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'Hey, Charli.' Talisha's voice spoke as if she'd never left.

'Why're you here?' She looked at me, hurt.

'Am I not allowed to come to visit my best friend?' I scoffed.

'I think you lost the privilege when you left me here.' Her eyes turned sad.

'You know I couldn't help that.' She turned her attention to Sodapop. 'Who's this?' 

'None of your business. I recommend you leave, Talisha.' I spoke through gritted teeth.

'Cmon, Char. Don't be so close-minded. If I didn't leave ya, I would be stuck here too. I've come back to get ya, though.' Soda looked at me before I replied.

'I don't wanna go back.' She looked at me.


'I like it here.'

'But everyone at home misses you. You've only known these people for a week, you're not losin' much.' I furrowed my eyebrows.

'The people here have been more of a family than you EVER were. So you can just go back alone, 'kay?' She shrugged.

'Whatever. Here's my number when you eventually want to come back.' She flicked me a folded piece of paper which I slipped into my pocket. 'And you.' She pointed at Soda. 'You can call me whenever you want.' With that, she left. Soda and I both turned to each other, bursting out laughing.

'She was your friend?'

'Yeah. She was a lot nicer a week ago.' He chuckled.

'For a minute I thought you were actually gonna go with her.' I smiled.

'No way. I love it here.' He walked over to me.

'You know, you look good in my shirt.'

'It's more like a dress.' The dress hung low. The only reason it was not affecting my thigh was due to its length. Soda chuckled.

'D'you remember when you told me to fuck off in a hospital room?' I nodded. 'That was hot.' I laughed slightly.

'You're crazy, Sodapop Curtis.' He pulled me close.

'I know, Charli Cade.' He placed his lips on mine, putting his hands on my waist. I put my hands up behind his neck, playing with his hair. He pulled away from the kiss, smiling.

'We should probably act like we're working for when Pony and Johnny come back.' I hummed in agreement, turning to the till.

'I swear you're a psychic or somethin'.' He looked at me confused until Pony and Johnny entered the DX. 'Hey, guys.'

'Hey, Charli.' They both spoke at the same time.

'Whatcha doin' here?'

'We got bored and Johnny wanted to make sure you were okay.' Johnny kicked the back of Ponyboy's knee, making him almost fall.

'Damn, Johnny, what was that?' He shrugged, which earnt a chuckled from Soda.

'Y'know, Dallas wouldn't shut up about ya.' Pony smirked as he spoke.


'Yeah, he kept being like 'We should go get her' and 'She'll get bored'.' I snickered at Johnny's bad New York accent.

'Say, where is Texas, anyway?'

'Found a broad at the movies.' I nodded, leaning down on the counter.

'Why aren't you three at track practice?' All three of us widened our eyes at Soda's comment.

'Uh oh.' Ponyboy's voice turned into a laugh.

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