Chapter 2

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Annnnnnnd I'm back! The two pictures below are what Roman and Virgil are wearing, Roman with white pants and shoes, Virgil with black pants and shoes (plus no ring because they aren't married yet). Not my images!

 Not my images!

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One year later

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One year later

"Terry you are so right, it is red carpet night for Red String, and already it is packed. We still have an hour till the stars come out with their invites." The reporter smiles at the camera, dressed in a lovely tuxedo. "Now, I probably don't need to remind any of you, however it's important to note that Connor Murphy and his husband Evan Hansen will not be appearing on the carpet for long. They will only be appearing for a few pictures and then Roman Prince and his family will come out. A point of mystery, as no one knows who he invited."

"We will certainly be watching with baited breath for our stars Taylor," the host comments, switching to the weather.

"You look amazing Romono," Virgil says, stunned. As usual, his boyfriend is perfectly dressed, his hair back to being dyed red after having to leave it undyed for a year. It matches Virgil's purple hair.

"I said to let that name die," Roman complains with no heat, smiling at his beautiful partner. Virgil had opted to do something different with his black eye shadow, so instead of it looking like he has dark bags (which he actually has, Roman really needs to address that), it looks elegant and makes Roman's heart beat erratically. "Besides, you're the fairest of them all." Virgil blushes.


"How do I look?" Patton asks, turning towards Logan. He adjusts his glasses as Logan takes him in. He's wearing a button up shirt the same color as his normal shirts, a tan vest, a jacket the same color as his cardigan, mahogany colored pants with matching shoes, and a pale blue bow tie. It goes well with his light blue hair, dyed to match everyone else's, especially Logan's, which is dyed a dark blue.

Logan blushes faintly. "Lovely," he whispers, pushing his own glasses up.

"Aww, you're more," Patton giggles. Logan blushes more and ties his tie. He matches Patton; a navy blue button up shirt, black vest, royal blue jacket, black pants along with shoes, and his usual tie. 

"Yo, lovey dovey idiots, it's almost time," Remy snarks from the hallway. He's standing next to his fiancé Emile when Logan and Patton emerge from their room. Remy is wearing a light grey button up, black jacket and pants, black and grey combat boots with his signature sunglasses. Emile is wearing a white button up, light tan jacket and matching pants, his usual pink tie, and cream colored slip-on shoes along with his normal glasses. As usual, Remy's hair is dyed silver which oddly matches Emile's dyed pink. 

"First off, we are not idi-" Logan begins to say before being cut off by Patton.

"You guys look amazing," Patton gushes. 

"Thanks Pat," Remy and Emile reply in sync. 

"Yes well, where is Remus and Devin?" Logan asks, glancing at his watch. "We need to get going. Thomas is picking us up in ten minutes."

"Remus called five minutes ago and said Dee was running late, so they may not show," Emile replies.

"Oh, I hope he's okay," Patton says concerned. 

"I'm sure he's fine Patton," Logan comforts, wrapping an arm around Patton's waist. 

A Few Minutes Later~

"Come on guys, traffic's getting bad," Thomas complains. He's dressed in a red button up, a white vest forming a yellow star when connected, a rainbow tie, tan pants, and a black jacket with matching shoes. Apparently he dyed his hair again, as it is now a rainbow of red, pink, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue, purple, and silver. Each color is the color of one of the family. Red for Roman, pink for Emile, yellow for Devin, green for Remus, light blue for Patton, dark blue for Logan, purple for Virgil, silver for Remy.

"Thomas, your hair..." Patton whispers, emotions boiling over.

Said person runs a hand self-consciously. "Yeah, I thought it'd reflect how you guys are all a part of me. Does it look good?"

"It looks amazing!" Patton and Emile encourage.

"It matches you very nicely," Logan says, struggling to keep his emotions down.

"I'm not crying, you're crying," Remy mutters, climbing into the limo.

Emile rolls his eyes and follows his fiancé, whispering to Thomas, "Oh he's definitely crying." Thomas laughs as Patton and Logan follow the two before climbing in last. 

"So," he says as they pull away. "Where's Remus and Dee?"

"They may not be able to come, Dee hasn't come back yet," Emile answers.


"It't okay, we're still more than what Roman thought would be coming," Patton reassures.

"I can't wait to see his face," Thomas cackles.

"How about the media's when they find out we know each other," Remy adds.

The limo erupts into laughter. 

"I seriously cannot believe they haven't figured it out yet," Logan snorts, rolling his eyes.

"I mean come on bitches, it's not like we're trying to hide it!" Remy complains, leaning against Emile.

"I mean, in the beginning yes," Emile speculates, "when some of us were more successful than others. However, now that we are all famous and surrounded by media anyway, it isn't needed."

"I hope Virgil set up cameras to catch the reactions," Patton muses. 

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