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Charli's POV

I knocked on the door at Bucks, waiting for it to be opened. Dallas had thrown up five times on the walk back from the liquor store, which made both of us reek of vomit. Buck opened the door and sighed as he looked at the state of Dallas.

'Take him upstairs.' I nodded, making my way inside while still helping Dallas stay upright. We slowly made out way up the stairs, making sure that Dallas wasn't tripping on each stair. As we reached the top of the stairs, Dallas hiccuped once more before talking.

'Can I have my beer back?' I laughed before walking into Dallas' room, helping him into the bed. He snuggled up into the blanket, ignoring his vomit-covered shirt. I sighed before walking beside him, making eye-contact.

'Let's get this shirt off ya, huh?' He smirked.

'You wanna get me naked, huuuuh?' I rolled my eyes before pulling his shirt up and over his head. I threw the shirt into the pile in the corner before looking back at Dallas, who had already closed his eyes. I smiled to myself, knowing he wouldn't remember anything tomorrow. I pulled the blanket up over his shoulders before leaving the room, walking back downstairs.

'Is he asleep?' I nodded at Buck, sitting down at the bar.

'I didn't get you any beer. Sorry.' He laughed.

'It's fine. I'm happy you found him before he ended up in the cooler.'

'This happens often, huh?' Buck pondered for a second.

'It's normally only when he's emotional. He doesn't like to deal with his feelings, so he drinks until he can't feel.' I thought for a moment, frowning. 'Did he mention anything that could've made him upset?'

'Uh-' I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. 'Yeah. He got into an argument with Johnny.'

'Wow. Those two never fight.' I frowned, knowing I was the cause. I stood up before smiling at Buck.

'I'm going to make a quick phone call and get ready for bed. I'll see you in the mornin'.'

'Sure, kiddo. Do you need me to pick you up from school tomorrow?' I sho my head no before walking over to the phone and dialing the Curtis'. It rang a few times before the phone was answered.

'Yellow?' I laughed slightly at Darry's answer before talking.

'Hey, Dar.'

'How's it going, Charli?'

'Good. Is Johnny there?'

'Yeh. He's just been sitting on the couch in silence since he and Dallas got into a fight.' I hummed slightly.

'Did Dallas leave Buck's car keys there?'


'Alright. Let Johnny know that I'll come to pick him up in a few minutes, yeah?' Darry hummed. 'Thanks, Dar. I'll see you in a few.' I hung up the phone, waving to Buck before leaving. I began to walk to the Curtis house, trying to take my mind off of what happened today. I began to kick the rocks along the road, focussing on kicking them in a straight line.

'Heyyy, look who it is! Miss Charli Cade.' I was brought out of my trance by the sound of a familiar voice. I looked up to see Chad, a soc who was in our track team.  'Long time no see, little lady. You seem to have settled in pretty well.' He looked me up and down before smirking.

'Look, man. I'm just trying to get home.'

'Oh, really? Last time I heard, you live at that poor people bar a few blocks back.'

'I'm going to pick someone up.' He smirked.

'Ok, let me drive you.' I looked at his face, which showed no trace of ill intent.

C C - dallas winston [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora