Into The New World (4)

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I awoke with a strange warmth encasing me. Curious about the source, I opened my eyes, letting them adjust to the bright morning sun. I peeked over my shoulder, only to see Yoongi sleeping directly behind me, his lips dangerously close to my neck and his arm draped over my waist. With an immediate flush of heat to my face, I attempted to move and stand up, but I was quickly pulled back down, causing me to scream from the sudden action.

"Nooo, you're warm. Don't get up," Yoongi muttered in his usual sleepy, grumpy voice, probably pouting as well. I turned my head to look back at him and my eyes met with his, although they looked like they were about to close any minute.

"Yoongi, come on. We gotta get up," I said, trying to stand again when Yoongi unexpectedly moved on top of me, still in the early stages of waking up. My face was practically steaming with heat at this point.

"Ten more minutes... or maybe thirty." The tone of his voice was so seductive I swore I was about to explode on the spot.


"Shh, just go back to sleep."

I groaned and reached for a pillow, but Yoongi grabbed my hand and held it down, preventing me from slapping him awake, as I usually did. Feeling his body pressed against mine, I honestly didn't know how much longer I could hold on.

"Maya! Good morning-" I heard a voice say as the door to my bedroom swung open, revealing Hoseok, who was standing in the doorway, the rest of the boys lurking behind him. As soon as their brains comprehended what they were seeing, Namjoon turned around while Seokjin scurried to cover Jungkook's eyes and Hoseok screamed. Taehyung and Jimin simply giggled at the scene.

"Don't you know how to knock?!" I yelled, my face fuming with heat. I hurriedly pushed Yoongi off of me once his grip loosened from shock and stood up, wanting to hide from the embarrassment. While I was busy getting all flustered, Yoongi just sighed and rolled out of bed, grabbing the sheet he had brought with him last night.

"Namjoon, I told you we should've just called her!" Seokjin argued, whacking Namjoon across the head, who shouted and began chasing after Jin, who was now running away like a maniac.

"If anyone ever brings this up again, I'm throwing you out with the Reapers," I muttered, grabbing Yoongi's hand to yank him out of the room and down the hall, the other boys following until we caught up with Namjoon and Seokjin, the group together again. "We've got a busy day ahead of us. Wear something comfortable. We're going to be traveling quite a bit today."

With that, the group broke up again and each of us headed back to our room to change. While I was changing and getting ready for the day, I found my pair of war fans on the bathroom counter and decided to bring them along, placing them in a leather holster hanging around my waist.

Afterward, I met back up with the boys in front of my bedroom, as I instructed. I led them to the main kitchen on our floor, where breakfast was waiting for us. A familiar dark-skinned woman with hot pink hair was standing in front of the sink, washing a few dishes, when I suddenly jumped onto her from behind, laughing with excitement.

"Oh my gods, Maya! You're back!" She exclaimed, immediately embracing me.

"It's so good to see you, Fawn," I smiled, pulling back to see her equally bright smile. She then turned her attention to the members standing beside me.

"Oh, who are these men?"

"Fawn, meet BTS. Boys, this is Fawn Potter."

"It's nice to meet you guys," Fawn greeted politely, bowing to the boys.

"Likewise," Namjoon said, returning the gesture.

After Hyunae, Samantha and Minjun came to join us, we all sat and ate breakfast together, first thanking Fawn for going out of her way to cook, of course. We talked and laughed, even Minjun, who was thankfully acting properly compared to last night. Once we finished breakfast, Samantha and Minjun offered to clean up so I could get the boys moving, and I thanked them before leading the seven members outside to the nearby stables.

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