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I've been gone for a while, I apologize.

(beware we jump into things quite quickly right here just go with it. It's not smut, I promise.)

Charli's POV

I took a breath of air as our lips separated for a moment, reaching my hands up into Dallas's hair as we leaned back further in the back seat of his car before our lips reconnected. I could taste the cigarette smoke on his tongue, it filling my tastebuds as if I myself had just smoked. We moved in sync with each other, Dallas keeping his hands on the small of my back as I played with his hair. We split to breathe once more, both of us leaning our foreheads against each other.

"Are you okay?" He laughed slightly, opening his eyes.

"You're so cute, you know that?"

"What?" He smirked to himself instead of replying, planting a final kiss onto my lips before crawling into the driver's seat. I looked out the windows, seeing an almost empty drive-in as the few final cars were leaving. "Did we really miss the whole movie?" Dally smirked.

"Two, actually. It was a double tonight, remember?" My eyes widened slightly before I made my way into the passenger seat, looking over at Dally before he started driving.

"You said we were going to your new place tonight, right?" Dallas nodded as he tapped the steering wheel, driving out of the drive-in and onto the road out of Tulsa. "Is Buck okay with me staying over?"

"Of course, dollface. He thinks of you as a little sister." I smiled as we were finally out of the main part of Tulsa, finally being on emptier streets.

"What's Turley like?" Dallas laughed beside me.

"Babycakes, it's like a 15-minute drive, it's exactly the same." I laughed with him.

"Oh my god. I think I would cry if I moved somewhere exactly the same." Dallas shook his head.

"It's not like we had many options." I frowned before crawling back into the rear seats. "What are you up to?"

Dallas looked back at me before turning his eyes back to the road. "I'm tired. I'm gonna just rest my eyes for a bit." I laid my head back before Dally turned up the radio, Friday On My Mind by The Easybeats playing through the speakers of the car. "I like this song. Did you know it comes from Australia?" I heard Dallas laugh quietly to himself before I closed my eyes, attempting to block out the loud noise of the car on the road. I heard the car splutter slightly before Dallas drove over to the side of the road, parking the car. I sat up, Dallas already under the hood of the car. "What happened?"

"It just started smoking. I don't know what's wrong with it." I exited the car, walking up to Dal. "Dollface, go back in the car I've got this."

I rolled my eyes slightly before peering at the engine, seeing a spark plug wire had come loose. "I swear we always end up in bad situations with cars."

"I can't even tell what's wrong with it." I laughed to myself before reaching into the hood, plugging the wire back into the engine. Dallas looked at me in surprise as I wiped my hands on my pants. "How'd you know that?"

I shook my head slightly, smirking. "You think that I spent a week straight with Sodapop Curtis and didn't pick up the bare minimum car knowledge?" Dallas looked taken aback.


"How much have you taken this car out? Because there's no way that wire came loose if you'd just been driving it to the Curtis house and back every day." Dally chuckled.

"Eh, it's become sort of a taxi for the people who still kick back with Buck and me. All of them are just kiss-ups for free brew though." I shook my head before returning back to the car, crawling into the passenger side through Dally's door. "You know your door works, right?"

"Yeah but this way's more fun." Dallas laughed once more.

"Whatever, dollface. You ready to get to the new place?" I nodded before leaning back in my seat.

"You know, it's never a dull moment in this town. I feel like I haven't had a day where I had nothing to do in months." Dallas looked over at me.

"Is that a bad thing?" I shrugged.

"I'm never bored, so that's a plus." Dallas nodded before turning to face the front of the car, turning the keys in the ignition. "It's just weird. In Arkansas, I was always so bored. The highlight of my weeks were my friends and I going to the local park on the Friday after school, and now I barely go to school at all because I'm so busy."

"If you want to take a step back you can, babycakes. Nobody is forcing you to be busy all the time." I hummed slightly as a response, leaning my head back once more. 

"I just get caught up with you, and when it's not you, it's Johnny, and when it's not Johnny, it's Ponyboy. I just feel like I never have time to myself anymore." The car fell silent for a few moments. "It's okay though, you guys do a lot for me so I have to repay you somehow." Dally stayed quiet. "Dal?" He gazed at me for a moment before returning his eyes to the road.

"I don't think any of us want to burden you. We just like spending time with you is all." 

"I know, I know. You guys aren't burdens." I saw Dallas smirk.

"I know that I like spending time with you. And if any of the others want to spend half of the amount of time I spend with you, your schedule is going to be very full." I laughed to myself before we pulled up at a house. It was small. Smaller than the Curtis house, which I didn't think was possible in this neighborhood. Dallas parked in the driveway before walking around to my side of the car, opening the door for me and offering a hand. "Ready to go, princess?" I smiled before grabbing his hand, Dally leading me into the house.


Final word count - 1030

It's been a while since an update I'm so sorry. Thank you for sticking around. I'll try to write as much as I can within the next two weeks so that I can get close to the end of the book because I have so many plans but like 0 motivation. Please give me ideas for short-term stuff if you'd like (road trips, parties, etc.)

Thank you for reading. I really do appreciate it.

Much love,

blsunley xo

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