Chapter 43

67 9 13

Note: holy shit!! Thank you all so much for so many votes!!!!

Trigger Warning: implied abusive childhood/family life and sappy speeches 

Word Count: 1042

The reception hall is stunning, decked out in satin that matches the red and purple in their outfits. Roman's heart is ready to burst from the overwhelming amount of emotions he's feeling and from his husband's (his husband!!) intense blinking, he knows Virgil's definitely trying to not cry.

"You should wear stuff like this more often," Virgil casually drops as everyone filters into the hall.


"Suit and skirt combo," Virgil explains. "Looks good on you, ya know? I'm guessing you like it, so you should wear it more, if you like it."

"I just- I mean-"

"Take a deep breath Princey, it's okay." Virgil lays a hand over his. "If you don't want to, you don't have to. No pressure to explain yourself."

"Could we, could we talk about it later?" Too many people watching, not private enough.

He can feel Virgil analyzing him before replying. "Yeah of course we can Ro. Now c'mon, we got guests to hear speeches from."

"Right!" He turns to face everyone sitting at the round tables covered in black tablecloths. He and Virgil argued over it for days, but his argument of 'it'll hide stains better and make people feel less guilty about spilling food on them' won. "Hello everyone! Thank you for coming, I know it means a lot to both of us that you came today."

"And because none of you want to listen to us on empty stomachs, let's bring out lunch first!" Virgil finishes. The waiters come in and bring the food out, everyone having pre-ordered their food when they confirmed they could come. It made things a lot easier than them arguing over whether they should have a buffet and then what should be in the buffet. They called in both Patton and Janus on matter before they agreed to have the guests pick ahead of time from a menu.

After eating, Remus bounces up to the front. "These two decided that a couple of us could do one instead of just two speeches like Em and Rems over there, and it's my job to make then regret that." Roman groans as Virgil laughs quietly. "I met Ramen in the womb and he sucked." Roman groans louder. "Fast forward like, thirty years and guess what? He still sucks, he just got bigger and brittler bones. Virgin on the other hand, that bitch I met when I was nine. I also met my soulmate when I was nine so maybe there's a coincidence." Roman glances over at Janus, who's blushing like mad, and giggles. Those two are probably getting married next, he can feel it. "Whatever, not important. Point is, Virgin is an emo and Ramen is a wanna be Disney prince, so all those villain and hero tropes are absolutely correct, follow your dreams children and seduce your hero or villain." He tosses confetti at the guests then plops down on Janus' lap.

Roman sighs heavily. "My twin, everyone," he mutters under his breath, fighting a grin. Chaotic as hell? Definitely. But he loves him and his wildness, for all the weird speeches he does.

"Well that was a royally confusing speech," Patton jokes, stepping up to the microphone. There's a mixture of laughs and groans, Patton giggling to himself. "In all seriousness though, I'm really proud of these two. They actually didn't like each other for a while, and it took them a bit to get along," Roman sighs slightly, that was mostly on him at that time, "but things happened and suddenly here we are, celebrating them getting married! I'm really glad you two got along, because if you hadn't, there's a good chance none of us would have stayed together as a famILY like we have. Congratulations you two!"

"Ah, I believe it is my turn?" Logan says, glancing over at them.

"Not keeping track," Virgil says.

"It's more of a free for all, but go ahead Teach," Roman quips.

"On second thought," Logan says, "I believe I will only wish you both well and many joyous years." He goes back to his seat quickly.

"Me and my husband Remy have known these two for years," Emile says, speaking next. "We actually knew Roman three years before Virgil came to our school, but it's been really funny to watch them grow. Roman called Virgil a villain for a couple years, because he was better friends with Remus and Janus." Roman winces at the memory. "And Virgil called Roman a stuck up prince, which is where his ever-lasting nickname for Roman comes from!" Virgil snorts at that. "But once they got into high school, they got along better. Maybe it's because all our lives got a lot harder, maybe because they opened up to each other more," Virgil found him crying in the locker room long after school was done and they'd opened up over convenience store coffee, in an alley, "but I'm glad they did. I had hoped they would get along better during middle school, but I never imagined it could turn into such a beautiful relationship that these two have. Congratulations Virgil, Roman, love you guys."

Janus shoves Remus into his assigned seat and stands up, making his way to the microphone once Emile's done. "As someone who has known Virgil and Roman for years, I gotta say: I never thought Virgil's midnight texts about his gay awakening and then one a.m. texts about how Roman is apparently good looking_wouldn't know, I prefer his twin_would lead to him getting married to Roman. I mean, to be fair, I never thought gay marriage would be legalized, so there's that, but as everyone has said, these two are probably one of the most unlikely relationships out of the family. Emile and Remy? Destiny. Patton and Logan? The fates decreed it. Me and Remus? I knew I'd fall for that fucker the moment I set eyes on him gluing his finger together. But Roman and Virgil always seemed impossible, so congrats on doing the impossible guys. You deserve this, so enjoy it." He toasts them with his champagne glass, which all the other guests mirror. 

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