Chapter 61

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Trigger Warnings: sappy stuff, like cavity-inducing fluff of sappiness.

Word Count: 1056

"Videos!" Virgil yells after the drinking and cheers have stopped. "Time for the videos!!"

Some of the venu's employees bring in the screen projector while others roll down the projection screen, everyone moving to the side to see it clearly. Logan looks at Patton, eyes bright and excited as he watches the screen loading. It was his idea, for them to have a video taken right before the wedding about why they love the other, to be shown after the speeches during the reception. Patton thought it was a great idea, and Joan and Tayln agreed to get the videos ready for the viewing while eating, so Logan hopes it turns out well.

Thomas stands up as Joan gets everything working. "Hi everyone! The grooms decided to make videos before the ceremony to talk about why they're getting married, so I recommend that you use those napkins as tissues because I got to film these and they're super sweet, just like Patton and Logan. So, without further due, Logan's video first."

Logan blushes and drinks from his glass as his video appears, him sitting in front of the mirror, which reflects Roman and Remus poking each other behind Thomas holding a camera. "So Logan," Thomas' voice asks, "why are you marrying Patton today?"

He's gotten used to hearing records of his voice, he often helps edit their Sanders Sides videos so he's had to, but he still cringes slightly when his recorded voice fills the tent. "For the same reason many people long to be married:," he muses, "love. From the way he tucks his hair behind his ear when he's nervous to his glasses that are almost exactly the same frames as my own, from the spark I see in his eyes when he comes back from work having found another good family for a child, to his stupid dad puns that I hate and love at the same time. I love him, and I want to spend my whole life at his side."

Patton sniffles next to him and Logan wraps an arm around him, gently leaning his husband against himself.

"And I gotta ask, why's it taken you two to get married when it's been nationally legalized for a couple years now?"

The recording of him hums in thought. "Well, in the beginning we didn't believe the law would actually pass through, so we didn't let our hopes up. But when it was passed, Patton actually asked me to marry him before it got taken down," he laughs. "But I said no." Gasps erupt around the tent as Roman and Remus in the mirror stop poking each other. "I didn't think it was wise to get legally married only for the law to be taken down and our marriage be deemed illegal and render us un-married. I wanted to then, just as much as I do now, but I couldn't stand the thought of being married to the man I love with all my heart, only for it to be meaningless in few days or weeks or months." The twins nod through the mirror. "So, we waited. I know we act like a married couple-"

"Like all the time," Roman and Remus mutter in sync as Logan glares at them.

"-and that won't change, now that we're confident that the law will stay in place for a very long time. So, Patton darling? I love you, and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you, as partners forever." The video blacks out and some transitions happen while Logan looks at his husband, who has tears in his eyes.

"Are you alright Patton?" He nods and kisses Logan sweetly on the lips.

"More than okay," he whispers. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The video opens on Patton smiling as Remy walks across the line of sight with his Starbucks in hand. "So Patton, why are you marrying Logan?"

Patton in the video hums and taps his chin in thought. " 'Because I love him' would probably be the simple answer. I mean, why else marry someone, right?" Patton chuckles. "But, love almost doesn't give it justice. Logan once said that he thinks soulmates are formed when atoms were brought into being closer to each other than others, and when those atoms find each other they want to stay near the other. It's beautiful and terribly poetic, and I think it's fitting for us. Logan and I... we're soulmates. He doesn't complete me, I'm already whole, but he makes my life brighter, better. I want to marry him because I want to be next to him, be near him for the rest of our lives. I love him."

Logan has to dab at his eyes with a napkin, tears flooding out. "I'm gonna steal that line for when I get married, sorry not sorry," Thomas sniffs. "Is there a reason you two haven't gotten married before now?"

"Well first we had to get through college, then getting jobs, and of course the fact that it's been illegal for most of our lives," Patton says. "But once it was legalized we did consider it, I even proposed to Lo in the most unromantic way possible," he laughs. "He was worried we'd get married and then it'd just be declared invalid a week later because at the time we really didn't think it'd last long. After it stayed up, we started thinking about it, but then everything blew up... And then Emile and Remy got married, and Roman and Virgil, so we figured it was time we jumped on the marriage wagon."

"Marriage wagon... how are you my brother?" Janus mutters in the background of the video.

"I'm just really excited to finally get married to him, after all these years and everything we've gone through, it's time," Patton says. "Besides, now we'll finally be able to get reservations under the same name!"

"Logan come get your ball of sunlight, he's hurting my heart," Virgil's voice grumbles. The video shuts off and the guests laugh as Patton blushes and Logan kisses his cheek.

"So I think, now that we've seen how absolutely sappy these two are, it's time for the first dance!" Thomas says, guests cheering at his suggestion.

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