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Charli's POV

'Should we put water on her?'

'No, that'll make the bed all wet.'

'Just do it. It'll dry.' I opened my eyes to see Ponyboy, Two-Bit, and Johnny standing over me.

'What the?'

'It's four in the afternoon. Get up.'

'Huh?' I looked at the clock. 'No way. I was only asleep for a few hours.'

'By a few you mean 17? Because you sleep like a bear.'

'Rude, PB.'

'It's true.'

'I'm just tired. Shut up. I guess Curly's barbeque is over, huh?' Ponyboy nodded. I sighed as I pulled the blanket off of me, getting up.

'Damn, Charli. I didn't know you had a butt.' I turned to look at Two-Bit, pulling my shirt down to cover my thighs.

'Don't perv on my sister.'

'Not perving, just looking.'

'Two-Bit, can ya leave while I get changed?'

'What about those two?' He pointed at Johnny and Pony.

'Pony is respectful enough to not look, and Johnny's my brother. So get out.' He sighed.

'Whatever.' He walked outside, laughing to himself as Johnny and Pony looked at me.

'Turn around.'

'Duh.' They both turned around as I searched through my drawers, grabbing a cute dress. I slipped off my shirt.

'Damn, Charli!' I quickly covered myself with the dress.

'Damn it, Two-Bit!'


'I'm pretty much naked. Get out.' He smirked as he left again. I quickly slipped the dress on, sighing. 'You guys are good. You can turn around.' They both turned. 'Can you tell Two-Bit he's good to come back in?' Johnny nodded, opening the door. Two-Bit entered without needing to be told.

'Little Cade is a lot less little than I thought.' He smirked, which made me do a dramatic gag.

'You're disgusting, TB.'

'I know, Little Cade.'

'You should go and study, TB.'

'You think I study?'

'I know you don't. That's why you're still in school when you're eighteen.'

'Shut up, you're doing sophomore classes when you're a junior.' I rolled my eyes.

'You should've graduated two years ago, Two-Bit. Shut up.'

'Can you guys stop arguing and hurry up? We need to go.' I looked at Ponyboy.

'Go where?'

'We're going to the movie house with Dallas and Angelina.' I groaned.


'I hate movies.'

'Well, too bad. Let's go.' The three boys began to walk out of the room. I quickly slipped my switchblade into my belt, praying it wouldn't fall out. I followed the boys, sighing. 'Quit sighing all the time, will ya?'

'Shut up, PB.'

'And quit being so snappy.'

'I said shut up!' The three boys fell silent.

C C - dallas winston [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora