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Johnny's POV

'Whatever, JC.' Charli mumbled before settling into the couch further. I rolled my eyes as she began snuggling into Dallas' side. Dallas raised his arm to wrap around her.

'Don't you dare, Dally.' He placed his hand back onto his lap.

'What?' He smirked.

'Don't make moves on my sister.'

'Whatever, Johnny. I wasn't making moves.'

'I still haven't forgotten about you trying to get in her pants.' I cringed at the thought.

'That was a week ago. I'm a different guy now.' I rolled my eyes again as I settled into the couch beside them. 'What's up with you wanting to protect her anyway?'

'She's the only family I got that cares.' He nodded as he wrapped an arm around Charli. 'Dallas, I swear-'

'I'm just making her comfortable, Johnny. Calm down.'

'Don't get any ideas.'

'I wasn't planning on it.' We both began watching Mickey Mouse with the rest of the gang, waiting until Charli woke up.

Charli's POV

I woke up in Dallas' arms, Mickey Mouse playing on the TV. I moved slightly, earning a look down from Dallas.

'Morning, sleepyhead.' I hummed as I sat up, standing up before I fell asleep again.

'Is it actually morning?' Darry chuckled from his armchair before answering.

'Yeah. It's 1 AM.'

'I slept for that long?' Dallas laughed.

'Almost 24 hours if you count all the times you slept today, babycakes.' I looked around, realizing the only people in the room were Dallas, Darry, and Johnny.

'Everyone else asleep?' Darry nodded. 'I guess we should go then, huh?'

'It's late. You can go to sleep in Pony's bed with him if you want.'

'No thanks, Dar. I'd rather just go to Bucks.' Darry nodded. I looked at Johnny. 'You wanna go?' He stood up, walking towards the door. Dallas also stood up, walking to the door. 'Bye, Darry.' Darry waved before the three of us went outside. Dallas went over and entered the driver's seat as Johnny and I went into the back seat.

'Straight to Bucks?' I looked at Johnny before answering.

'I'm wide awake! Can we go to a party?' Dallas smirked.

'Sure thing. You up for that, Johnny?' Johnny shook his head.

'Just me and you, Dallycakes.' He smirked.

'Alright. We'll drop off Johnny, you can get changed and we'll go to the Shepards' party.'


'I don't want her going to the Shepards' party.' I looked at Johnny.


'They ain't safe parties.'

'I'll watch her, Johnny.'

'Yeah, JC. I'll be fine.' Johnny sighed.

'Anything happens to her, it's your funeral.' Dally nodded. We pulled into Bucks, hearing the party music from inside the car. Johnny and I got out of the car as Dally stayed in the front. Johnny and I quickly went up the stairs, Johnny flopping into the bed as I grabbed clothes to change into. I quickly ran into the bathroom, changing into the outfit I had set out from a few days ago. A lavender bralette and some shorts.

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