to happen, Buck."

"Me too, kiddo. If you come over in an hour or so, you can empty out your room." I nodded before turning around, walking away.

"Dollface, wait up." I turned, waiting for Dallas to catch up. "Where ya going?"

"Probably to see Johnny. Make sure he's okay." Dally nodded, walking with me.

"Did you have fun at Angela's last night?" I smiled before nodding. 

"We did all the girly sleepover stuff."

"Like pillow fights?"

"Yep." I popped the p at the end of the word, walking over to my car that was parked a few blocks down. "Curly was mad at us all night, kept interrupting." I saw Dallas smirk before both of us entered my car.

"I bet he's still ticked off about you rejecting him." I laughed as I began to drive.

"Probably. I'd be mad too if the guy who got all the chicks got the only one I wanted." I saw Dallas nod his head jokingly before kicking his feet up onto the dashboard, looking out the windshield. We both sat silently for a few minutes until my thoughts got the best of me, making me vocalize the question that was spinning in my mind. "Are you gonna be around as much now that you're heading out to Turley?" I saw Dallas stiffen before talking.

"Hopefully. I've got a guy out there who offered me a job so I could help Buck pay for the house, so I'll be busy a lot." 

"Could I come out there to visit? I'm not gonna go to school until January anyway." He shook his head.

"You need to stay out here. I'll figure something out so that you and Johnny can have a better place to stay, try save up for a new place or something."  I frowned.

"You don't have to do that." He didn't respond as we pulled up at the hospital, both of us walking to Johnny's room in silence. I sat beside Johnny in my usual seat, grabbing on to his hand. "He's so peaceful, almost like-" I stopped speaking, feeling Johnny's fingers tighten around mine.

"Like what?" I didn't respond, just looking at my hand with Johnny's fingers tight around it. "Charli?" I looked over at Dallas, pointing to my hand. He stood up, looking over Johnny to see my hand beside him. His eyes widened. "He's waking up! I'll go get a doctor!" Dallas quickly rushed out of the room, leaving me alone with Johnny. I continued to stare at our hands, his fingers tight around mine as if he were awake and okay.

Dallas returned a few minutes later, a doctor following close behind.

"Let me see." I pointed at my hand, the doctor coming close. "And you're sure you didn't just position his hand this way?" I nodded. "Well, this is very good. Let me get a nurse and attempt to wake up Johnathan here." The doctor left quickly, returning within about a minute with a nurse. The nurse began to mess with the dials on the machine beside Johnny, which made Johnny stir slightly. My eyes widened before Johnny's eyes fluttered open, locking with mine. I watched him smiled before the doctor began to speak. "Hello, Mr. Cade. I'm your doctor, do you remember why you're here?" Johnny nodded.

"My dad, uh, hit me I think." The doctor nodded.

"Very good. Do you remember these two people?" The doctor pointed at Dallas and I.

"That's Dally and this is my sister." The doctor nodded once more, jotting something onto the paper in front of him. 

"This is all very good, Mr. Cade. You don't seem to have any immediate problems, so you should be able to leave whenever you're ready. Just let the lady at the front desk know when you want to leave and we'll work that out." The doctor left with the nurse before anyone responded, leaving Dallas, Johnny and I in the silent room. I made eye contact with Johnny once more before wrapping him in a hug.

"I missed you." I heard him laugh into my shoulder.

"I missed you too, Charli. I missed the whole gang!" I laughed along before backing away, allowing Dallas to talk to Johnny.

"Hey, Johnny. How ya feeling buddy?" Johnny nodded.

"I'm good. Aw man, I hope I didn't miss ya birthday." Dally shrugged.

"I doesn't matter, I wasn't in town for it anyway." This piqued Johnny's interest.

"What'd you do?" Dallas thought for a moment.

"Me and uh-" He looked at me. "This really important girl went down to Galveston Beach in Texas and had a really good time and it was really nice." I saw Johnny smile.

"Who's the girl?"

"It's not that important. She's too pure to be with me, so I won't say." Johnny smirked.

"You got a Soc?" Dallas chuckled.

"No, no exactly." He smiled over at me before the conversation between Johnny and Dallas continued into other things. I began to stare at the ceiling, beginning to zone out and focus on nothing.


no thoughts head empty typa beat

ay whats up with these quick upload wAaAt???/2/2//2??///?22/?22//

anyways, hope you enjoyed. see you next chapter.

C C - dallas winston [DISCONTINUED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt