21. Take on me

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Geno was in genuine contentment.

But alas, the peace couldn't last forever.

He had to talk.

Geno explained most of the things that happened on his side after he had made a deal with the manager of the multiverse to Reaper.

He had to stop sometimes while talking to calm himself.

But Reaper patiently waited for him even at those moments.

He really didn't deserve him.

When Geno was done, Reaper was quiet.

He seemed to think deeply about it all.

Then he opened his eyes, breaking the trance.

"Guess you been in a similar job with me while you were gone. The killing kind."

Reaper joked.

"...That's it?"

Geno asked.

"What do you mean?"

Reaper asked back at him.

"You aren't disappointed or angry with me for leaving you for years and committing genocide as a daily job?"

Geno replied with shaking eye lights.

"No. You did it for the world to continue. Kinda similar to what I do. I am just upset that you had to do it when I already hate my job. But I am also proud of you for suffering through it all and returning back to me as yourself."

Reaper answered, his eye lights soft as he looked at Geno as if he was the most beautiful thing that existed.

Geno didn't know what to say.

He simply stared at him, shock and affection blooming within his soul.

God, he really didn't deserve him.

Blue shared the most of the clues he knew about Error's disappearance, which isn't much. Well! It's the thought and action that counts!

But he really didn't know about the soul that Ink suddenly got out of nowhere.

Just how is that possible?

It's not like you can randomly find a soul lying around that soulless beings can make it their own.

However, the multiverse is quite huge.

Ink had once said that anything could be possible in the multiverse.

But Ink had been checking the multiverse for years and he hadn't gotten a soul till now.

Maybe it just appeared late?


"Blue, focus."

Nightmare ordered.

"Right! Sorry about that. We were discussing about on how to deal with Ink now was it?"

Blue responded.

"Yes, we were. Continue."

Nightmare answered.

When actually, being the destroyer was just a temporary job.Where stories live. Discover now