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Charli's POV

'Rise and shine Charli!' Johnny's yell made me quickly sit up in the bed.

'Wha- Huh?'

'We've got school in 30 minutes. Get up.' I quickly jumped and ran over to my dresser. 

'Shit! Shit! Shit!'

'What's the problem?'

'The only clean clothes I have are Soc-y ones!' Johnny laughed.

'Nobody is gonna care. Just get dressed already.' I sighed as I grabbed out a dress, as well as a pair of socks to match.

'Get out. I need to change.' He laughed as he left the room. I quickly changed into the dress and grabbed my backpack, walking down to the bar. I sat down beside Johnny. 'Mornin, Buck.'

'Hey, kiddo. How're ya going?' I nodded as an answer. 

'How about you?'

'Been better. Some kid got arrested in here last night.' I hummed.

'Have you seen Dallas this mornin'?'

'Yeah. He left about an hour ago. Something about finding a job.' I raised an eyebrow.

'Dallycakes getting a job? I'll believe it when I see it.' Buck laughed along with Johnny as I spoke.

'Dallycakes is the cutest nickname for Dallas I've ever heard.'

'Hey! Don't make fun of my nicknames!' Buck chuckled.

'Shouldn't you two be going to school?' I looked at the clock on the wall.

'Yeah. Cmon, Johnny.' I stood up and looked at Buck. 'We'll see you this afternoon.' He tipped his cowboy hat as a goodbye as Johnny and I began to leave. As we reached my new car, Johnny smirked. 

'I'm not gonna miss that school bus.' I laughed at his comment as I got in the car. He also got in, smiling like crazy. 'Pony is gonna be SO stoked!' I smirked as I drove out of Bucks. I quickly drove to the Curtis house so we could catch Pony before he left. He was just outside the gate as we reached his street, with Sodapop walking beside him. They both began to walk in the opposite direction of us, so Johnny reached over and pressed the horn of the car. The two brothers turned to look at us, stopping where they were. I pulled up beside them slowly.

'How much does a guy like me gotta pay to pick up some hot chicks like you two?' I smirked after I made my comment, which earned a chuckled from the two boys. 

'How's it going, Charli?'

'Yeah, good. Are you two getting in or not?' Sodapop smirked before walking to the other side of the car, with Pony getting in behind me.

'This car is the best thing to ever happen to us.' I laughed at Pony's comment before driving towards school.


Final Word Count - 424

I know it's short, I apologize.

My chapters are all whack cuz I did them on paper smh.

See y'all soon lmao


C C - dallas winston [DISCONTINUED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora