12. Long live the king!

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Dream had been helping an elder to cross the streets before he remembered that Ink hadn't called him yet.
Weird. He knew Ink called him after work often about so many random things that would usually fly over his head.
So Dream excused himself after he had helped all the people on the Au he came.
He needed to check on something real quick.
He hoped nothing serious happened to him. Even if he is sometimes an insufferable idiot.
Well, least he knew Blue was alright since he took him back to his home safely himself.
He just sighed and opened a portal to the doodle sphere on a quiet place, so no one would see the portal accidentally.
Then he entered it with the portal naturally disappearing on it's own.

"Hey Ink? Where are you? I just want to talk."
He called out on the bright yellow place that was filled with floating papers.
Yeah, It was kind of a strange place but that was what the doodle sphere looked like if he had to describe it.
He called him again.

But nobody came.


Before Killer had called him, Nightmare was drinking a hot americano and a good negative energizer with a quite tolerable book to read.
It was actually somewhat nice here.
No one approached him in his intimating figure except for one person.
But that person was the negative energizer he didn't know he needed so he didn't mind it so much.
Also, he respected his boundaries too.
He was a much more a pleasant company then he expected from most people.
That didn't mean he was completely comfortable and at ease around him through.

"Is there something else you need Mr?"
Ccino asked him when he found himself staring at something for a moment.
"No, and since you been a quite a pleasant company I suppose I could offer a name in my gratitude.
I am called as Nightmare, the guardian of negative emotions."
They had exchanged some words together more before his phone rang loudly at an unexpected moment.
He looked at the number who was calling him and excused himself.

"Killer? Why are you calling me this time? Did you find him?"
He darkly asked the one who called him.
"Boss, we got code rainbow red."
Killer answered him with unusual urgency in his voice.
"What?! What has he done this time?
Was he involved in Error's disappearance?"
Being shocked and angered by his answer, Nightmare immediately replied.
In the inside, he wondered about the whereabouts of the other members in his gang. Were they alright? He couldn't afford to lose any more valuable members to his cause.
He didn't have enough time or resources to obtain ones like them again.
(It was also impossible anyways)
"We don't know about that yet boss. But it seems he got the impossible."
Killer responded to his questions but that only grew more questions on this issue.
"And pray tell, what exactly do you mean by the 'Impossible' Killer?Don't tell me that he somewhat became the destroyer in place of error."
Nightmare responded back and let out a sigh.
By the damned apples, things would always go wrong, wouldn't it?

"No no no, it's not like that boss. To explain the situation, while we were searching for Error as you ordered us to...we found Ink unconscious on one of the Aus however, there was something wrong with him."
Killer explained somewhat hurriedly.
"It was that... Ink had an SOUL floating out of him. It didn't look like a normal monster soul. It had some rainbow gleam surrounding it. Seemed pretty fitting, in my opinion. Considering Ink with all his colors and paints."
After Killer finished explaining, he just stayed silent for Nightmare's response.
"So this is what you meant by impossible. ...Capture him and return back to the castle with the others."
Nightmare answered and didn't wait for a reply, trusting that he will follow his orders.
What a mess.
A Error who had disappeared without a trace, and now a Ink who has a Soul?
He needed a another coffee before he went back to his castle.

When actually, being the destroyer was just a temporary job.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora