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Charli's POV

I stopped to catch my breath, Johnny still rolling on the ground laughing as we sat in the lot.

"And-" I took another breath. "And then as I was crawling out the window, my shoe got stuck on a nail and RIPPED IN HALF!" I shook my foot around in front of him, the sole hanging off from the rest of the shoe, only attached by the heel. Johnny continued to laugh before replying.

"That nail was always the worst! That house was the worst." I laughed.

"Tell me about it. I have to live there!" I saw his smile drop slightly before he returned it to his face, his cheeks lifting to reveal the happiness that was once so lost. "You ever think about leaving here?" We made eye contact before he responded.

"I used to, not so much anymore. I guess what I have here is pretty cool." I nodded before sitting on the old car seat, leaning my head back. 

"Can I ask you a personal question, JC?" He hummed positively in response. "How come you never told me about how you almost died?" I felt him stiffen beside me before he responded.

"I guess it never came up. I just didn't want you to treat me like broken glass, ya know?" I thought about his answer. It made a scary amount of sense. Everyone I've ever spoken to in this town has treated Johnny like he's wrapped in fragile tape, except Dally and I. "Who told ya?" I was drawn out of my imagination by his question, looking over at him.

"Oh, Dallas did. We spent a lotta time together while you were in the hospital." He nodded. 

"So do you know the Soc he went to Galveston with?" I bit my lip slightly, attempting to come up with a good lie.

"I'm not sure, but he treats her like royalty, that's for sure." I smiled, seeing Johnny smiling as well.  

"It's nice that he's moved on. He didn't show it, but he was wrecked after Sylvia. He used to get real heartbroken while talking to me in the hospital. It's good that he's gotten over her." I laughed to myself. "As long as he stays away from you, I'm happy for him." My smile dropped, the conversation falling into silence, both of us staring at the sky.

We stared for what felt like hours before Johnny stood up, offering me a hand to stand up. I used him to get up, Johnny and I walking towards the road that leads to the Curtis house.

"We going to the Curtis house?" I don't know why I asked. It was obvious that we were.

"Yeah, I need to see Pony." I nodded as Johnny and I began speeding up, walking towards the house while kicked rocks on the pavement.

"What do ya need to see Pony for?"

"I promised him we'd go out on a walk somewhere. He didn't say where." I smiled.

"That's sweet. I feel like you two grew apart for a little bit." He laughed slightly.

"Yeah, Angelina sort of ruined our friendship for a bit but it's okay now." I smiled wider.

"That's good." He nodded as we went through the gate, both of us walking straight inside. The rest of the gang were already inside, sprawled out across the living room.

"Hey, guys." There was a range of responses as I walked into the kitchen, grabbing a glass and pouring myself water before sitting at the table with Darry.

"Hey, kiddo." I smiled, removing the cup of water from my lips before responding.

"Hey Dar. How've you been?" He leaned back in the chair before answering.

"I'm good, kid. How are you?" I nodded as a response, cleaning up the stray plates that were on the table as well as my now empty cup. I stood up, placing them into the sink before pushing myself onto the counter, continuing the conversation with Darry.

"How was work today?" He looked over at me.

"Good. I got off early today."

"That's cool. Any plans for the night?" He raised his head as if he had just remembered something.

"I was actually gonna ask if you wanted to come over for dinner tonight? I know that you're not at Bucks anymore and I get the feeling that your parents don't really have the best diet, and I'm feeding an extra mouth at the moment anyway." I cringed, thinking about the soup we had for dinner last night.

"That would be amazing. I won't be a bother will I?" He shook his head.

"Pony has Angelina coming over, and Soda's got Sandy coming over too. If you wanna bring anyone, feel free as well." I laughed.

"I don't have anyone special. If you want more people, though, you should invite Dallas." I looked back at him in the living room, his eyes glued to the TV. I turned back to Darry as he shot me a knowing look.

"Sure, kiddo. You should go ask him. I'll give my thoughts on that later." I frowned slightly as I walked into the living room. There were two places free. A spot next to Soda and a spot on the floor beside where Dallas was sitting. I walked over to the place beside Dallas, sitting down and leaning my head on the armrest of the chair. He looked down at me, grinning.

"How ya doing, dollface?" I smiled.

"I'm pretty great. You wanna have dinner here tonight? Darry said I could invite you." I watched as a smile spread across his face. 

"Sure, dollface." I smiled wider as I rested my head on his hand that was resting off the couch, beginning to watch the television. There was nothing interesting playing, just an episode of Mickey Mouse we had already seen, but I guess Two-Bit forced the rest of the gang to sit through it. 

I watched for about half an hour before getting bored, walking out to the backyard and sitting on the steps. Dallas arrived beside me a few minutes later, getting comfortable.

"So, dollface, I was thinking." I looked over at him.


"Maybe after we finish up here for the night we could go to the drive-in? Then you could come stay with me at the new place." I didn't reply, instead leaning my head onto his shoulder. "Nevermind, it was a stupid-"

"No, no. I want to go, it just didn't go too well last time, remember?" I could feel his jaw move as he smirked.

"I think it'll go better this time." I laughed. 

"Alright." We sat in silence for a few moments, both of us just enjoying the comfort of each other. "I was talking to Johnny about you earlier." Dally turned his head slightly towards me.

"What about?"

"He wanted to know about the soc you were dating. Don't worry, I played along." He didn't respond, so I decided to keep talking. "He said he was happy you've moved on from Sylvia."

"That's good, right? So he'll be okay with us being together?" I sighed.

"About that. He said, and I quote, 'As long as he stays away from you, I'm happy for him.'." I felt Dallas' shoulders slump before he quickly fixed them.

"That's cool. It's not like we have to tell him." I nodded before moving my head off his shoulder. "Man, we were the worst combination that could've happened for Johnny, huh?" I hummed in response before moving so I could lay on his lap. He began running his fingers through my hair, them getting caught in the few tangles every so often. "We should head inside. Don't want Darry to come working." I sighed before sitting up, Dally and I retreating to inside.


yerr,, 1260 words or something like that.

Also,, if you comment on every chapter, bless you. I know that the few comments that came in over the past 24 hours or something really motivated me to finish this, so thank you.

Thank you so much for reading, I'll try to get another chapter out soon.

((Also I thought about killing Charli to end the book quicker but decided against it, you're welcome xx))

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