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((There has been a HUGE break, I am sorry. Please give me a bit of time to explain. I really apologize, I'm pretty sure it has been like 3/4 months since a proper chapter. I was planning on killing Johnny, but I decided against it after writing three chapters ahead, so I had to restart. I also just finished my Australian equivalent of a sophomore year in high school, so I really had to focus. I haven't written anything about this book in ages, and I'm so sorry. Please accept my apology, and I'll try to get new chapters up as fast as possible. I'll probably spend a few chapters writing straight onto Wattpad instead of writing on paper, just to get them out as fast as possible. I hope y'all can understand. I also have been slowly falling out of the fandom, but I'm not going to cancel this book, since I know so many people follow it. Now lets get into this :)) ))

Charli's POV

I stared at Dally from the passenger seat, his hands loose on the steering wheel. 

'You need another break, Dal?' He looked over at me and smirked before shaking his head, tapping his fingers to the beat of the song on the radio. 'Didn't know you were into girl groups, Dal.' He chuckled.

'Be my Baby is all over the radio, so it's not like I can escape it.' I exhaled out of my nose, moving my position so that I settled my head onto his lap, closing my eyes. 'Are you tired?' I shook my head, opening my eyes to stare at the car ceiling. Dally dropped his hand onto my torso, resting it on top of my hands that were together on my stomach.

'What're you gonna do now that you're 18?'

'Probably drink.'

'That it?' He laughed.

'Yeah. Nothin' better to do in Tulsa.' I stayed quiet for a moment before replying.

'Why not try new things? Go to new cities?' He shrugged.

"Most cities look the same. And all the cool people are in Tulsa." I smiled as we finally exited the highway, driving through the streets I had grown to recognize. "Jesus man, Tulsa's more dead than ever right now."

"That's because it's 4 am on the morning of Thanksgiving, Dallas." He chuckled as I sat up, looking at the town around us. "I can see the sun peeking over the horizon." Dallas laughed.

"That stuff makes you happy, huh?"

"A lot of stuff makes me happy, Dal. That is pretty cool though." I watched him as he smiled. It was beautiful.

We pulled up in the Curtis driveway. I looked over at Dallas, confused.

"Darry's not gonna be too pleased that we're here this early."

"It's 4 am on Thanksgiving. He'll be awake." Dally waited for me to move before getting out, the both of us walking inside quietly. Just as Dallas said, Darry was in the kitchen, silently making some sort of dish with potatoes. He jumped as the two of us entered before looking over to us, whispering.

"Hey, you two. Have a good trip?" I nodded as Dallas sat at the table, opening a can of beer he somehow got out of the fridge without me noticing, I walked up to where Darry was cooking, beginning to help with whatever I could while Dally continued to sit at the table. 


I don't really know how Thanksgiving works, so imma just skip that part. Thankful for everyone, they eat turkey etc. etc.


I laid on the couch, Darry and Ponyboy watching TV  on the recliners.

"You gonna stay here tonight, Charli?" I shrugged, continuing to stare at the ceiling instead of giving Darry a proper response. "Well, the couch is always free." I nodded.

"I probably won't go to Bucks. Too many drunks there on holidays." Darry nodded.

"Well, the sofa is always free when Pony decides to wake up and go to his room." I looked over at Ponyboy, his eyes closed as his soft breaths left his nostrils.

"I don't think he'll be up anytime soon, so I'll just head out. Probably crash at the Shepard's place or something with Angela." Darry nodded once more.

"Give me a call if you need anything, alright kid?" 

"Of course. I'll be over tomorrow morning to help with the rest of the cleanup."

"Thanks, kiddo. See you tomorrow." I nodded, standing up and closing the door quietly behind me as I left.

I questioned calling Dally. Sure, he would probably already be drunk at Buck's, but he'd want to see me. I brushed it off before walking to the Shepard's place, knocking on the door. Curly opened the door, smirking at me.

"Hey, baby."

"Hey Curls, is Angela here?" He nodded, waving someone, who I assumed was Angela, over to the door. He stepped back as Angela looked at me.

"Oh my god, hey!"

"Hey Angela, could I-"

"Get in here right now, you are staying the night and we are discussing everything that happened with Dallas." I smiled as I walked in, Tim eyeing me suspiciously as we passed him to enter Angela's room. We sat on the bed, Angela sitting across from me attentively. "Now, spill."

Third Person POV

The two girls sat on the bed, the smaller of the two explaining her trip with her new boyfriend to the other while painting each other's nails. The two laughed and listened, having a slumber party that would be fit for a movie, while the rest of the world continued around them. And continue, it did. While Charli and Angela sat alone in Angela's bedroom, Buck's bar was in a state of panic. The police had arrived. A lot of them. Too many for underage drinkers to leave unnoticed, which was normal protocol. Forty-three arrests, and an establishment that was to be closed within 24 hours. While Buck and Dallas felt as if their whole lives were crumbling before them, Charli sat in a bedroom, unaware of the shock that was to come when she returned to her home the next day.

That end bit was fucking weird, right?

Anyways,, uh yeah,, sorry for the long ass break. However, I am on a 2 month break from school so I'll try to make sure I speed up the book timeline in order to finish it within these two months in order to not have another hiatus.

Again, I am so sorry, and thank you so much for sticking around.

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