11. Sleeping immortals

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His job was done.
It was just for a moment through.
You can say, death never rests.
He used laze around before...but since his beloved disappeared for the world, he doesn't think he can be alone for a moment without missing him.
His beloved who was rough but sweet inside told him that he had to do something for the multiverse.
He also told him that he would be gone for a long time, but he will return someday.
He didn't understand it at first, but when he returned from work, seeing his empty home...
It wasn't a very pretty sight to see.
He knows that his beloved is still alive.
Because there would be a sign if he died since you know, he's death.
However, he had been for more than a few years now.
Sure, since he's immortal and a god, few years might seem like nothing...
But the absence of his beloved kept crushing him inside.
Oh Geno, he probably won't know how much he misses him.
Reaper sighed while stopping his sad inner dialogue simultaneously, and
opened the door of his home.
He stumbled on the trim before entering.
Then he just continued floating across the rooms of the house.
Till he found the bedroom where he and his beloved used to sleep and cuddle together.
...He knows that thinking about him won't bring him back to his side.
He couldn't stop it, though.
He really needs his coffee right now but then paps would intervene.
He would probably scold his bad habits before forcefully tucking him into bed.
Reaper just pushed the door open and started to float straight to the bed,
before he noticed something...unusual about it.
And there he was, his beloved Geno all in his bloody glory, just sleeping peacefully in the bed they used to share before he disappeared.
Now, he wasn't the one to usually swear... but this will be an exception.
"What the fuck?"

Geno mumbled back into his pillow before turning his back into the covers of their bed.
Reaper stiffened and became silent.
Then he watched him for any actions that he is awake and aware.
Seeing there was none, he gently poked him to further prove his theory.
It had no response.
Reaper deemed the situation was safe, as least for the moment.
He was currently too tired to sanely deal with this anyway.
Then he just carefully climbed into the bed, make his movements slow and gentle to not wake up the sleeping skeleton.
As he tugged the covers and began to sleep, Geno suddenly dragged him into his embrace.
"What the?!"
Reaper cried out.
"Stop moving...u cloak wearing dumb skelegod."
Geno murmured to him before continuing to be unconscious and oblivious of what he's doing.
Reaper murmured back and just shook his head fondly.
He remained still in his lover's embrace with his sockets closed and started to fall into a deep slumber again.

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