Chapter 4

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Hey, so Evan has a stutter. It's something that comes up when he's talking to everyone except Connor (because only with Connor does he have complete confidence), so no hatred/insults on my boi.

Trigger Warning: iMpLiEd mEdIa hArRaSsMeNt?, slight intimidation (one sentence)

The family gasps as the Connor Murphy and the Evan Hansen walk over. "It's a pl-pleasure to meet-t you all!" Evan adds after his husband.

"They're real," Patton whispers, his jaw drop matching everyone besides Logan and Roman. Remy pushes up his sunglasses, staring in disbelief. Thomas makes an agreeing noise, star struck.

"Well of course they are Pat," Logan comments slowly, after a beat. It may not be obvious, but he is very star struck. 

Roman chuckles, breaking the spell cast. Evan and Connor smile awkwardly as everyone explodes with: 

"Mr. Murphy your work on Red String-," Emile starts.

"Your art Mr. Murphy-," Devin and Patton gush.

"Both of your help on studies of depression-," Logan begins.

"Your talks about anxiety-," Virgil says to Evan.

"The way you handle the press-," Remy and Remus almost squeal.

"The YouTube videos you guys put out-," Thomas chimes in at the same time.

A bit overwhelmed, Connor ask rhetorically, "So you guys are fans?"

"Major fans since always," the family says in sync. 

A young man with an earpiece hurries over. "I hate to break this up, however, your fellow actors are coming soon along with everyone who got tickets." He pauses, grimacing. "And the press who are just a bit hyper after the big familial reveal."

Everyone groans. "Well, we'd b-better get going-g." Evan smiles apolitically at the group. "Roman-n, you hav-ve to bring them to the cast-st party."

"Of course," Roman agrees.

"Enjoy the movie," Connor says before walking off with his husband.

"We definitely will."

Roman turns to his family. "Right, off to our seats!" He leads the rest to their section, before letting them go off with the remainder of, "Be back here by 8 o' clock sharp!"

Remy and Emile go off to the snack bar, Logan and Patton off to explore, and Remus and Devin disappear somewhere while Thomas stays to talk with Roman and Virgil.

"So how have the two of you been? We haven't been able to talk much, with everything going on."

"My days have mostly just been acting and sleep," Roman says sadly. "There's not much else for a Prince to do when on a set."

"Yeah, besides text me between every scene and scroll through social media," Virgil snarks.

"That's the only thing I can do in the costume!" Roman complains.

"Yeah sure Princey. It's not like you wore almost the exact same costume every single day for years." Thomas snickers.

Roman huffs indignantly. "It played with my aesthetic, plus the fans loved it!"

"He's got a point," Virgil admits.

"And it it did win you over Virgil," Thomas adds, smiling.

Virgil dramatically sighs. "And I regret it every day."

Roman makes offended noises as Thomas and Virgil laugh.

"That was amazing!!" is the general consensus on the movie. 

They walk out of the theatre laughing and talking, when the unexpected flash from dozens of cameras interrupts them. "How do you know each other?" "Are you dating?" "Are you family?" "How was the movie?" "What's your next project?" "Will you be working together?"

Virgil growls at the reporters as Emile, Thomas, Patton, and Logan hold back Remus, Devin, and Remy. "We will not be taking questions at this time," Roman bites out, trying to hold onto his temper. They pile into a limo and immediately drive off.

It's eerily silent in the limo, only broken by Thomas asking the driver to take them to his house. Once they arrive and walk through the door, they all release a long sigh.

"Crash here and in the morning figure out what to do?" Patton asks, flopping onto the couch.

"Yes," the rest groan out.

"Movie night, no exceptions," Thomas adds before heading to his room. Patton cheers and drags Logan to their room while everyone else does the same; Roman and Virgil, Devin and Remus, and Emile and Remy each to their shared rooms. 

Back when they were poor college students and right after college for a year or two, the adopted family had rented a house all together. Everyone had their own room and cramped bathroom, the kitchen was combined with the only dining room and living room, and the basement acted as workout room, laundry/utility room, and storage room. It was both spacious and impossibly crowded, but ever since then everyone's house always had room to hold the entire family. It was instinct by now.

"Oh good, our onesies are still here!" Patton gushes, pulling out Logan and his backup onesies from the closet (though they've been out for a while). A unicorn and cat, as usual. 

His boyfriend smiles and shrugs off his jacket, happy to be out of such an uncomfortable garment. "Of course they are Patton, we left them here for a time like this."

"Are you going to be okay?" Remy asks his fiancé, wrapping his arms around Emile's waist.

Emile takes a measured breath before answering. "Yeah, it's just hard with everything. My patients are under enough already, they don't deserve the added pressure of reporters seeking them out because of me."

Remy turns Emile around in his arms, pressing a light kiss to his lips. "It's gonna be fine, we'll deal with this and make sure none of your patients are harassed. I promise."

Emile smiles and kisses Remy again. "Thank you," he whispers.

Devin tosses his hat away and shrugs his jacket off, taking his anger out on the fabric. Remus digs through their closet, seeing what they left in there. 

"You gonna talk about it or not?" he asks, not turning away from the clothes.

Devin snarls.

"Down snek boi."

His hand connects with the closet doorframe, Devin's face up in Remus's face. "All I wanted was to celebrate with my family," he growls out. "Is that too much to ask for?"

Remus softens and cups Devin's face with his hands, gently kissing his lips. "Nope." Devin melts into Remus's arms after a minute, needing to release that anger and get some reassurance. 

Roman deeply kisses Virgil, jackets off and vests unbuttoned. "Thank you for bringing everyone," Roman gasps. 

"Welcome," Virgil pants, trying to catch his breath. 

"I love you forever and ever."

"I'll love you after forever has dusted," Virgil replies.

"You did not," Roman gasps as Virgil smirks.

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